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  William Red Wake said:
  Tempest Fitzgerald said:
The well practiced eye scrutinized the subtle nuances of William's carriage; the unsaid things that could reveal much. The pixieish feature kept an expression of neutrality as he turned from the door and closed it to the satisfied sound of latch finding hold. Tilting her head minutely to the right, she spoke softly.

"To what may I owe the honour of your company and summons?"

He drew her into the galley and asked Mister Gage for the room, which he gave up at once, though he there was no mistaking the pause and surprise that proceeded his departure. In all of his years as a cook, no one had ever asked him to leave while they took a conference in the galley.

When he was gone and the door was closed, William drew her as close to him as he ever had, apart from dancing.

"I believe that I have made an error in judgement. In the wake of the Don's generosity and in an effort to fill the empty hammocks aboard, I have extended shelter to four castaways. And...in doing so...I may have put you in harm's way."

While she absorbed this information with a slow nod that implied neither agreement or complete understanding, he stood away from her and looked at Tempest for the first time with an altogether different aspect.

"When we first met I kept a great many secrets to myself, careful not to speak too much of those threats that have shadowed me these many years. I have always been too aware that my position as Captain of this ship could cause great harm to anyone found in my company. There are powers both great and small that would hang most of these men and women simply for serving on the same ship. Though some of them would no doubt hang for their very own individual offenses."

William shook his head. He was smiling now for many reasons that he couldn't adequately explain to himself, let alone Tempest. She was smiling too, perhaps from a mix of similar thoughts and emotions.

"All this time I believed...perhaps arrogantly believed...that I was the greatest threat to this crew if we should fall into certain enemy hands..."

Her smile changed just a little.

"...and now I am not as certain as I was...that this is true."

The delicate brow knit with subtle concern briefly, and when she spoke it was with soothing tone.

"William, I am at some form of confussion as to exactly what you are trying to convey. A threat to me? Why would anyone have interest in me, the thought in itself is incredulous. Who would whisper such serpent charm into your hearing to cause you a conclusion as this?"

Her thoughts raced while offering an air of light jibe.

"Truly William, such wordings must be in jest...perhaps someone try to get your goat, as it were."

She chuckled wryly.

"I dare ask who would be so bold as to say things causing angst to your gentle soul. It is ridicule..." "

And so the Surgeon put forth the faux front of lightness and unconcern, a masquerade to what played in cerebral hallways.

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

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:: The seaman's talk slowly ended as the particulars of the French ship were covered and again a quietness came to the small group of men. Mr. Lasseter kept a bon homme air about him making sure glasses remained filled, even asking if a window needed to be opened as it was feeling stuffy in the ward room... He opened one of the aft windows, proping it a quarter of the way, letting in a gentle breeze. The waiting game being played out was growing old, Dorian could sense a growing tension in Fournier and Lamaire. They hid it well, but it was more his gut that his eyes that told him the happenings below the calm, cool surface displayed of the two frenchmen. The third man was still as unreadable as ever, yet Dorian's keen sense told him that he also felt the tension, yet remained a cold stone to the eye. The worst of this was that all the QuarterMaster could do was wait, he had no Steward to send for the Captain, and he could not leave the guests unattended, no matter how companionable they were... The only distraction he could think of that wouldn't seem out of place were the three charts rolled up on the table...::

Capitaine, Would you mind if I had Leftenant Lamaire look over these charts with me? I wish to be perfectly sure of any notations that have been added.

::Fournier looked at the QuarterMaster and gave a slight nod...::

"But ofcourse...."

