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The Art o' pyracy

El Capitan'

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I, though a mighty fine bucaneer such as many of ye fine fellows here, happen to have takin' a fancy to drawin'. Any of you cutthroats abroad have any skills with the common pen & paper? Or maybe ye have another trade worthy of boast! :lol: Explain yerselves here all ye bucaneers of the pub. I be wantin' to hear these abilities of yourn'! :lol:

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Some say I have a bit of skill when it comes to pencil and paper. I learned very young to draw by readin comic books and graphic novels and the like. I went ot the Art Institute of Dallas for 2 years and was almost picked up by DC comics a few years ago to apprentice....

What exactly are ye lookin for?

- 10 Fathoms Deep on the Road to Hell... Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum...

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ya be readin' me th' wrong way my mateys. :unsure:

I only meant good converse. I be a fancien' the fine arts me'self. Bein' on the verge of 18, I've gotta a barrel o' options ahead o' me. But I was wonderin' if I weren't the only pencil & paper bucaneer in this pub. :D

We all be havin' a fancy in another thing er' two. No sense in not tellin' what they may be, aye? :)

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I've been drawing for all my life, got a two degree in fine art and am working on my BA. I also like to write, but haven't had much time for it lately. My avatar is a warped picture of a painting I did a couple years ago.

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I've been drawing since I was six years old. Minored in art back in the day before computer graphics (WAY before computer graphics.) I had a small business during the 80's where I did clothing design, book illustrations, etc. (I did a whole series of t-shirts for Neil Young, his wife, manager, band mates, roadies, etc.) Also designed the graphics for an airplane and attendant team shirts for one of the Reno Air Shows. I admit I've gotten rusty - haven't had a lot of time to draw lately.


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i draw a bit, actually i was working on a cartoon sorta thing... didnt know if it would be animated or comic, and eventually i just gave up, and im planning on using the script for a movie. not that its gonna happen for a while... never thought it would be so hard to get eight people together for a silly twenty minute long skit.

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Laddy, thar be a stack o them graphic artists about within this here rightly pub. I in fact was an art major but found it way too competitive so I went in to sales. :lol: Nargh I just be kiddin ye. I actually changed my major from art to theology but ended up in energy and power resources with business and psychology of sports minors. I dream in black and white and thusly my drawings are just that, one color. Everything I ever attempted in the color spectrum looked like a third graders paint by numbers painting so I don't paint. I draw rarely now but from time to time the basic skills and depth perseptions and point of views are still there if needed. Again to ye welcome to the pub!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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I me'self be a huge fan o' the traditional arts. I actually been workin' on a few pieces fer me own pirate crew. I be more o' a character developin' artist.

Ye be right about th' competition tho'. Not many a land lubber can make it big without goin' thro' a ruff time. I be willin' te do anythin tho' te get me ideas out there. :lol:

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I'm no big artist, i'm just learning really (although lately i've not done it, since my mum got sick but i intend to continue again some time soon i hope..) but i draw faces sometimes, sofar from pictures.

This is a little something i made recently..just a bit of fun.

The drawing of Eric Schweig i made about 4 years back.


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I used to draw, but then just lost interest. My sister kept it up more and is really good with it. Talent most likely came from our father. He draws some really good stuff. He was offered to work for Disney, but turned it down. He said he didn't want to have to live in LA. We all thought he was nuts! B)

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The only thing Eye been "drawin" is a paycheck... :)


Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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This is not anythin' t' do with yer drawin' mate, looks fine. Just wonderin' the the anime style is somethin' that people see takin' over, say, standard comic book style. If not what arrrrr yer thoughts on it?

"It's Afghanistanimation!" (ala Super Troopers)


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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Well, that one be done entirely in pen. :lol: Not te boast, but tis a dangerous task te be drawin' in pen. One big mistake an' it's all over. Yer right though Mad Matt when ye say the anime style is very common, tis what I grew up with learnin' tho' can't say a hasn't tried new thing though. I may show a completed computy drawin' of em'. Almost done with et. :)

But I want te see some others werk as well. I kno' I not be the only bucaneer with some skill. :huh:

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