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:: One bell of the Forenoon watch struck and so did the realization that they had been awake the entire evening.... ::

Oh my.... ye best be gettin' back ta yer charge in the ward, and I best 'ead topside... I thankee fer a luvly evenin' Lass....

::He smiled at the surgeon, stood and left her in his quarters.. heading to the galley he approached the Monsignor...::

Aye Monsegnor... might I get a not so wee cup o' th' strongest coffee in yer power? I' be needin' it this day..... Thankee...

::Once he had the hot brew in hand, he smiled as the aroma wafted in his face, he then made his way topside to greet whatever the day had brought to the ship and her crew...::


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


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Isle L' Marie Gallante

The proud herald of feathered being called to the mortal world with insistance of the day's beginnings. Waking from the troubled night's want of sleep, Jean-Micheale eased himself from the weight and hold of the maid sharing the cramped space called bed. Moving quietly to gain seating at table side, he glanced to the documents still laid out across wooden surface. A decision would have to be arrived at in some form before the rise of noon and Fournier did not care to rush in heady matters.

The sound of linen stirrings drew his attention to the form half shouded in shadows behind. Stirrings...nothing more, a soft sigh sounded the still then reqular breathing resumed. Propping one bare foot to the table's support, Fournier returned to his musings; calculating pro to cons. The proposition presented by the Marquis was a flawless negotiation and would fullfill the Capitaine's desires and whims. Flawless but for one small facet, and if facts were to be known and one were to go accordingly with L'Anglais view of such matters...Fournier's expression was graced with a smile of cunning as he recalled a phrase once heard...

'All men are without attachment once they cross Gibralter....'

The Frenchman chuckled underbreath to the thought and quietly voiced to no one in particular, " Unleash the hounds and let the hunt begin."

Reaching for writing implements, the response that Moreau would carry back to La Desirade was prepared and scribed.

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


July 3rd In the Year of Our Lord 1704

Afternoon, First & Second Dog Watches ( Noon - 8PM)

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


After a visit to the Sick berth and a conversation with her current guest, the Surgeon went to private quarters to obtain a fresh change of clothes. Procuring one of Armand's old shirts, cotton britches and the wide brimed straw hat, she meandered to the bright sun drenched surface. Although the evening hours had been spent well, the absence of sleep was reminding her that though not old, she was not the young girl that kept all hours in the past without effort. Fortunatly, long hours of standing over a surgical surface had conditioned mind set to ignore most effects in such events.

Squinting to the brightness, Tempest drew the brim of straw down in front before proceeding any further. The familiar sounds of wind in the rigging and steady thrum of water rushing along the frigate's sleek hull filled the air as a symphony offered to those who would take note. A quick survey of surround gave view to the usual activities of ship life. Looking aft, she noticed the Quartermaster in deep conversation with the Boatswain and Coxswain's Mate. As she watched their gathering on quarter deck plane, Tempest wondered as to their location upon the area of unbroken water view.

With unconscience shrug to the quandray, she moved to waist port rail and causually watched the water's rush below.

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Middle meal was done to perfection as the ship neared the our destination port. It was appearant that the many were crewing and too busy to eat though it would be just as good to eat in two bells as it is now I sat and enjoyede the solitude. Rummy came in I served her and she looked so good even clergy could have sinful thoughts, and then Ms. Smith shortly after followed. I made up a couple of plates for each of them. Nice thing is the lamb roast stew only gets better the longer its on. I made up a tray for Ms smith to take when she finished hers and she bowed graciously and made prompt exit. It's the white wine and the garlic. I made my way out to fetch more bowls and set the fire to low slow and nearly out. the laddle was hanging above the pot and the pot held three gallons the bread was stacked high and I went to rest afore my dog watches only to realized I hadn't seen the captain in a day. I was told Lasseter, Mr. Gage and the large native were fairing well by Armand but When I came up to main deck I almost plowed our ships surgeon right up and over the rail and had to grab ahold of her to keep from doing so. Appologizing for having my peripherills challenged by my hood I assisted in her regaining upright stature. So terribly sorry I am such a cluts I feel this day I be. Will you forgive my clumsinees and lack of concentrations Tempest?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


As Jack completed his daily walk of the decks checking for security risks, he noticed the wonderful smells emanating from the galley. His stomach rumbled in protest of having skipped first meal, so he made his way to find out what the talented Monsignor had concocted.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Ajayi slept where he had sat hours before, near the door. He was as quiet in sleep as he was when awake. He lay on the floor in clothes that were too small for him.