::Dorian gave a shallow bow, then leaned across the table and rolled out one of the charts, putting items on the corners to hold it flat... Lamaire stood on the opposite side of the table, once the chart was displayed, him set his glass down and also leaned on the edge of the table. Both men looked at various features, Dorian pointing to areas and asking questions, Dominique surveying the chart and answering with what knowledge he had, to which Dorian had opened an inkpot, found a pen and paper to jot down more notations. Capitain Fournier occasionally commented as well, but left the answers to Lamaire for the most part. Msr. Chanault remained statue-like, observing without interest...::


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


  Tempest Fitzgerald said:
"I dare ask who would be so bold as to say things causing angst to your gentle soul. It is ridicule..." "

'YOU do with each evasion', he thought, but he said nothing.

William smiled a little and the smile said, 'Fine. keep your secrets.'

He went to a false cupboard built into the sparsely decorated cabinetry of the larder. It was rediscovered by a trick of pressing just the right carved rosette and applying pressure to the hinged mechanism that opened the small, but ample compartment. It was a space just high enough for a short, stout bottle. William removed this secreted rum and poured a tiny portion into two mismatched glasses.

"Délicieux." Tempest said, having been unaware of the hiding place before.

"Oui." William replied. "I've found only one other so far. The carpenter who built the Nubian was a clever man, and predisposed to personal whims of carpentry. I imagine there are few if any other such spaces, since space aboard the Watch Dog is so limited. Though I may employ our own Mister Hawks to create some where none exist. They are advantageous..."

"They are indeed." she said as he passed her the chipped cup.

"I wonder of Mister Gage has found this one yet." William remarked lifting the rum bottle to examine it closer. "The bottle seems a bit dusty."

Then they looked at each other and made a toast only of exchanged nods and silent smiles. Several questions crossed his mind, but he didn't ask her. He downed his drink at once and tucked the bottle away again into the dark compartment. He closed it gently and the sound it made was more of a 'thup' than a metal click, implying a mechanism made entirely of wood.

"A very absolute carpenter."

"Oui." she returned, and her face was still smiles and surface cordiality, masking everything that went on beneath.

"You have patients, Doctor." And he wasn't sure he hadn't meant to say 'patience', but since both were true, he supposed it didn't matter what he had meant. "It's been a pleasure, but I must see to my guests."

He kissed her hand and left the room at once, returning to the Ward Room in short order.






Callie's pulse quickened as she was led by Tudor to the docks where the ship was docked. "Welcome to The Watch Dog." She said as the approched the ship. "Maybe if you ask very nicely, the Captain will give you a position.

Soon, all the small party were on deck, the crewmen going their ways, and Tudor leading the younger girl to the ward room, in search of the captain.


:: The gentlemen in the wardroom continued to look at all the charts, the QuarterMaster taking more notes... there was a knock at the door, then it opened. All eyes focused on who would enter. It was the Captain's Steward, Ms. Smith, with a shabby looking youth in sailor's gear. They stopped abruptly just inside the door... ::

Ah, Ms. Smith... back from yer trip to th' marketplace?

::Dorian walked over to them, a smile on his face...::

"I was looking for Captain William... I have-"

::Dorian held up a hand, politely interrupting her...::

Cap'n not here at th' moment... He stepped out to points unknown to me...

::Sermizing what she might want with the captain, seeing the youth held in her grip, he suggested a direction...::

Hmmm... take yer charge ta th' Galley... have Mr. Gage watch over 'im an seek out th' Cap'n... Off ye go....

::He gave he a look that meant "Now", but didn't carry displeasure...::


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



With a quick bobbed curtsie, Tudor turned out of the room and led Callie down into the galley. "Here, get some food. Maybe make yourself useful to the cook, or something. Captain's busy at the moment." She said, pointing Callie in the direction of the galley door, then heading back for the deck, a million tasks running through her head.


::Finishing up the log of the new lads arms, a modest drip of perspiration begins to form on my brow. Removing my handkerchief, I gently dab at my forehead. Replacing the pen I deliberatly take my time so as to make sure the new list of arms is accurate. I don't want my first true scribing to be erroneous. I stand and gently blow out the shaded lantern as I stretch and place the log book on top of the small desk. Locking the door behind me I travel back topside.

