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Durty Mick Moon

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alright, here be THE big gargantuan earth-shatterin' Announcement o' meybe the year (!) :lol: or at least in the last few minutes......Mister Durty Mick Moon 'as now been deemed qualified fer the rank o' "Plunderer" n' he expects his 'rounds o' drinks from all ye soon as he's got a terrible thirst n' feels like plunderin' so keep yer daughters inside n' lock up yer pets....(?) 'n I feel like dancin' wi' the lasses, so come 'ere, who's first...whar's that McBayne beauty?.... :lol:

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Right here darlin...but can ye handle me? :P:lol::P

I know fer a fact ye be a plunderer...wasnt it you who bid against me in Ojai fer the rum cake? And when ye won it ye didnt even offer te share with me and Rummy! :lol:;)

Well, I'll share me special "spiced" eggnog with ye and then we can share that there "dance" :P:P:P

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"

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Aye mick I be handin ye a round as well! Tattoo if ye be pleased and Scarlet there she be looking a little (shhhh.... in need a some attentions laddy) to yer new plunderin post....may be it short and yet well stated!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Well I'd not be giving ye tongue. But a tankard of ye choice Aye!


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."

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Mick, ye lively, ol'seadog! Congratulations to ye and let's drink to your continued health and success! Down the lasses unmentionables and up the revolution!

Mr. Ray! A tub of yore finest fer me friend here!

:unsure: Blackbead

"In the end, it's not the gold that sets our sails,

'Tis freedom and the promise of a better life

That raises our black flags."

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Congrats on yer new title Mick. Tho' it surely pales by comparison ta' plunder ye scored wit a suckin' on Christine's tongue :unsure::lol:

HUZZAH an' cheers to yer continued good fortune :P


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."

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Don't let the sisters wear ya out now.. The parties just begun. Cheers to ya- Oderless raises his tankard...

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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"Chicken"?!?! Durty Mick be called alot o' things but n'er "chicken! n' Durty Mick don't be needin' ta hide, he be a bit busy takin' care o' business is all....I still be hauntin' the rooms n' hallways o' this pub n' I still also be a masterful booty-shaker so ye girls get yer behinds here n' start movin' n' grindin', ye knows what I be meanin'....I wanna be seein' the sweat glistenin' on yer faces n' the music not stoppin' fer all night....shake it don't break it B)

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