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***sending virtual temple massage and neutrino acupuncture to Christine***

:P hmmm, so yer imaginin' that ye be pokin' yer fingers in the side o' her head and stickin' her with pins ... and I thought ye liked her!

Sorry, mate, only jestin' with ye today. I actually believe fully in the benefits of Eastern and alternative therapies, and sincerely hope that Christine be feelin' much improved today.

And, Phil, glad to have ye posting here today, mate. I hope ye be well, too.

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp

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Today I actually woke up without a migraine, woo-hoo! I should write that down on the calendar-lol! :huh:

Thank ye Phil for the massage and to Ciaran as well. Now, if I only can keep migrianes away for good, but I'm just not that lucky. Anyway, cheers! B)

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***sending virtual temple massage and neutrino acupuncture to Christine***

<_< hmmm, so yer imaginin' that ye be pokin' yer fingers in the side o' her head and stickin' her with pins ... and I thought ye liked her!

Oh, now, Capt., yer jes' tryin' ta get me excited! :o But thankee fer th' good wishes :o

Actually, Christine, there ARE a few Eastern approaches that might work for you, at least partially. See me in my office this afternoon - I'm free from 3pm until... :o

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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posting all over the place, gave the sick cat his meds, got some cocoa, and listening to the radio..

and kissing the heck out of Hawks.. woo hoo!

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Listening to the first part of a 2-hour conference call! What a way to spend a Friday afternoon!!! But, hey - the weekend begins right after this! :lol:

At least you get the weekend :P I'll be salvivn at the ol' workplace with ol Bailang :P


Adventurer of Independent Means




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I'm snacking on chips, my laptop on my lap, and my cat Frankie purring at my side.

I'm refraining from growling over my recent university debaucle. They place everyone's financial accounts on hold each term to make sure we're alright (new news to me), and I literally have til Monday to get myself set up for a new class. In the meantime, I hope the folks that head into the finance dept tomorrow get my long winded message, and can get this shenanigan in order, so's I can take my darned class on time for once.

Wait...I said I'd be refraining. Oh darn. :ph34r:

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

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Even expecting it doesn't really soften the blow. Janelle's holding up great, she's a real trooper. We are both happy that her mum's not suffering through that ghastly Ahlzheimer's anymore.

Janelle want's everyone at the Pub to know she really appreciates the kind thoughts and prayers that have been so generously given. It means a lot to us, and confirms my feelings that life's events, both fair and foul, are best spent in the company of pyrates. Especially pyrates as wondrous as all of you. We are graced. :) :lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Some of us (myself included) have had to go through similar stuff, so we can sympathize with you. It's tough to go through that mix of emotions that accompany a loved one's death after a long illness.

Right now, I'm looking at my turtle doing what Jack and I call her "egg dance". She's uncomfortable and trying to spend as much of her time standing on her back legs. However, turtles aren't meant to stand that way, so she falls over a lot. The way she's carrying on, it looks like she's carrying quite a load of eggs.


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Jack, it's never easy but, yes, there is comfort in knowing that a loved one is not suffering. Janelle will always miss her mother but in her heart, once it has had time to heal, mom will always with her.

Deepest sympathy and much love to you and yours.

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Hmmm... :lol:

Right now... I'm a bit bored. :lol:

Listening to music from "The Mysterious Cities of Gold"... drinking sweet ice tea... embroidering my 18th c pockets... watching my little Boo (cat)all sacked out on the floor... looking through some of my old discs looking at images and stories... waiting for a certain someone to pop online :D

If anything else pops up... I'll let ya know. :)


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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