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this is the forum for vacation spots right??

well I direct your attention to Guam. its around 80 degrees+ year round. water is teeming with fish for the scuba divers. you dont need a wetsuit either. lots of WW2 history. Low crime rates. its a US territory so no passport is required.

Now for a tidbit of info you wont find on any travel brochures, more for the guys or perhaps some of the ladies.

Guam is like Japan's Las Vegas. IE what happens in Guam stays in Guam. A LOT of japanese college girls fly down for the weekend basicly with a mattress on their looking for someone to do the horizontal mamba with, only to fly home on Sunday night to be Good little schoolgirls again.

I'll tell ya about Austrailia in another post

" Never knock on Heaven's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that"

' Whatever is not nailed down is MINE. Whatever I can pry loose, is not nailed down."

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  • 1 month later...

Biker .,Interesting topic here. Yea Guam is cool. Better than Hawaii as in your dollar goes much much further. 4 or 5 days in Hawaii can get you 2-3 weeks in Guam. Also as an American you can retire there a whole helluva lot cheaper than is the U.S. I found many homes there made of concrete and G.I. Roofing (Heavy duty) for 50k.,that would compare to a 250,000 home here in the states. So something to think about for people wanting to live in the tropics without the expense.

Also there are alot of WWII relics on the land as well as for the SCUBA diver. They have there own president.,however are represented in the U.S. Congress and they use U.S. currency for there $$$ it just goes alot further over there.White Sands and Bluewater !

I believe Saipan is really Japans Las Vegas and other Northern Marrianna Islands are great for diving.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

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The crane and rigging company I retired from kept me busy in Saipan, the Philippines, Maylasia, and Indonesia. You guys are friggin' crazy!!...Saipan is overrun with brown vipers; ya can't sit down without findin' one outside of military complexes fences....Imagine Cebu with a viper everywhere that there's presently a beer bottle cap laying :huh:

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Holy Dog -Poop!!!

You dont wanna sit on a viper ! If Cebu had vipers it would cost ya 500P to get someone ta suck the blood outa ya! :ph34r: Beer caps I can deal with . Since we are on this Island topic in that vicinity.,(Phils to Guam)Palau sure looks like a scuba divers dream!!

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at Guam for a military exercise at Andrews AFB in 1990. The actual exercise didn't start for about a week so we had a lot of free time.

The climate was very tolerable, the beer was cheap, and the snacks were free (fresh coconuts right off the tree). There was a beach for the AF guys nearby and it was easy to get a ride there and back.

I'd never been in the tropics before (or since, for that matter) and the short transition between daylight to dark came as something of a surprise. We were billeted in an ol barracks that had no glass in the windows -- just screens and metal shutters. The "PEEP!" of geckoes kept us awake at first, but when we heard that they'd eat the mosquitoes, we welcomed the sound.

As much fun as Guam was under those circumstances, I suppose that would'a been even more fun if I was staying at a hotel.

Just my 2¢.

--Cap'n Bob

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