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Pyrates of the West Coast

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Monsignor Diego! With your leave, and that of Mr. Lasster's, may I accompany Miss Kendra and her...

:: makes his way warily around Simon ::

very large companion to town to fetch the necessary supplies for the refit of our barge? There may be highwaymen about, and I'm more than capable with pistol and cutlass to protect our party.

:: catches Kendra's impatient look once more ::

You're doing... that... again. Have I made some offense?

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Monsignor Diego!  With your leave, and tha of Mr. Lasster's, may I accompany Miss Kendran and her...

::  makes his way warily around Simon ::

very large companion to town to fetch the necessary supplies for the refit of our barge?  There may be highwaymen about, and I'm more than capable with pistol and cutlass to protect our party.

I shall make it known you are with the town departing party. Check out weapons kind sir we should like nothing to happen to any of you!

Leaving a note on her cot it says! Ms. Smith would you please let the captain know of Mad_Jacks accompaniment of Kendra to town!

Making the way to the row boat after Cairan gains his comfortables they then cast off toward the swamps.......

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Aye, Monsignor. A cutlass, two pistols, shot, and powder. And your blessings, I take it?

:: smiles warily at Kendra ::

And please convince her that she may need my protection?

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Aye, Monsignor. A cutlass, two pistols, shot, and powder. And your blessings, I take it?

:: smiles warily at Kendra ::

And please convince her that she may need my protection?

*Stiffles the laughter* I sir, am not the one who needs convincing. . .HE IS *points to Siomn who's eyes narrow to a dagger's point* "But if indeed Mad Jack you need come, than by all means do so and I shall ask Monsingnor that you pray for protection over Mad Jack. * The two man eye eachother as Jack gets in the cart. "Now you may head to town finally, *she sighs* watchman."

Yes, Ma'am." With a snap of the raines this montly band was off. . .


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11





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Upon Master Gunner Petee's orders, Johnson quickly took to one of the ship's guns and began to give it's barrell a perfectionist's polish. " There ye go, ye devestatin' little mass o' destruction ". Amidst the cannon's cleaning, Johnson turns his head to notice a new swivel attached to one of the murder guns. " Ahhhh, Mister Hawks had done a fine job indeed. I wonder If'n he had finished fashionin me knife ? Or if'n he even got me message at all ".......

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(deep in the mangroves, Ciaran and Diego quietly paddle their boat in search of the fine drinkin water that Diego remembers from long ago)

(standing in the skiff, Ciaran hacks vines out of the way, as the boat slowly works its way into the most savage of landscapes)

Are ye sure, Diego, that this be the way?

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp

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After a goodly rest from all day forgin the day before, Jonathan Hawks wakes ta the smell of fresh cooked pork and eggs. He follows his nose to the smells and to the galley for some before heading out to see Mr Lasseter. After taking his fill, he heads on deck and inspects the job the men did in the light of day in putting the new mast straps on. The ship is lookin like new. He doesn't see Mr Lasseter, but instead sees Red lookin about the rail on the port side. Jonathan joins him there lookin out to the horizon.

"Well, Red, she be lookin like a grand ship as afor I says. (Yawns) I sees the men did right well placin the new straps in place. They not be a bother fer some tyme ta come. I still ave some forgin that need doin fer Mr Lasseter though. he be wantin some spare trunion straps fer the various cannons ana mounts fer th' swivels finished. But I cana fynd em ta tell em I be startin em in a few back at me forge at the fort. So, I'fn ya can let em know fer me, I be much obliged."

Shoots anything that moves!!

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After a goodly rest from all day forgin the day before, Jonathan Hawks wakes ta the smell of fresh cooked pork and eggs. He follows his nose to the smells and to the galley for some before heading out to see Mr Lasseter. After taking his fill, he heads on deck and inspects the job the men did in the light of day in putting the new mast straps on. The ship is lookin like new. He doesn't see Mr Lasseter, but instead sees Red lookin about the rail on the port side. Jonathan joins him there lookin out to the horizon.

"Well, Red, she be lookin like a grand ship as afor I says. (Yawns) I sees the men did right well placin the new straps in place. They not be a bother fer some tyme ta come. I still ave some forgin that need doin fer Mr Lasseter though. he be wantin some spare trunion straps fer the various cannons ana mounts fer th' swivels finished. But I cana fynd em ta tell em I be startin em in a few back at me forge at the fort. So, I'fn ya can let em know fer me, I be much obliged."

Thank you, Mister Hawks. Take a few men to speed the work and borrow a musket and pistol for each man before you go. The crew is spread thin on errands and I want each man armed to defend himself.





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"I will Red, we cana spare ta be loosin any. By the by, If'n ya sees Cut Throat come by, tell em ta be seein me at the forge by the fort fer the knife he wants. I'll make sure ta do a right special job fer em. Just need ta get what hes looking at fer it. Well, mate, we be off to the store room fer the weapons and then to the fort. Thaks again ta be givin Mr Lasseter the message."