As I climbed back to the main deck, the humidity began to dissipate. Not so much as a cool October back at home upon the Tidewater, but simply lessened to a degree where it was tolerable. The light breeze off of the harbor gave ready welcome to those yearning to be back at sea.

A steady stream of supplies continued to load aboard the ship. Mr Ciaran waa caught eyeing up the new cannon just brought aboard ship.

I pull my flask and offer him a sip, "'tis fine sight ain't they mate?" as I nod towards the cannon. Mr Ciaran takes a sip and nods agreeingly. "Ya should seen the ones o've ther inna Armoury. Me thinks the King's Navy don't 'ave as many as this 'ere place".

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

  Quartermaster James said:

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."


As William came out of the galley he almost knocked down a dusty youth.

"Hello." he said, surprised to find someone he didn't know in the companionway. "How did you happen to come aboard?"

Callie made to speak three and four times, and then as if all of her attempts had caught up to her at once, they came spilling out together. Her speech was so fast and confused that William couldn't make sense of it, so he simply placed a hand on one spindly shoulder and said, "Steady."

"A Ms...Smith, she brought me aboard...and..."

William nodded and was about to speak again when Simon arrived, filling the doorway leading forward to the gundeck.

"Begging your pardon, Cap'n, but Miss Kendra would like a word." he said almost apologetically, then added. "If it's no trouble...?"

William looked back toward the Ward Room a moment.

"Mister Powell, please see that our guest here is introduced to Mister Gage, post haste." he said with a smile. "I believe he is on the gundeck."

"Aye, sah. Just passed 'im."

"Very good, Mister Powell. And ask Miss Kendra to wait, unless the matter is pressing..."

"I don't believe so, Cap'n."

"Thank you, Mister Powell."

Simon led Callie out into the fading evening light.

"Are there no healthy hands to be had ashore?" Tempest asked from the galley doorway as she watched Callie follow after in Simon's wide shadow.

"I may hang a notice on the docks that says 'No more strays.' or else I'll have a ship full of scarecrows." he said as he turned again to the Ward Room.






::As Mr. Lasseter returned to the table, picked up the pen ta scribe more notes for the charts of La Blanquilla, the wardroom door opened without a knock. In walked Captain William...::

"My apologies, Gentlemen. A matter arose at once that I had to see to..."

::Lamaire looked from Dorian to William to his Capitaine... Not a word was said, but some gestures to accepting the apology were made... Mr. Lasseter spoke first....::

In yer absence I took th' liberty to enlist Leftenant Lamaire with particulars on the charts fer La Blanquilla... excellent if I do say so m'self...

::Turning to Lamaire...::

Any more to add? No? Merci Beaucoupe...

::Lamaire bowed his head with a quick smile as Dorian began to roll the charts up...::

Very well... I now beg yer Pardon... I wish ta put these inta safe keepin'... I shall return momentarily...

::He bowed fully, tucked the charts under his arm and made his way to the door, heading out into the passageway...::


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Bill moved aside as bidden. As the man began ministrating to Nathan Bill was certain he heard the door to the galley open. Knowing that was where the surgeon and captain had repaired to he concluded that their business was finished and went to seek William out. Nathan mumbled weakly

"Billy.....please.....don't leave...leave me here with the frenchies"

Bill couldn't rightly blame the lad for his prejudices, after all Nathan was only six when King Williams war had broken out and he'd seen his entire family fall under the tomahawk. Bill himself was no stranger to the violence the French and Algonquin had wrought all over New England, but try as he might he could not bring himself to hate an entire nation based on the actions of a few. Though admittedly he was always distrustful of anyone in a french uniform.....or those who kept their company with such, and he never went into the woods if he could help it.

"You hush now matey, saves yer stremf, ye be needin' in the days ahead"

Nathan moaned once more in protest then fell silent. Assured that Nathan was in capable hands he strode into the corridor to seek Captain Brand. In doing so he nearly trampled a small girl in the passageway. Muttering an apology his eyes sought the captains

"Ye be wantin' a word wit me sar?"



