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Hello the List!

Over the last few months, having attending various pirate-related events and small gatherings, I've oft heard folk say they are looking for pirate groups to join, but want to avoid the "Hollywood" pirate image. This most recently came from a younger couple who denounced the Hollywood image, yet sported fantasy doublets and bodices, big black hats with huge plumes, the most sparkling swords and knives you ever saw, and had names based on fantasy characterization. The man looked like the Captain Hook after a visit to Fredericks for Men and the woman like a piratically possessed Lara Croft. If they wanted historical, wouldn't they have been a lot plainer in dress and a lot ...well..dirtier?

So my question is (and I am quite serious and confused) is what is the general consensus of Hollywood versus Historically accurate in costuming and characater?

For example, I have what I consider garb for both types. My buccaneer outfit is entirely made from the proper materials found at the time, the clothing is not new looking, but lived-in (it ain't pretty!), the leatherwork is all extrememly basic and the weapons are relatively boring looking but extremely functional and proper for the period. The sash, the slops, and the footwear are all close approximations of a late 1600s-early 1700s inhabitant of Hispaniola. That's the proper look, but is really unappealing to any but historical folk.

Now, my other outfit is entirely hand made from leather (even the 1750's officers coat) the button are made from English coins, the weapons are prettier and the breeches and boots are clean and god looking. The costume jewelry abounds and decorates the Officers gorget I hang with em. This is less likely to be found on anyone of the period, at least not in this condition and to my knowledge British officers never had their uniforms made of leather. I would consider this to be the theatrical version.

So, those of you trying to be flashy and theatrical: How much historical stuff do you incorporate? Those of you going for historical accuracy: where do you stop and how do you resist the temptation to add flashy bits you know your character wouldn't be able to wear?

Sorry for the legthy post, but as my group starts to come together I need to know where to draw certain lines to have a treasonable amount of cohesiveness among the crew.

I'll be off the forum for a few hgours, but am looking forward to reading your responses tonight.

Thanks all for the input!

Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."

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I have always liked adventure movies etc and pirate movies but got into it as i am now through POTC.

I'm not a regular re-enactor as you guys are as there aren't many events like that overhere but speaking for myself, i just took a pattern i liked and made the big hat with the plumes yes, also as Barbossa had it but because i like big hat with plumes.

That is rule one for me, i have to like it nomather what anything else thinks!

I also have to admit, maybe i would be more historical if i lived overthere where it's a lot more serious but i do try to be somewhat accurate but don't make it a must to have éverything precisely as it should be,

I have to like it too but i wouldn't make a precise Jack Sparrow or Barbossa outfit, based on maybe but not the same as i want it to be my costume, and not someone elses.


Ahoy Jack!!!

I don't believe there is a consensus. Some take inspiration from Hollywood and attempt to emulate it. Others do the same with history. And some few look for a middle ground, or make an attempt at "while in Rome..."

Suffice to say, I believe we here on the list have come to a mutual understanding, and agree that there is no "right and wrong," as long as the Hollywood types don't try to pass themselves off as re-enactors, and as long as the historical types don't try to persecute or burn at the stake the Hollywood types.

But that's how I see it, and I'll certainly be interested in hearing how others view things.



ps - I try to be historical about things, but "When in Rome..." I don't mind wearing a huge hat or sash for flash!

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


I prefer originality. Hollywood is fine, but history is better. Just as long as the individual makes their own mark and is their own person.

We have barrels of Jack Sparrows.






The thing that people like best about the Port Royal Privateers, is that we are a very laid-back group.

We have "true period" pirates, and we have "Hollywood" pirates. Both are welcomed by the public and we don't really care as long as it doesn't look like you came from some cheesy costume rental place or Fredrick's of Hollywood.

I have a bumper sticker on the back of one of the pictures I hang up for display that says: It's not the Society for Compulsive Authenticity". B)


Oh boy, here' comes the "we have too many Jack Sparrows " stuff B)

I feel there should be room for all.

For example, there's something very fun about going to a Dicken's faire and seeing folks dressed very historically accurately at the same time you have actors dressed as characters from fiction.

Seems to me that unless an event is meant to be an historical recreation then at a pirate faire it would be entertaining to the public to see both historically accurate pirates as well as recreations of famous fictional characters as well! :ph34r:

  Ace of Harbor Bay said:
Oh boy, here' comes the "we have too many Jack Sparrows " stuff B)

I feel there should be room for all.

For example, there's something very fun about going to a Dicken's faire and seeing folks dressed very historically accurately at the same time you have actors dressed as characters from fiction.

Seems to me that unless an event is meant to be an historical recreation then at a pirate faire it would be entertaining to the public to see both historically accurate pirates as well as recreations of famous fictional characters as well! B)

It isn't my intention to start it again...

