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I think the double lobbed smaller buckles would be fine.


These are from milwarehouse.com

I would go with 18BK01 which is 1-3/4 inches or 18BK06 which is 1-3/8ths.

Other opinions?


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Large is relative... the grid those are on is 1/4"... so the biggest one would only fit a 2" belt....

Assuming you meant the ones from Santa Rosa, ca. 1700-1750 (Below)


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No kidding John.

That guy made one hell of a site. I put him in my "roll of honor" for sites that GoF.com links to.

Sure wish they would do the cartridge box like that!


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GoF, the one I was looking at...." Embellished Oval Strap Buckle" is about 2 3/4" on the inside. I figure with some file work, I can modify a Large brass buckle that I have so it is close......


That is a cool buckle... and definately period as the other says an identicle one was pulled up from the 1715 wreck finds...

However, its a strap buckle, not a belt buckle... but I assume that is ok for this thread topic.

What project are you working on now Pat?


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