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Pyrates of the West Coast

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:: Jack stands straight and nods formally to the Quartermaster ::

Aye, sir. I understand, and I dutifully await judgement due me. I'll return to my normal duties until the outcome is decided.

:: He turns and leaves the quarterdeck, and he feels his jaw tighten at the thought of formal reprimand ::

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Aye sir you did indeed that being the order no less than two and in fact it was my position and worry that two being the order, Sir three is not a record of order defiance Sir! three be the banks interest, Sir!

Another thing Sir! An order of counter manding your set sails was not the accord sir as I remembers it sir it were an outburst of thought where with four of the crew one of which a high ranking officer and first mate sir Me thought were not to leave them and mayhaps seeming an order on my part twer only an over zealous thought of oversight.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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William looks more tired about this exacting explanation of numbers in the face of much larger issues than he has since he was shot.

"So it shall be the spirit of the law in all things, monsignor? Is that how it is to be? Shall every whim of the crew and officers be the watch word of the Watch Dog?"





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(Readin' his book on shipknots.....I can't help but hear the screams an' shout o' the Capn' above the drummin' o' the waves against the side)......'bilmey'.....(says I..........puts book down, turns in hammock t' get a bit o' shut eye afore me watch...)

Yes, it be pointy…..and ye be at the wrong side o’ it.

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thinkin not to be without reason sir, your ship is its own entity! The crew would lay down as I would too give you the meaningless life God has issues forth in exchange for your continuance Sir but that which you speak of as treacherous is the very meaning of experience in the sites of oncomming muskets where the difference in living and dying is innate by this time in most of our lives sir! The very fact that one can be and do all that is asked of him and more isn't changing what it is as given but doin the extra league sir! Where would ye have had me after the first balls been fired Sir?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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"Is there not a single "Yes, sir" or "No, sir" in you, sir? Will you weary me with words and slight-of-hand explanations. If I wring you out sir, would I get anything but more muddy water? Will you answer this way again and again until you have done me to death with a weight of words?"

William shakes his head with more disbelief now, than he felt when his orders were countermanded.

"Was it an "oversight" when you ordered Jack to fetch arms for the crew?"

William doesn't wait for a response.

"You told the men to get their asses...or rather "Arses" out of the ropes and onto the deck. Did you think they thought it was a suggestion when you saw them go down at the command from aloft? Are you now saying that the crew takes my orders as suggestions and your suggestions as orders?"





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I would not suggest a thing as such sir but ifin muddy waters is what you see here then allow me clarification sir.

there is nothing magical no slight of hand in experiance. That is unless things of danger can dissappear!

Am I not worthy of this departure sir. I have undressed every rule and order given and in the peak of battle find my usefullness worthy of the discharge of bilge water and thats allo. If one is to leave sir it is me who dissappeares!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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21 June, 1704

3 bells, forenoon watch 0930

::The QM reviews the logbook which he has been writing in...::

Pass th' word fer Mr. Badger!!!

:: he says without looking up, then he closes the book, wipes his weary brow...::

An' Pass th' word fer th' Master 't Arms! I needs 'im fer a chore....


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


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Aye it is my beliefe what you say sir at this time in this recolections is true sir! This sea trial is with verdict. I assume all of the accused responsibility in its entirety. (never in me wildest dreams me thinks to meself) I shall seek your brig without causing you any more grief Sir!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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William shakes his head in wonder.

"Who are you...? Where is that monsignor that was want to upset tables and spill scripture to the heavens? Where is that man?

Can you not say "Yes, sir" in my presence even the once? Is it impossible for you to do anything but juggle vocabulary?

What will you do when you stand before the Almighty? Will you plague the all seeing eye with excuses adding infinity to infinity until you have overpowered God himself with an eternal explanation?"

William runs out of words sufficient to describe his surprise at this utter and unexpected alteration in a man he once counted among his councilors. His knees start to tremble from the exertion of standing so long, endlessly plying this clergyman for some simple semblance of understanding, defiance or absolution.

William's face is a mix of anger, disbelief and surprise.

"Go to thy cabin, clergyman. Find yourself, because I know not where to find you with words."





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(in direct defiance I answer) aye sir but not today sir! For today sir! I am involved in scandle and without this crews knowing of this all that and more hearsay shall not ruin your ship Sir! I am not going to be treated with anything less that that which the book calls for Sir! And begging your pardon Sir but to the brig I am headed. You should lie down and resolve issues none more! I shall seek the likes of the quartermaster and remove my charge to duty. (Turns and backs out closing the door behind.)

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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:: Jack's fractured memory begins to tease him again, as it has so many times before. The point of a cutlass in his side, the cold metallic sensation of a pistol's muzzle pressed to the base of his skull... Voices, like demons taunting him - "Here ye be, Cap'n. Back to yer quarters, dear sir. We'll stand ready as ye get yer sea chest in order, Ol' Jack. A long, lonely voyage awaits ye, ye daft bastard! Oh, forgive me, Captain, sir!"