William stepped passed him and into the companionway, making the quarterdeck in the light of the afternoon.

He went first to the helm where he discussed the heading and bearing of the Watch Dog. Then he met with the Quartermaster and Monsignor to discuss the remaining supplies and necessary provisions that would have to be procured on La Margarita.





When I came up to main deck I almost plowed our ships surgeon right up and over the rail and had to grab ahold of her to keep from doing so. Appologizing for having my peripherills challenged by my hood I assisted in her regaining upright stature. So terribly sorry I am such a cluts I feel this day I be. Will you forgive my clumsinees and lack of concentrations Tempest?

With abrupt and unsuspected jostle from behind, the Surgeon's small hands clamped the rail instinctually as she tried to counter ballance the upset. The vise like grip that gave halt to foward pitch loosened at righting of stance. The expression contained on the pixieish planes of her face gave hint of ferral qualities before they were replaced with forgiving smile and nod to the Monsignor's words of apologies.

Following his departure with a narrow of eye, Tempest cursed herself for the fact that the incident having taken place and wondered at whether she was becoming to complacent to her surroundings. Turning back to view the blue water surround, she mused that as little as six months ago, such an approach of another would have been realized way ahead close proximity. This was the second situation of unawares in the past week, the first being the Captain coming up on blind side.

The more she thought on it, the more irritation nagged. Glancing to the skies above, she imagined her father tsking in disaproval. To be unaware could earn one a very ugly outcome...

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Captain, we be short a water as I see the most. Only 3 barrels left. We are out of fruit and there are five 100 pound bags a beans, approximately 700 pounds of wheat, 400 pounds of oats, 300 pounds of corn, 250 pounds of rice, 100 pounds of potatoe, carrots and yams. There are 90 pounds of sugar, 35 pounds of butter, 10 pounds of cheese, 9 pounds of coffee and 3 pounds of yeast. There is 3 pigs afoot, 2 goats, 14 chickens, 12 pounds of dried beef and 7 of dried fish. There are 4 barrels of ale, 6 of rum and 3 of wine (red), we are almost out of white. We have much of all spices though I be hoping fer vanilla ifin we find any.......

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Captain, we be short a water as I see the most. Only 3 barrels left. We are out of fruit and there are five 100 pound bags a beans, approximately 700 pounds of wheat, 400 pounds of oats, 300 pounds of corn, 250 pounds of rice, 100 pounds of potatoe, carrots and yams. There are 90 pounds of sugar, 35 pounds of butter, 10 pounds of cheese, 9 pounds of coffee and 3 pounds of yeast. There is 3 pigs afoot, 2 goats, 14 chickens, 12 pounds of dried beef and 7 of dried fish. There are 4 barrels of ale, 6 of rum and 3 of wine (red), we are almost out of white. We have much of all spices though I be hoping fer vanilla ifin we find any.......

"Very good, Monsignor. Keep a tight tab on our needs and be prepared to make arrangements for reprovisioning the store once we are ashore. We should be able to replenish our water before it becomes a problem."

William went the Master at Arms.

"Good day to you, Mister St. Anthony. I would like to make an unusual request. I believe that Ajayi, our large newcomer, would feel more at home aboard the Watch Dog if we were to provide him with a weapon. I know that it is unusual to arm any member of the crew when not under threat, but I trust my instincts well enough. Would you please find him a blade befitting his size?"






Aye Cap'n....

