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Sunday December 12th

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Ok Ok I can't change it I know I put the wrong date in the title (but! It did get your attention) huh? Fact is it's the 11th and thar be a parade in El Segundo and all the Biggins be walkin it right in front of the main guest Santa himself. Fact is anyone interested in finding out about the Biggins clan (thems be the non profit organization) they are "the sixteenth century learning center" at many So. Cal Faires and Vegas. Anys ways thar be a biggins (in garb) party and parade in El Segundo on Sunday the 11th. Ifin the likes of ye need ta be joining a ren faire group here's a few reasons of considerable need. Immagine every gallon, garb, some weaponry, some meals and room a tax deduction to go to faires? They be a sound group loves em I does. Anysways let me know ifin ye be comin in garb to take part that's all.


The El Segundo Holiday Parade will begin at 1 p.m. and end at approximately 3-4 p.m. Biggins March, local school groups perform, youth talent, floats and special guests…with a final float carrying Santa! El Segundo Chamber of Commerce 310-322-1220.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Well, the Center for 16th Century Studies (also known as the Biggins) has members in Manhattan Beach, but they also have a business in ES - and hey, I have a sister that lives there too! Sorry you missed the parade - but there's always next year!

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