"Ye be wantin' a word wit me sar?"

The strange voicing gave pause to all that currently was in motion and all heads turned to center on arrival. Lamaire glanced to Fournier, whoes face showed nothing more than slight curiosity. Chanault leaned forward just enough to view individual in question a little clearer then cut attention for a glimpse of the frigate's Commander.

Fournier laughed underbreath then spoke with casual bearing, "It seems that your Great Cabin's entry should have a door on pivots instead of hinges, Capitaine Hollande."

Lamaire was unable to contain the impish grin that crept into view...

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


"Aye..." William said, growing weary as a host at the many interruptions. He looked at Mister Flint, then his ward room crowded with guests, then back to Mister Flint. "...but if you recall, Mister Flint, I said I would send for you."

Bill Flint flushed with embarrassment and it made William's embarrassment a little easier. "Sar...I..."

"That will do Mister Flint. See to your friends and I will send for you shortly."

"Aye, sar."

He went out again and William refreshed the glasses of those present. "I'm an innkeeper in my own cabin." he said with a small chuckle.






Raphael-Entienne Chanault observed the interchange with veiled attention. The way one in command handled situations, such as what had just transpired, said much about diplomacy skills and in his silence, the youngest of the Trio gave approval. Pale jade hued deadlights tracked the disrupter until exit from sight and stayed at the entrance until door was secured once again. Until this point, Chanault had seen to keep his peace outside of requirements of protocal, but as William made round to accommodate as host the solace was broken.

"Merci Capitaine Hollande, most kind of you." In verbose of mulitple word combination, the vocal tone was soft and carried almost a lulling quality to the ear.

There was a noticable ebb in the flow of wine to glass, though it was brief in its existance and William offered a warm smile of welcome. Chanault placed his hands upon table surface and laced fingers together, returning to sphinx like manner as before until William resumed seating at the length's end.

"Pardon, Capitaine Hollande, if my hearing is not playing me for imbecile, the monsieur that just departed is from...how is it you would say...The Colonies? Oui, The Colonies. You have representatives of many nations aboard, I can assume?"

It seemed an odd query, but William ever versatile to the moment, answered that it was a fact that the Watch Dog a melting pot of sorts. Chanault gave another small nod then resumed silence. Fournier finished wine offering and slid the glass to the side, waving off William's offer to replenish.

"Merci. Non merci, I fear we have taken up far too much of your time and I know how valuable that can be. Please inform the Comte that I shall send over men to bring his property aboard shortly. We are ready to accommodate him with quarters at his leisure. Is there anything of which I might be further aid? Anything that you have questions about that I may answer while I am here?"

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


'Yes.' William thought, but he contradicted his own thoughts with parting farewells to each of them. The conversation continued, but on light matters as the small procession made its way forward into the waning light of the day. Here they found the crew loading the last of the stores that would see them through the coming months. Most of the men were at the windlass or capstan, busy with the exchange of guns.






Tempest had returned with hesitation to the surgery, distractions of various incidents and weight swirling her mind like a flock of sparrows spooked into shoaling flight. Her new charge was now resting, an action far different from how he had appeared on her re-arrival. For reasons she could not quite fathom, the man Nathan had been severly aggitated and the fear shown in his wide eyes was unmistakable. With effort and assurance, he had calmed somewhat and the dosage of laudanum eased the demons further. Pneumonia had its' claws burried deeply into his being, dehydration as well; but stepping away to join kindred on the other side of chamber, she could not deny the instinctual nag that something else was at work here.

As Armand drew the long crimson bundle from seachest resting place, the Surgeon poured over the contents of heavy leather bound text. Occassionaly he would pause in the brushing of adornment at the sound of exasperated sigh issued from behind and the next freverant sound of page turn. She was troubled and deeply so, it showed in her posturing; in her expression; in the way she turned one page for another...And the Gascon knew it went far beyond the malady of newest charge.

