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Some years back i bought a equinoctial ring dial on the flee market for the price of a little over $1! (I said $3.14 first but i forgot i didn't buy it for 2.50 euro but guilders! I've had it for more time then we have the euro..)

I have seen them several times on the web in nautical stores, and mostly old ones and they'd be over $200 but now i've found a new one and it says it's ="made based on the 16th - 17th century designs found in European museums."


I am loving this..ya know those programs where people bring stuff they bought for a few dimes and get it taxated and it turns out so valuable..i always say i wish that would happen to me but it has! :o:o:o

This one's mine:


And this is the store i just saw it:

nautical gift shop

Needless to say i am VERY happy with it :ph34r::o:o


very pretty bauble lass .......yes i have gotten a few great buys at flea markets and yard sales and even on ebay if you can belive that ...

may you find more finds like that


I found the very same Ring Sundial on ebay last year and I sniped it at US$ 12.50, which I thought was a real steal. Congrats to your 1 $ buy!

BTW The Ring Dial is from Franklin Mint and was in a series with other scientific instruments, among these an astrolabe, a gunner's level etc. I am still looking for those on ebay at a reasonable price, but so far, no luck.


"The floggings will continue until morale improves!"


Congrats to you too :)

From all i've seen you've a heck of a bargain too :huh:

I was talking over the posibilities of how it ended up on a flea market on our national holiday.

Either the person who put it up for this little didn't know what he/she was dealing with..OR..one of the children (or spouse) took if without knowledge of the person who owned it :ph34r:

In that last case..someone may have gotten in BIG trouble, but for me it was lucky LOL..


perhaps like a few swords i picked up

never look the gift horse in the mouth

it might have been part of the contents of a house that was emptied in an estate and just cleared at whatever they thought it might bring in ready $


never look the gift horse in the mouth

Ohh no, never meant to do that ashamed05.gif

It was on a flee market on the town's square on Queens day, which is mostly children who sell things there,and some adults, that's why i wondered but i know people often offer boxes of things for the kids to sell on those flee markets so you may very well be right :)

BTW The Ring Dial is from Franklin Mint and was in a series with other scientific instruments, among these an astrolabe, a gunner's level etc. I am still looking for those on ebay at a reasonable price, but so far, no luck.

I have the ring dial, the astrolabe, and one other... a sun-dialy compassy thingie...

Fwiw, one might be better off buying a hand-crafted version of these, if the prices for the Franklyn Mint versions are that high.

Go here for some history and pics.

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funny that you should mention that site. On the bottom of this page, pictures of some astrolabes that I have built are shown.

Here's one of them:



"The floggings will continue until morale improves!"

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