Just answering the question with a popular example. You have to admit, there are many. Jack Sparrow is the Flying Elvis of the pirate community. Loved, certainly, but by the bushel.






What we ‘ave ‘ere be a continuum. I be tryin’ ta go wi’ the historical look, but I just canna’ resist them tall boots. So’s I gots a pair o’ buckle shooes fer when it be “History Tyme” down a’ the Library or whatnot. When educatin’, get it right; when ‘avin’ fun, ‘ave fun. Still, I gives credit fer tryin’…Pyrate ”T” shirt an’ eye patch wi’ a plastic sword is just not right…but I’ll not run the lubber through wi’ me cutlass fer wearin’ it.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Yes I know there are many. Just as there are quite a few Barbossas.

But that's just becasue they are such damn fun characters.

The funny thing is that I have not come face to face with that many at all the events I've been to.

With the exception of the two female jacks (who I believe are with PRP) that I met at Ojai last year. And THAT I found quite novel! :)


I don't see what the point is really, discussing what's too much or not.

Anyone is different and what one thinks is "right" isn't right for the next, anyone and everyone should worry what they themselves wear and leave others to do the same.

One must do as they like and not give a shit about what anyone else feels about it, after all what if you are all perfect and period and feel like crap in it?

Have fun and do as ye like i say B)

Oh, that doesn't mean don't discuss it by the way ;)

Just don't want to see it become yet another pub war.. B)

  Pirate Petee said:
B) Cheers to that, the more pirates the merrier, we are already out numbered as it is. Jack and Barbosa look like real pirates to me.

"Here's to the lawless minority!"

(raises glass)






Speaking from years of Faire experience (I'm on old sea hag remember...) how you dress depends on where you are presenting yourself.

If I'm attending a faire or some such that is geared more towards teaching and history I wear what is appropriate for that. Scaled down, less gee-gaws and simple weapons.

Now if I'm going to be working with kids and the public at the more lighthearted events I'll go with more *what's in the public 's eye* as what is Piratical. More colorful, huge bucket boots and the most flashy weapons I own (and they could blind you on a sunny day!)

All I'm suggesting is that it's alright to have both. Wear what is appropriate for what your doing. Don;t let folks throw rocks at you if they don't consider you *period* enough for their taste. It may come as a shock but it's not all about them. It's about EVERYONE enjoying themselves and being the best Pirate you can be with what you can afford, lay your hands on or make.

More power to you mate! B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Admittedly, I've got Jack Sparrow overtones to my garb. And I'm not giving up my tall boots - where would I put my flask if I did? Faire booze is too expensive! I intentionally kept some of the Sparrow look but tried to keep a fairly strong historical bent as well. So there I go, staggering between the two worlds... B)B)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


My two cents...

I know just about a thimble full of information regarding the GAoP. Really. There is so much to know about the 1690-1720 period that you could spend a lifetime studying it and still not know half of it.

I am continually hunting down refrences and resources and I don't mind sharing what I have found here, via my Website (shameless plug #433) and to anyone who will listen.

I think that from what I have discovered, reality is WAAAYYY more interesting and exciting than the fantasy anyway. I mean, who could have thunk up two chicks dressing up as guys and becoming pirates, getting stuck on the same ship, fighting off pirate hunters etc etc.... ????

The things that I gripe about are the things that some how make it into pirate lore without being questioned and are taken for Gospel with no proof what so ever.

The only thing too OVERBOARD is two people dressing like fantasy pirates and then trying to say they are some how better then the next fantasy pirate....

I am rambling now so I will stop....


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Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


Aye, GoF, this 'ere be a topic tha' inspires ramblin', fer ye be wantin' ta be fair an' still state yer own case an' not put anyone down...an' there I go...


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

  Iron Bess said:
All I'm suggesting is that it's alright to have both.

One can't argue with that. Though I would suggest it's easier to go authentic, and reverse-engineer yourself to Hollywood, than it is to go Hollywood, and then try to climb the great hill of authenticity (or great trash heap, if that's how one feels about such things).


Wear what is appropriate for what your doing.


Don;t let folks throw rocks at you if they don't consider you *period* enough for their taste.

Considering the first two quotes, "BE PREPARED to have people throw rocks at you if you are out of place" might be more appropriate.

It may come as a shock but it's not all about them.

Realistically, it's about making the event sponsors happy so they invite us back. B)

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

  Mad_Jack said:
Admittedly, I've got Jack Sparrow overtones to my garb. And I'm not giving up my tall boots - where would I put my flask if I did? Faire booze is too expensive! I intentionally kept some of the Sparrow look but tried to keep a fairly strong historical bent as well. So there I go, staggering between the two worlds... B)B)

Noooooooo! The tall boots flatter your calves.





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