Laying the regimental coat aside with care, he moved to the desk's side and stood silently. A minute fleeted by then index finger accusing line of text, she looked up to view the concern painting the angled plains of his face. Nothing was said at first, but when he chose to break the heavy quiet, it was with few words.

"I wish you would reconsider."

"Non, it is not an option..." The deep green of emerald sight cut to Nathan as she continued, "Especially with current circumstance."

He did not make attempt at rebuttal, knowing full well what success would be achieved. Jaquelyn's mind was set and once bearing was chosen, there was no way to change the heading...unless its' Mistress chose to do so. Armand shook his head slowly with hinted dissaproval as she returned her attention to heavy tome.

"It is what must be..." She said barely audible, as her thoughts drifted back to William.

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

  William Red Wake said:
'Yes.' William thought, but he contradicted his own thoughts with parting farewells to each of them.  The conversation continued, but on light matters as the small procession made its way forward into the waning light of the day.  Here they found the crew loading the last of the stores that would see them through the coming months.  Most of the men were at the windlass or capstan, busy with the exchange of guns.

Fournier sent Lamaire and Chanault ahead while standing with William observing the finale securing of cargo. With the sun giving last salut as it melted into liquid horizon line, a comfortable breeze brought the moist scent of local flora and fauna from terra's near extistance. The creak of block and tackle under strain acted as accommpliment to the symphony of early evening wild life conjuring the moon. As moments passed and the last of ship's burden was tucked away into hibernation, and the able hands that had dictated its care stepped away to near scuttles, Jean-Micheale turned to his comrade and spoke with softened tone.

"I wish you bonne chance, ami. The life we have chosen has never been one of ease, but I cannot say I harbour many regrets in doing so. Fate has delt a strange hand in bringing us together and I have to admit that my life is richer for making your aquaintance. Perhaps we shall chance into each other's company again soon, though I hope under less strife than this time...Or for that matter, the first time, non?"

The man from Marseilles issued a low wry laugh and ironic amusement played his eyes as he proffered a hand to William.

"I shall return Monsieur Chanault to you in the morning hours with what possessions he has aboard. He is quiet by nature and it can be unsettling as first, but know that I have rarely meet a man more driven by duty and honour. Raphael will serve Mademoiselle with utmost diligence, but I request this only..."

William nodded acknowledgement.

"They are not to be parted and if Mademoiselle wishes to leave your company, then Chanault will be released to accommpany."

"Very well."

"Tres bien et merci. You give great credit to you nation of origin. If you are in need of reaching me, I have a small chateau in Fort-au-France. You and your company are welcome there at whim. Fair winds and following seas, mon ami."

Fournier turned away then, only to pause and offer a wiley smile, "I shall give your regards to Capitaine Moreau upon reaching La Desirade. J'espere que nous aurons binetot l'occasion de nous revoir, Capitaine Brand. "

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Johnson stood on deck readily polishing his pride and joy, "Yer Maker". The medium sized swivel gun's double locks gleamed in diligent work. "Maker's" barrel had beheld quite a many enemy of the Watch Dog, and was integral in scattering possible boarders. Johnson wanted everything right. In the event that a confrontation ensued, "Yer Maker" would surely be ready to send someone to meet their's.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Cut-throat Johnson nodded in satisfaction as he made one last wipe of the gun's swivel hinge. *Aye...* he thought to himself *....yer a beauty indeed, Maker. The last beauty a blaggard'll see if'n he gets too close to our railin's *.


"Bonne fortune, Capitaine." William said as Fournier went over the rail. "...et vents justes".

(Fourth Bell - First Watch Begins aboard the Watch Dog)

The three good men disappeared into the evening throng and William gave the deck over to Mister Lasseter. He went below to search out the Ship's Sailmaker, lest he forget her request for an audience. He wound his way into steerage, passing through a throng of men storing and securing those goods brought on by daylight.

