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So i was thinking about my pirare phase here, and I decided that I need to find a non internet store somewhere in New Jersey or New York that has a pirate theme and emphasizes clothing. It's not that I don't know how to sew my own threads it's just that I'd like to have it done for me being a lazy arse pirate and all. Does anyone know of places that fit the description? If so please, please tell me the location, storename,and/or store website.

Also if anyone knows of any clubs that are pirate themed and in the general NJ, NY, PA area info. on those would be really cool too!

I thank all you who answer!


....|.o_o.|., ---Meow?






Yay Bubbles and Rainbow Colored Pointy Objects!!! ^-^


I don't think I be knowin' of any stores round there, but I'm no expert, t'be sure.

As fer clubs, I'm pretty damn sure there are no pirate clubs, though ye'd do well to check out websites of goth clubs near wherever ye be living, as some goth clubs have pirate themed nights now an' then... or ye could just go t'the goth club in yer fanciest pirate garb.

Aside from the garb I made, me garb all came from antique stores and second hand stores, or ren faires. Ye just have to be creative with what ye find. ( I found meself a fabulous velvet frock coat at an antiques store, along with me matching waist coat, both in hunter green. It pays t'look!)

Try some o'the thrift stores down in NYC. Also, there's a woman near St. Marks Place ( if she's still there, it's has been a while, I confess, aye ) that does most excellent dreading and braidning work, she can do extensions and such too.

What's this about a pirate "Phase" though? Be ye a day tripper? I'd like to hope we could keep ye 'in phase' as it were. :huh:

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes."


Good God! where's the dedication? Where's the fullfillment of promise? Who's in charge around here? This thread needs to be in plunder but only after yer lazy kitten buys a round here in the pub fer all of the locals! What be differant about yer first post AND ALL OTHERS? yeah yeah yeah have a nice day!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


if you be wanting some garb and are to lazy to do any research. there are several civilwar suttlerys in pennsylvania that sell civilian garb. 18th century civilian garb isnt to far off what pirates wore u just gotta be a bit more creative.

davey :rolleyes:

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