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It's coming up on the three year anniversary of the forming of the Pirate Brethren of Texas, and since it's inception, we've had no more than 4 members. I'm going to post here, just in case anyone might be of the right persuasion (and perversion) to join our motley crew. Here's the information:

The Pirate Brethren of Texas is a male only crew comprised of gay and gay-friendly men. We do not focus on making members dress historically accurate, and encourage members to dress more towards the Hollywood stereotype (because it's more comfortable!) if they wish. This does not mean that a member can't dress in full historically accurate garb, but they shouldn't complain to another member because they're not "period".

We hold a weekly social night on Wednesday Nights at the Throckmorton Mining Company bar located in the Cedar Springs area of Dallas. (Directions can be provided upon request.....just be prepared, it's a gay bar. Straight (gay-friendly) people do frequent the bar on Wednesday nights though.)

We try to go to several of the renaissance faires in Texas, including Scarborough Faire and Texas Renaissance Faire. We also are working on orgainizing the "Gay Pirate Gathering" held at a campground an hour from Dallas each year in August which includes food, contests, and a lot of piratical fun. (We had a trial run last year, which went moderatly well. Didn't go exactly as planned, but we're going to do better next year!)

We're also planning to have movie nights and costuming nights throughout the year, once things get sorted out schedule-wise.

Many of the current crew members have been in movies and TV, although not piratical themed, including being in the audience for the courtroom reality show "Eye for an Eye", as well as being background extras in the upcoming Disney production "Invincible". We tend to have opportunities for the crew to participate in movie/tv shows as background extras on a semi-regular basis, although they tend to not be pirate themed.)

We like our members to be courteous of other religeons other than their own. (One of our members is Wiccan, another is Christian, and a third is pretty much an atheist).

The only major requirements for membership are that they be in the state of Texas, male, over 21(with few exceptions), and either be gay or gay-friendly.

If anyone is interested in joining, please feel free to visit our Yahoo group and join the prospective member group, located at groups.yahoo.com/group/PirateBrethrenofTexas.

Morick Towain

Morick Towain

IBoRP #116

Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas

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