Soon the first bell of First Watch would sound and true night would settle in. It would be their last night on La Margarita and William was anxious to be gone again from land for a time.

During the passing day he had heard rumors of departures among the crew. It was not uncommon for sailors to seek other berths and adventures while in new ports and surroundings. He expected by morning that some would draw their pay and bid their farewells. It was after all a part of sea life to watch the ebb and flow of crews aboard any ship. Even William himself had done his share of wandering from berth to berth in his early years, so he was not too surprised by the gossip. He had expected that some transitions would follow recent events on and off the Watch Dog.

Still, he was surprised to find Kendra sitting on her luggage.






*She swallows hard, "Captain, I thank you for coming to see me, no doubt the rumors reached you before Simon message did. . ." * a nervous giggle escapes* "Yes it has Kendra, and I must say I am rather taken back by it all. May I ask why?"

"I have seen too much death, even when I sleep

but instead of seeing the bodies that were before us just a few days ago. . .I see my own in their place and I am afraid, not for me, but for and the crew for each holds the other's life in their hands. . .and it is too much for me to bare upon my small shoulders." *Tears begin to well,quickly she wipes them so he dose not see.* "I Thought, because my father was a sailmaker that it too would be in my blood. . .however it is not. I hope you understand. And whatever the reprecustions are I will gladly accept them.


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11






"Well..." William said slowly. "The Spanish like a good tailor."

She smiled a little at this. "Yes...yes they do."

William looked at Simon, who was standing hard by. " I suppose that you'll be taking leave of us as well then?"

Mister Powell only managed a nod. William nodded too. "Well, to be quite frank, I thought the rumors were in regards to other crew members, but of course, you have my leave. You should be able to find work ashore or perhaps transportation. Captain Fournier may be persuaded to deliver you elsewhere if it isn't your desire to stay on La Margarita. I'll see that letters of passage can be provided, and of course, you'll take what pay is coming to you both."






Bills ears were burning with shame at having interrupted his captain. He was foolish for having believed that Captain Brand would really hand them over to the french. He poked his head back into the infirmary to check on Nathan. The lad seemed to have had his fears assuaged and was resting comfortably leaving himself to the care of the two capable medical personnel attending him. Bill decided to proceed to the deck and have a bowl while he pondered the whole situation regarding the possible spy. No sooner had he lit up, when spied Tommy and Jonas deep in conversation. At that momnet the delegation of Frenchmen left the ship, and Tommy broke from confidance and slipped down the gang plank after them. Bill didn't even feel the pipe fall from his mouth. He stormed across the deck and seized him by the collar spinning him around and landed a solid blow to his chin. Jonas fell to his knees.

"What in the nine hells is going on here!" roared Bill

"Please Billt it weren't my fault, it were all Tommy's doin'!"

"What were Tommy's doin'?"

"I can't, he'll do me if'n I tell"

"So help me the sharks'll have ye if'n ye don't"

Meanwhile the man who had been calling himself Thomas Halsey worked his way through the crowd towards the group of french officers headed towards the corvette at anchor a short distance away. Reaching them he called out

" Pardon' moi, Capitaine Fournier? A moment of your time si vous plait..."

As the trio turned to face him Robspierre Gaultier reached inside his just-au-corps and produced the papers identifying him as an agent of the crown of France

" Il y a une petite question de securite' nationale nous avons besoin de discuter, c'est de l'importance extreme"



Fournier turned at the hailing and scrutinized the individual that approached with air of urgency. The words of extreme importance and national security may have well been a weather report for the reaction given forth. Lamaire reached forward to the documents proffered and handed them in turn to Jean-Micheale. The paperments claiming bearer's status were perused carefully then returned without fanfare. Clasping hands together behind lower back, the Capitaine prolonged silence further while a seed of irritation planted itself inwardly. Unlike father and older brother, Jean-Micheale had very little patience for the games played at Court levels; never the less, duty claimed that he would at least entertain the man begging audience.

