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i (of course) will be there, with all my ..er...bad habits...(*cymbol crash)

visit www.piratefair.com, or email me if you have questions.

if you want to get tickets early, we are being sold through ticketmaster now, too.

some of our acts are: The Tortuga Twins, Bunnies in Peril, Empty Hats, Johnny Phoenix, Fire By Riz, and more...

***and girls***....if you like fire, rhythmic tribal music, whips, and half-nakid people YOU CAN NOT MISS FIRE BY RIZ!!!

(this nun commited many many sins in her mind during THAT show! woohoo)


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


We will be there lass! I think it's Diosa, your Captain, Flint and Fhyre and Cinn. I think we're going Saturday.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


I an me crew (alright, just me family) will be thar. I never pass up a chance to knock out a Nun. What's that? Do ye mean ta say tha' I don't get ta do the deed meself? Well then, by thunder, I'll cheer on the stout-hearted Pyrate that does.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


You know i'll be ther love! ;)


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11






Well, ya know that I'll be thar too, stealin' souls as fast the magic box can work....I'll be gettin' into other mischief too, with the jennies and the pirates, and the redcoats....the bucanneers, the privateers, and any other eers what be making this event the biggest thing Clearwater er Port Isley, has ever seen!

Can't wait ...only 15 days til the invasion!! Whoohoo!

;) Maggie ;)


my feet and back cant wait!!!! lmao


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


;) Only 4 more days till the Port Isley invasion, on the coast of the beautiful Clearwater Florida...Me feet are itchin to get there...

Can't wait to see all them pirates, pirate nuns(?) jennies, more pirates, redcoats, pirates, plus Empty Hats, Danny Lord, Looney Lucy, The Tortuga Twins, lots of sword fighting, games and rides and a pirate school for kids, and of course pirates...and more ...I can't even remember all the stuff they're havin there...pirate ship rides, Wylde Fire, Fire by Riz...and still more.

www.Pirate Fair.com

Hope to be seein' some of you there too!

Maggie ;)


sorry felow crew mates , but as much as i want to go i can't be on both sides of the state at once , my son and i have a indian-guides campout fri/ sun and a craft show to do on sunday . i know many of you are going to jamaica but i'll be going to PIP if anyone else is heading down i'll seeya there ,,,,willie wobble

willie wobble Posted on Nov 14 2005, 11:15 AM

  sorry felow crew mates , but as much as i want to go i can't be on both sides of the state at once , my son and i have a indian-guides campout fri/ sun and a craft show to do on sunday . i know many of you are going to jamaica but i'll be going to PIP if anyone else is heading down i'll seeya there

teehee...indian guides.... should give you my old vests :)

and i wont be at pip this year...nor jamaica....we should plan outing of our own!

Cpt Sophia M Eisley Posted on Nov 12 2005, 02:09 PM

  I'll be heading down on Saturday for a bit, possibly with a modest sized crew. I'll be keeping an eye out for yah. 

cant miss me...the nun with pink feathers in her tricorn! please stop n introduce yourselves!!! would love to put a face with the avatar :)


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


And I'll probably be wearin red and black and carrying a Nikon.. :)

Do come introduce yourselves.We love ta meet our fellow pirate brethern.

Maggie ;)


and i wont be at pip this year...nor jamaica....we should plan outing of our own!

That smacks of mutiny lass. I'll have you in irons for that. Or better yet, page 3 along with Rotgut/Nigel and WOUS.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

That smacks of mutiny lass.

lol...i think ya'll are leavin us stranded...not we leavin you!! lol

i think i can speak for the rest of the "poor" crew and say i wish we were going... :o

I'll have you in irons for that.

ohhhhhhh kinkyyyyyyyy :o wheres cinn?????


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


As For me, look for me tomarrow in the Jazzy chair dressed in black and white.

Sat and Sun I will be in a blue manuel chair so look for me!


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11






Alas, I shall not attend this 'ere gatherin' even if it be in me own backyard. SWiMBO (She who must be obeyed, AKA Blzckwater Patti) has decreed that I will be layin' deck lumber in the new house instead. ;)

See y'all at PiP.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


just an fyi....not one person from pyracy bothered to fine me.....hummm...how could you miss a pirate nun????!!!!



"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


And she was splendid. Ya'll definitely missed one of the great performances by a pirate nun. Well, Pais, at least your crewe showed up to support ya.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

just an fyi....not one person from pyracy bothered to fine me.....hummm...how could you miss a pirate nun????!!!!


I had fully intended ta be lookin' ye up, but well, see me earlier post. Did ye record any etchin's (that be digital images fer you lubberly types) ta be sharin' wi' us house-construction-bound Pyrates?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


lots of etchings!...just ask maggie...our offical photographer!! even got a byline in the st. pete times!!! (yeah!!!!)

check out the pics on www.piratefair.com

and capt....thank you sooo much for coming! besides hubby, ya'll were the only family that showed! (brings a tear to my eye)

OH!!! BTW!!! long story short.....i made it on abc news! (i was going a bit and they got it on tape)



"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


How cool i that? Now if only fortune could accompany the fame...

OryginalCinn and Diosa got some great pics...

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

lots of etchings!...just ask maggie...our offical photographer!! even got a byline in the st. pete times!!! (yeah!!!!)

check out the pics on www.piratefair.com

and capt....thank you sooo much for coming! besides hubby, ya'll were the only family that showed! (brings a tear to my eye)

OH!!! BTW!!! long story short.....i made it on abc news! (i was going a bit and they got it on tape)


I've been keeping up with the ones on Piratefair.com, anything from this weekend?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Aye mateys, Thar be a glitch on the pirate fair website photo gallery at the moment...Hopefully will be fixed sometime this week...There are some great etchings, if I do say so meself....am working on editing, backing up etc. at the moment...so soon my little pirates...they should be up soon..

Maggie B)


yes capt...between you n cinn....awesome pictures!

you can see some here:


still love the one with mom n roxy in jail :) :ph34r:

Thar be a glitch on the pirate fair website photo gallery at the moment...

is it's lumbago acting up maggie???? lol/cackle


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones

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