Jonathan turns and leaves, disappearing into the storage hold.

Shoots anything that moves!!

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~just after Mr Hawks comes down the Ladder Shipwreck John runs into him~

" Evenin' Mr Hawks " John says then scurries up the Ladder to find the Captain on deck.

Evening Sir. The New gunner Jim Warren jus' asked me about acompaning him on a task you have instucted fer him. Iffen it be alll right with you sir , I be headin out with em in the morning.


Adventurer of Independent Means




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~just  after  Mr Hawks  comes  down the Ladder  Shipwreck John runs into  him~

" Evenin' Mr Hawks  "  John  says then scurries up the Ladder  to find the Captain  on deck.

Evening Sir.  The New gunner Jim Warren jus' asked me about acompaning him on a task  you have instucted fer him. Iffen it be  alll right with you sir , I be headin out with em  in the morning.

Thank you, Mister Sons. That will do fine. If you depart early, please notify one of the crew members on watch and be sure to go with pistols and powder. with so much of the crew on various expeditions, I should like to see you both well armed. I will send you with some of the ship's purse, in case the bartering of the cutter becomes difficult.

For now, would you ferry Mister Hawks and his workers over to the beachhead? They need to attack some work at the forge.





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(William waits at the rail. Ciaran and the Monsignor have been gone long and far from sight. The sun is heading down with speed and too many crew members are gone to town or on other errands of importance. Not the least of these is the good doctor, gone far away on business that may vastly effect the ship and crew.)

Too many gone too far, I think. Aye. Too many at once.





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"Ahh, Shipwreck John, ya went past me so fast I dina get ta say good eve to ya. So, Good eve... Yer gonna ferry me and the men e're ta the shore I take it. Thanks fer that, it be a wet walk on the other hand Hahaha!!!"

Slaps John on the back and they get a laugh.

"I gots more forgei ta do fer the cannons. afore they be completely ready. At least some that is. Extra straps. But dona let me be boring ya wit all the details. I opes yer day been going well. If'n ya be free from other duties aside of fairin us ashore, I cana use another hand fer a short tyme. What say ya lad"

Shoots anything that moves!!

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Aye, I can fer a short time says I. I 'll have to be shovin off soon for an errand for Capn' Wake, but I'll be willin to helps ya fer a couple of bells


Adventurer of Independent Means




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Excellent, Mate... what I needs is nother hand loadin the extra "straps pon the cart and elp haul em ta the small rig raft e're so they cana be brought ta the ship. Should only take a short tyme makin em. Then I aves ta wait a spell ta see if Cut Throat makes it e're fer a special request. I'fn that be ok, then follow me and the men."

Shoots anything that moves!!

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After giving the cannon a proper cleaning as Master Gunner Petee instructed, Johnson decided to search for the ship's blacksmith, Mister Jonathan Hawks. Before long Cut-throat discovered the Blacksmith among a slew of ready men.

" Ahhh, Mister Hawks, just the man I've been lookin for. By order o' the Cap'n, I be in need o' a worthy knife, an I hear that nothin be better than somethin made by the famous Jonathan Hawks. I'd be honored if'n ye'd fashion one for me, if'n yer time permits it sir. I be in need o a full tang, 12 inch blade. Preferably double sided. If'n I ever need to parry with it, I can always use the flat o the blade. If'n ye could do this for ol' Cut, I'll definately make it worth yer while matey ".

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After about an hour of pounding and folding the straps, there are many of different sizes to be taken and stored on the ship. The men load up the cart and push it to the waters edge on to the raft.

"Thanks fer all yer elp, Shipwreck, It was much appreciated. make sure ta tell Mr Lasseter or Mr Red the cannon straps are done and bein stored below."

Just as the men leave for the ship, Cut Throat is seen through the corner of Hawks eye approaching.

Shoots anything that moves!!

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"There ya be Cut Throat. (puts hand out to shake). I been told ya want a knife commissioned. Well, ya come ta the right man I says. been doing this fer many a year. Ana by what ya say, both sides fer sure with blade? I cana make it how e'r ya want. just be lettin me know afor I start. Ow bouts a name engraved or mayhaps a bone handle e'r e'n a whalestooth handle. You name it I can do it."

Shoots anything that moves!!

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Aye Sir!

~ Shipwreck begins putting the straps aboard while waitng for help to get them stowed . Once finished he Yawns and thinks " I need to be headin off to my Hammock iffin I plan gettin an early start in the Morn."~


Adventurer of Independent Means




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Aye Sir!

~ Shipwreck begins putting the straps aboard while waitng for help to get them stowed . Once finished he Yawns and thinks " I need to be headin off to my Hammock iffin I plan gettin an early start in the Morn."~

Thank you, Mister Sons. Here is coin for tomorrow's journey. Take what you may need from the larder and the ship's arms before you depart and see that you get enough rest. Goodnight, Mister Sons.

(William shoulders a musket and takes a turn at watch.)





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