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Who's the best looking Pyrate of them all


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well, PyratePhil, I thought ye a writer o' subtlety n' nuance but ye seem ta be layin' yer cards all on the table thar, mate....so be tellin' us, what be yer real feelins' .... ;)

n' Monterey Jack....are ye then a cheesehead, mate? how 'bout Roguefort or Camembert (I like "Camembert" meself).... :lol:

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Hey Petee link B)

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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well, PyratePhil, I thought ye a writer o' subtlety n' nuance but ye seem ta be layin' yer cards all on the table thar, mate....so be tellin' us, what be yer real feelins' .... ;)

When the heart is involved, subtlety and nuance go the frig out the window! ;)

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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You'd like with her being the only female in a huge colony of males that the boy smurfs would take what they could get.  Picky bastards.  Smurf that!

? Do you mean, "You'd think..."

I get the impression the smurfs had a different view of things. There was originally no female smurf at all and had she not been created, would never had existed. We should email Peyo and ask him (or possibly her) from whence Smurfs sprout.

(Say...what the hell are we talking about? Sorry, I've drug us off way topic for a joke that either nobody else got or thought was funny. Onward, McDuff.)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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Aye, "even if you are dumb, drunk and stupid B) "...don't be mincin' yer words thar mate, n' one out o' three ain't too bad... but that thar be Longgg Johhnnn Sil-verrrr who be the best at lookin' like a pyrate then, so's I be concurrin' wi' yer point....how 'bout this here pyrate:


Well, Ladies? :)

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