::his brow furrowed in thought, his right hand on his chin..::

Lessee.... We need ta resupply all 'r lines an' cables tha' we used on th Dutchy.... Plus new sails... An' all new extra spars, plankin' n' such as well... we 'ad ta reeve new lines on th' cutter, so spare cordage there... a barrel o' nails would be a goode thing too... Hmmm... paint n' varnish an' truck ta go with it...

I'd say once we turn wot we got off th' Dutchy ta specie, there be no trouble ta get wot we need.... an' prolly some extra ta boot...

I'll make a solid list wot we needs this eve, an' I's sure there be others wot need supplies ta add on....


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Below deck, Mr Hawks was told by one of the men that an order for supplies is being taken and he is wanting to know what Mr Hawks is in need of.

"Lad, only thing fer me at the moment be more coals. I go through nough when doin me trade. Also send word fer more pieces o brass. that be it I says. Now go check wit Rummy as well. I knows she be needin a few things."

The deck hand leaves and looks about for Rummy.

Shoots anything that moves!!


Truly, besides more planks and lumber, I be needina new stone to sharpen me tools. But, that may take some doin' so I suppose I'll be needin ta find it meself once we reach shore. Hope the captain allows me ta do the shoppin by meself - or I might be able to find a volunteer that will spend some time with me. I knows it's not exactly right for me ta be alone in an unknown port, I does. :lol:


Dorian Sir, I was thinking! Actually no, I had this dream...... I thought that ifin we ever were to cruise into another of those jumping tunas crashing the small bait balls we seen afore what would be the chance of filling a few of the top mounted swivels with nail and raising sails to a slow as we made wind ended approach and then fired into the boil you know instead of fishing and breaking them off we might make a few that way? Mayhaps two kegs o nails fer the deck scatterers as well?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

William went the Master at Arms.

"Good day to you, Mister St. Anthony. I would like to make an unusual request. I believe that Ajayi, our large newcomer, would feel more at home aboard the Watch Dog if we were to provide him with a weapon. I know that it is unusual to arm any member of the crew when not under threat, but I trust my instincts well enough. Would you please find him a blade befitting his size?"

Jack's eyebrow arched to the point of nearly disappearing beneath his headscarf at the Captain's request. But knowing that Capt. Brand would never suggest something like that without due consideration, coupled with his own reading of the former slave's demeanour, Jack understood what the Captain was driving at. Removing the shackles only goes so far in the restoration of a man's dignity.

"Aye, sir" Jack smiled. "We've an old Claymore - massive it is, and unwieldy for the average soul aboard ship. I'll fetch it straight away and have the blacksmith ensure it's edge, even shine it up a bit for our new friend."

He took his leave from the Captain and went to the Armoury. There, stored among the longer boarding pikes, was the Claymore. It's length was nearly five feet; too long to be considered for normal use for close-quarters combat. But given Ajayi's size and strength, no other blade made sense.

Jack locked up the Armoury and made his way topside to engange the services of the blacksmith.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

Dorian Sir, I was thinking! Actually no, I had this dream...... I thought that ifin we ever were to cruise into another of those jumping tunas crashing the small bait balls we seen afore what would be the chance of filling a few of the top mounted swivels with nail and raising sails to a slow as we made wind ended approach and then fired into the boil you know instead of fishing and breaking them off we might make a few that way? Mayhaps two kegs o nails fer the deck scatterers as well?

:: Mr. Lasseter thought only a moment before answering the Monsignor...::

Nay Monsignor... firin' lagrange inta a squall o' fish would on'y turn 'em into chum.... might attract more fish, but won't serve ta do more n' 'at.... we hit some doldrums an' let th' men fish... otherwise, we c'n buy a few barrels o' salted fish from th' fishmongers in port...

Mayhaps I will get more'n one barrel o' nails tho...


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Leaving the rail's company, the Surgeon aproached the gathering of officers which surounded the Captain. Waiting to the side, she gleaned the business of current demand and the mention of port to be achieved in the nearing future. As the conversations lulled in momentary suspension, Tempest caught William's eye and with his acknowledgment, came closer.

