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We're thinking of taking the kids to an event, and we're looking for some sort of period cart, like an Amish goat cart or pumpkin wagon. Anyone know of a place that sells them. I've seen them online, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of a store within two hours drive of Baltimore that might have them so that I could plop the kids in and see if they both fit.

Hey Merc, you are up Lanc'ster way, have you seen any up there?


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Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


hmmm . . . don't know of anything that would look period. A lot of times you see the Amish carting the kids in the red radio flyer wagons - and I know some places you can get those . . . but like I said, not period. . . I'll ask around, see if I can find anything for ye . . .


Thanks Merc, but my wife was able to find one. She ordered it yesterday. Hopefully it will arrive in time for the Md renfest pirate weekend.


Bars, but no roof. We went with the extra bars variety, on all four sides. Ya never know what those little nippers might do if they give ya the slip!

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I was meaning to ask you if that was what you were talking about. I googled goat cart and got something that a goat would pull....

I have one of the carts you are talking about... they are kind of "all over the place" here in Europe. I have heard them called "potato carts" here (and in the UK) though.

Mine is an ancient beast that has had the recent (not by me) addition of road reflector discs put on the back for greater visability by drivers when you pull it down the road!

Do you mind me asking how much you paid?


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WOW that cart is soooo cute and totally period. I was going to suggest one of the red flyers that had the wood railings and some have awnings.....or those dark green garden carts from the garden store...but this beats them all...where did she order it from? I actually built myself a garden cart a long time ago did not take long at all to build, but that one in the picture looks so rustic and perfect.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



Yeah, I agree, it is pretty neat looking, and supposedly will hold up to 400 lbs!!! Alyx, I'm not sure where she ordered it from, but I can find out. If you do a net search for goat cart or pumpkin wagon you should be able to find at least three places across the US who have them. Greg, as far as price goes, much much more than the ones you found in Germania.


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Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Hey Black John...We have the advantage of living near A large Amish community in southern MD. I'm sure if you looked south of us you could find one In Leonardtown or more of a chance in St.Marys Co.

And if it is Amish it is a good Bet it is as close to period as you can get...

You shouldn't be to hard to spot Pirate Weekend.Are you going to paint a big black "P" on the side :lol:


Man I feel bad... nobody said a word until AFTER you bought it and now we are all experts! :rolleyes:

I was in PA this summer visiting realtives and went to the Kutztown German festival. There was a guy there that "modified" those carts into.... well other things....

This is a bad photo but you will get the idea.


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Man I feel bad... nobody said a word until AFTER you bought it and now we are all experts! :rolleyes:

Don't. It's only money. Hopefully money well spent. And I won't be able to tell until I've got the kids sitting in it. If I had time on my side I would've studied up on them. Heck, I have no idea just how accurate the thing is. We can date it to WWII. That's all I know about them for right now.

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The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

Hey Black John...

You shouldn't be to hard to spot Pirate Weekend.Are you going to paint a big black "P" on the side <_<

Haha... no, I'm not. And I suspect you are right, I shouldn't be too hard to spot. Don't get your expectations set too high. I'm just some dude dressed as a pirate. Look for the guy in the blue coat with the blunderbuss trying to chase down two kids.

Honestly, if you see me and I seem a little "out of it" it don't be suprised. This will be my first time taking the missus and two kids to an event. I'm kinda nervous about the whole thing...

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Blackjohn your cart would be quite accurate for just about any 'period' one chooses to use. Though I would consider some kind of wooden top or similar to keep the sun off your kids.

However as nice as those fancy, cute carts are that GoF shows are of a much later period, probably well into the Victorian times.


Well I will keep an eye (patch) out for ya....I hope to catch up you sometime to say hi face to face......are going to be able to make the Pyracy Pub meet up at 2:00 at the White Hart?????big photo opps....


I don't know. Too many variables. I'll be with some of my group, along with some of Merrick's Privateers, in our pirate camp. We have some cannon demos to do, and I'm not sure what else may be on the schedule. So it really depends. But by all means, drop in and say hi if you get a chance. We're camped... down by the chapel???

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


awe its so cute i want one

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff

:blink: creative! see i play as a daughter of pan (greek goat god) so it being a goat wagon i'm just going to have to save up so that i can have a ride around faire lol.

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff

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