He snaps back from this unwanted, demanding memory (the ibad, the Moors call it), and he finds himself leaning agains the gunwale. He stares into the churning water below, and fights the urge to cast himself into it, and be done with all his pain and uncertainty once and for all. Nothing but calm, cold sleep, beckoning to him.... ::

That would be the easy way, now wouldn't it, ye daft bastard? Fill yer lungs with cold water, and let it drag ye down to oblivion? No. Not now, and not for a long time to come. I'll face what's chasing me. Otherwise, it'll just climb over my back like it did again, today...

:: He slams his fist down onto the gunwale, and turns his attention back to the Watch Dog, and to duty ::

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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(A shipmate slaps me awake)........''QM calls fer ye bo'sun''......(I jumps down, droppin' me book)....''Tis fer reasearch purposes only mind''......(what am I sayin'?)......''er thank 'e mate.......(rolls up hammock....stows it..('cos loads seem t' be goin' adrift lately))... (looks around wi' narrowed eyes)....''hmmm''......(rushes up t' stand b'fore the QM)......''yes sah!!''....

Yes, it be pointy…..and ye be at the wrong side o’ it.

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William say nothing at all. What can one say when all is said? He just waits for the monsignor to leave and close the door before he collapses, saved only from the floor by Armand and an angry but anxious Tempest.

"...imbécile." she hisses.

William can't help but smile as she takes him back to bed, because he can't be quite sure which of the three of them she is directing her anger at just then.





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(Walking through the passages and up the inclines I make the light of day and on main deck I do address the) Quartermaster, I have been relieved of duty Sir and place myself in your charge. Your charge would best be to the brig sir!

(Involved in thought back to an address of the captain about meeting the almighty pon lifes end, chuckles to himself thinkin aye and that'll be a cold day in 'ell I meet the almighty!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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::  Jack's fractured memory begins to tease him again, as it has so many times before.  The point of a cutlass in his side, the cold metallic sensation of a pistol's muzzle pressed to the base of his skull...  Voices, like demons taunting him - "Here ye be, Cap'n.  Back to yer quarters, dear sir.  We'll stand ready as ye get yer sea chest in order, Ol' Jack.  A long, lonely voyage awaits ye, ye daft bastard!  Oh, forgive me, Captain, sir!"

He snaps back from this unwanted, demanding memory (the ibad, the Moors call it), and he finds himself leaning agains the gunwale.  He stares into the churning water below, and fights the urge to cast himself into it, and be done with all his pain and uncertainty once and for all.  Nothing but calm, cold sleep, beckoning to him....  ::

That would be the easy way, now wouldn't it, ye daft bastard?  Fill yer lungs with cold water, and let it drag ye down to oblivion?  No.  Not now, and not for a long time to come.  I'll face what's chasing me.  Otherwise, it'll just climb over my back like it did again, today...

:: He slams his fist down onto the gunwale, and turns his attention back to the Watch Dog, and to duty ::

*Sees the troubled look on his face, and walks up from behind "I don't mean to disturb your watch sir, but are you feeling alright?


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11





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:: Jack feels the tender touch of Kendra's hand on his shoulder, and he turns abruptly - his mood is immediately softened by her gaze ::

I will be fine, miss. It's but one of my many passing madnesses. :: he laughes strangely :: All will be well. I swear to you, all will be well, and very soon. Thank you for your concern, and your most lovely visage. It does make my heart skip...

:: Jack tips his head and regards the entire ship from stem to stern, wheels on his heel, and resumes his duties ::

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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'''Tis 'ard bein' the man o' the cloth sah!......naught a life I could lead sah.......likens me 'comforts' t' much......all that graft fer the big boss sah, an' all ye gets is hard tack?.......an' water''...(shivers.......turns t' the QM).....''sorry sah!!....where's me manners!!''...(.offers a nip t' the officer)..

Yes, it be pointy…..and ye be at the wrong side o’ it.

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(Walking through the passages and up the inclines I make the light of day and on main deck I do address the) Quartermaster, I have been relieved of duty Sir and place myself in your charge. Your charge would best be to the brig sir!

::A look of mild confusion crosses the Quartermaster's face as the Monsignor makes his plea...::

Monsignor.... Relieved o' duty.... An' by Whom? On'y person asside m'self tha' c'n do such would be th' Cap'n.... would that be that 'e's awoke?

:: A nod from the Monsignor ::

:: the QM takes a long, long breath in, and exhales ::

Thank th' gods... Why was I not informed... Our Cap'n has come back to us...

An as fer th' brig... since we have none... Mr. Badger.... Lock th' Monsignor in 'is cabin, post a guard...... I'll not be so cruel as ta stop yer victuals...

:: out of the corner of his eye, he sees Mr. Youngblood looking to the quarterdeck ::

Mr. Youngblood!!! There is nothing of interest to you here!!!

And Mr. Jack Samson! Come aft presently!

:: turning back to the Bo'sun ::

Right, take yer charge, an' do yer duty.... find yerse'f back 'ere quickly, as I've a wish ta see 'r Cap'n...

Off with ye....


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


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