"Gentleman, I see you all well this eve." A glance given to each in turn before liting on the Captain.

" When a moment at your convienience arises, I should like to converse with you privately, sir. I might suggest a bottle of porter in my possesion to be shared, very rare in quality."

Tempest once again acknowledged the officers present, " Gentleman."

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

"Gentleman, I see you all well this eve." A glance given to each in turn before liting on the Captain.

" When a moment at your convienience arises, I should like to converse with you privately, sir. I might suggest a bottle of porter in my possesion to be shared, very rare in quality."

Tempest once again acknowledged the officers present, " Gentleman."

"Aye, Doctor. I am available for the present. Shall we retire to the ward room?"

She nodded and he put out his arm, gesturing for her to procede. When they arrived at the ward room, Ajayi came to his feet. His head knocked ever so slightly on an overhead beam as he stood and William was again surprised at his height. He wondered if he would ever get used to it. This man made Simon Powell look small.

William went around to the other side of the table and fetched two glasses.






One of the milling hands had been sent to the Sick berth to call Armand to attend. As they entered the comfort of the Great cabin the massive Nubian rose to restricted standing posture and cocking her head ever so slightly, Tempest offered a warm smile to his presence. Realizing what discomfort the stance must be giving the mountainous man, she tried to relay that he should take his ease. The large dark eyes gazed down to the smallish woman before him and gaining understanding that it was not a forced or demanded issue, smiled and took former seating.

Moving to the table's side, Tempest remained standing in dutiful respect to the frigate's master.

" Armand should be here presently with the porter, sir. I see that you are getting along well as your injury becomes a phantom of the past."

A small rap sounded at the cabin's entrance and with admission, Armand entered carrying the requested bottle. Noticing Ajayi's presence, the Gascon stepped a side pace and nodded to the massive man before standing the Surgeon's side and greeting William. Delivery completed, he turned to take leave but was halted as Tempest motioned stay. Glancing from her to the Captain, Armand took regimentary stance and waited patiently.

" I have heard that our destination of port is La Margarita. I have no wish to question your judgment, mind...Though it seems a rather out of the way place in which to exchange goods. May I be so bold as to enquire why we should choose a port of Spain in which to do such?"

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


"You may inquire."

William poured three glasses, passing one of them to Tempest and one to Armand. He sipped before continuing.

"I am exchanging Scully for favor in these waters. And since I wish to limit my visits to land, I shall also reprovision at La Margarita and sell what goods we may there. The Spanish are as good a buyer as any, but since you you ask why, may I assume that you have concerns you would like to address?"






With a word of thanks to glass filling, she kept her peace for a moment before giving reply.

"Exchange for favor? I was unawares that you had accord with the Houses of Spain..."

Tempest sipped from the heady spirit, and noticed a sly of sidelong glance by Armand.

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


"I have no such accord on this side of the Atlantic. And on the other side my accord is small. I hope to improve it with the delivery of Mister Scully. It has been recommended to me that I will obtain some favor if I should deliver Scully into Spanish keeping."

William sipped his glass.

"Of course this comes from Fournier."






" I see...Than I can say that your recomendation is well founded. I shall assume that you have been given some form of introduction and endorsment. If I may be so bold, were you instructed to speak with someone in particular and may I inquire as to whom, if that be the case."

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

" I see...Than I can say that your recomendation is well founded. I shall assume that you have been given some form of introduction and endorsment. If I may be so bold, were you instructed to speak with someone in particular and may I inquire as to whom, if that be the case."

William raised an eyebrow.

"I am almost afraid to say. It seems that you know everyone I meet of late. For all I know, you just may be a Spanish ambassador in disguise."

William smiled and sipped his wine a moment, wondering why the Doctor had chosen to have Armand remain.

"The sealed dispatch has the name of one Don Francesch Manuel Vasquez. I know nothing more than the name. I've been led to believe that this man has an interest in obtaining our Mister Scully."





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