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If it is not made from the damn sheep then it is not haggis!!! Kind of like wearing a kilt with yer underroos on! I love the stuff myself..Gma use to make one for christmas. Hard to find the makings here now due to mad cow and all, plus I no longer live where the is a butcher any more. It is best I think with a single malt or meade. Haggis made from a platapoose is INSANE, who wants to eat the parts of a critter that has FANGS ON ITS ASS!!!! :angry: I will stick to the real ting thank you. :P

"If you would have fought like men you would not die like dogs!" Anne Bonney

Women who behave rarely make history! - unknown

"SAFETY MEETING!!!!" Capt. Mason

There is no problem that cannot be solved with the use of black powder!!!!!


Haggis be fantastic stuff I says. Me scottish side eats it when we can. Get mine from a place called Lambs Inc. If it be cooked as it should and spiced right, it tastes not bad at all. I'fn ya doesn't like liver, then it aint fer you. Heavy liver smell and taste in a way. The only thing missin e're in the US of A is the lung from the sheep. Illegal ta ave that in it e're, lessen ya makes yer own. It may sound bad, but really it isnt. So, give me then sheep innards.

Shoots anything that moves!!


I've always wanted to try haggis. Now that I know it has liver in it, I really want to try it.

Mmmmm. Liver. :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

If it is not made from the damn sheep then it is not haggis!!! Kind of like wearing a kilt with yer underroos on! I love the stuff myself..Gma use to make one for christmas. Hard to find the makings here now due to mad cow and all, plus I no longer live where the is a butcher any more. It is best I think with a single malt or meade. Haggis made from a platapoose is INSANE, who wants to eat the parts of a critter that has FANGS ON ITS ASS!!!!  I will stick to the real ting thank you. 

no, no, they say that little animal on there IS a haggis. they say the whole story about it being made of sheep is a story scots made up. The pictures of the haggis are just the face of a platypus photoshopped onto a hedgehog's body.


Haggis is on my list of Best Foods Ever.

Spent a week in Scotland (this is regaled somewhere else in this Pyracy Pub) and was fortunate to try haggis on the first day in Edinburgh. ... cuz that meant I had it every other day, too. Awesome stuff.

The FDA here in the States has outlawed consumption of lungs as a food product. Which means no real haggis on this side of the pond.

I have a link to a haggis website that rates a dozen or so haggis recipes which are all supposed to be delicious, but they are ranked by the percent of items that you would find in real authentic haggis. So recipe #1 is (if I recall correctly) only missing the lungs. The very bottom item on the list is an all vegetarian "haggis", which I believe only shares the ingredient oatmeal with the real thing.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Good Haggis.... and I do Mean GOOD haggis is delicious..... BAD Haggis on the other hand......lets just not go there...

Anyone who has had either should agree with me... can I get an Amen?

- 10 Fathoms Deep on the Road to Hell... Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum...


Amen! I've had both, and bad haggis is repellant! However, my grandma (born just outside Edinburgh) makes one every Christmas... not bad, not bad!


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


i cant eat anything that involves something else's digestive tract. just makes me feel iffy. i cant even really look at raw meat. i can eat cooked meat, just cant look at it beforehand.

  tishsparrow said:
If it is not made from the damn sheep then it is not haggis!!! Kind of like wearing a kilt with yer underroos on! I love the stuff myself..Gma use to make one for christmas. Hard to find the makings here now due to mad cow and all, plus I no longer live where the is a butcher any more. It is best I think with a single malt or meade. Haggis made from a platapoose is INSANE, who wants to eat the parts of a critter that has FANGS ON ITS ASS!!!!  I will stick to the real ting thank you. 

no, no, they say that little animal on there IS a haggis. they say the whole story about it being made of sheep is a story scots made up. The pictures of the haggis are just the face of a platypus photoshopped onto a hedgehog's body.

Tish you are right!! I do regress....was in a hurry when looking at that...Thank You for calling me on it. (Pours up a BIG pint slids it across bar to you :P )

"If you would have fought like men you would not die like dogs!" Anne Bonney

Women who behave rarely make history! - unknown

"SAFETY MEETING!!!!" Capt. Mason

There is no problem that cannot be solved with the use of black powder!!!!!


They way I sees it is this...

If somthin didnt die, it's not dinner.

I'll try just about anything once. I've had meat from a myriad of diferent animals from squirrel to moose to bear. some I liked, some I didnt.

But i understand how you feel, trish, my Wife cannot handle raw meat. When she makes meatloaf or somthing like that, I have to come in and mix the ingredients for her otherwise, she gets sick. So do not feel bad about it lass!

you got ol Deadeye's support!

- 10 Fathoms Deep on the Road to Hell... Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum...


I know of a fella that belongs to our 16th century studies group named Hagis - and he is sweet on the young girls. Never realized the association to liver - and thank you, no, I decline to attempt to taste it at all. :rolleyes:


I never understood why folks want to eat the guts of an animal when there are so many better things to eat on that animal... Never could get into eating liver, or chitterlings, or tripe, or any of that crap... :ph34r:

"Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?"

---Captain William Kidd---


I never understood why folks want to eat the guts of an animal when there are so many better things to eat on that animal... Never could get into eating liver, or chitterlings, or tripe, or any of that crap...   

You eat what you can, and use the rest. I was always raised to not let any part go to waste. I personally am not a fan of liver, or tripe or gizzards for that matter... But I understand why people eat them. To me, wasting part of somthing that gave it's life so that i can eat is a disrespect to the animal. Even if I am just feeding it to the dogs.

- 10 Fathoms Deep on the Road to Hell... Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum...


Kinda on topic...

I read an article about early period lighting and using animal fat for lamps.... the problem was, that people were so poor, they had to choose between light and food.

Like the old saying "you use all the parts of the pig except the squeek"


There is little I have not dared to eat.

When a group of us were in St. Petersburg (Russia, not Florida), the rest lost weight because they found the food unpalatable (we were staying in an old tuberculosis hospital, which was originally stables for a Czar, but now was a health sanitarium). Mmm, Russian hospital food.

And I have eaten insects (gourmet insects!).

But - and here's where I am getting - a restaurant in South Africa had "bush food" on the menu. Not realizing at the time that this was a non-P.C. food (involving hunting, cooking and serving animals deemed by the rest of the world as endangered), I ordered "Mopani Worms." These are caterpillars, about the size of your thumb, served in a bowl of hot chili sauce...

(...Have I already posted this in another topic thread?)

Anyway, here, for your viewing pleasure, is a Mopani worm:


Looks tasty, eh?


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Back on the topic, I have only ever had GREAT Haggis.

Having found it on our first day in Edinburgh, I ordered the same thing every available meal at the same restaurant. It was delicious, so I never looked in another restaurant.... probably a good thing, as I therefore have never had bad Haggis.

... but, then, I eat bugs, so what would I know from bad Haggis?


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Sorry! More on the worms!

I found this recipe for Mopani (Mopane) worms, and I just had to share it:

Mopane worm recipe: Caterpillars are prepared for eating by squeezing out the gut contents before they are fried in their own body fat or boiled in a little water. Most of the caterpillars are dried so that they can be stored for use throughout the year. Dried caterpillars may be eaten dry as a snack or rehydrated and cooked in a little water before they are fried in oil with onion and tomato. They may be served with pap (maize meal porridge), onion and tomato gravy and atchar (chili sauce).

Okay, now I must ask you... which would you rather eat? Mopani worms (caterpillars) or Haggis (sheep lungs & oatmeal)? "Neither" is not an option...


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


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