"Tres bien Monsieur Gualtier, vous posseder mon attention. Suivre, s'il vous plait."

Fournier waved for the Gualtier to follow with an air of impatience and resumed forward movement to Le Requiem. The two Lieutenants allowed the man to pass, then dropped into a flanking formation behind. Dominique slyed a look to Raphael, noting that his left hand rested on service pistol buttcap.

They gained the corvette's boundries to be saluted with respect by those on weather decks. Continueing on, the Great cabin was entered and with Lieutenants standing inside the secured entry way Fournier took seating at table's head. Indicating a near chair he waited until guest was in place, then leaning to burnished surface support, Jean-Micheale steepled his fingers and fixed the other with intense eye.

"So Monsuier Gualtier, what is this great matter of importance that deems my warrant and attention. I encourage you not to try my patiance with trivialities, for my time is quite valuable."

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


::Standing on the quarterdeck, Mr. Lasseter was scribing the list of new supplies and what-not into the log. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a smattering of sparks on the deck in the waist which draws his full attention, as well as a man swiftly moving to the other side of the deck. He dropped the log book onto the deck and bounded down into the waist, first to the sparks, which ended up being a tobacco pipe. He stamped on the embers, as he did so he heard the sound of fisticufs, or atleast a solid punch being landed. Turning to the sound he drew his sword, the metalic ring of the blade scraping free of the scabards' throat caused any person within ear shot to freeze. In four quick paces the QuarterMaster was in sight of the scene, two of the new crewmembers were having some sort of conflict, one was on his knees while the other yelled into his face... He leveled his Mortuary Sword at the two of them....::

Hold fast, you two!!! Wot's th' meanin' o' this! Tell me now 'r I'll 'ave yer hides!!!


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Gaultier forced a smile. God but the man was arrogant, just like all these sea captains. If it were left to him Robspierre would see them all swing from a rope after France ruled the world. Nonetheless he continued.

"Merci Capitaine. As you know we are at war with the english because they support the pretender Leopold's illegitimate claim to the throne of Spain while our beloved king supports his grandson Phillip's rightful claim. As such it is the duty of all frenchmen to curtail english power wherever the opportunity shows itself. The crown has charged me to do this by infiltrating the enemies navy in the New World and leading their ships to ambush. Normally the ship is boarded and I am 'taken prisoner' to be quietly released to continue my mission. This last time however proved most difficult. I was aboard a ship called Le Dreadnaught which had been causing us no small amount of grief in the West Indies. As such my chain of command decided that we would deviate from the norm and attack with two ships and I would slip away during the confusion in a longboat to be picked up later. I was to be joined by an accomplice who offered his services to the crown in exchange for gold coin. Before we could make good our escape we were discovered by two marines and the same number of sailors. I could not refuse them for fear of blowing my cover and exposing our operations if they escaped. There are others doing just as I am so it was better I persih adrift at sea with no one the wiser. Then we landed here. I was seperated from my accomplice and found myself the other two sailors. It was only a small matter to have them arrested by our Spanish allies, alas it became necessary to kill one of them during the capture,plus la pitie. Now my accomplice found himself of the company of the two marines and being welcomed aboard that pirate ship in the harbor so I too felt it necessary to go along until I could find a french ship to sink them. I am quite sure the one called Flint has figured me out so now his death is a necessity."

Gaultier stood then continued.

" Capitaine Fournier, je vous charge par la presente pour preformer votre devoir a Dieu et au pays. Vous ferez tout de suite des preparations avec tous autres Francais actuellement a l'ancre ici pour bloquer le port, et empecher l'evasion de pirates. Je ne suis pas un monstre si nous donnerons a un citoyens Francais a bord de La Montre Traque l'hasard pour rendre et est amene a bord Du Requiem. Alors nous l'enverrons et son equipage au fond, suis-je clair? "


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