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William goes aboard the cutter with four able seamen. He takes none of them armed, save for those knives common to sailors. He puts Miss Smith and Mad Jack just ahead of him as he takes the tiller. He places Brisbane and Tucker at the lead of the boat.

"Row away, lass and lads. Row away!"

He turns the tiller and allows the boat to slip out from the Watch Dog.

"Mister Lasseter! The ship is yours!"





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The cutter reapears, a small compliment of men at her oars forcing the forward progress to where La Nymphe rides at anchor. The sun overhead gains power over the scant of cloud spray, just enough to throw a reflective shine from the gold gilt escutcheons marking the cutters bow. Moreau opens his 'glass to get a clearer view as the gap of distance closes....Chasse de Mer.

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

  William Red Wake said:
"Mister Lasseter! The ship is yours!"

Aye, Aye Captain!!!

:: The QM turns to look down the hatchway at the two lads in chains ::

'ow's it feel ta be in chains Lads?? Iffn' ye wish ta avoid it ag'in... *he leans down into the hatchway* Don't ever let me find ye drunk whilst on duty.... unless everyone else be in revelry wi' th' cap'n blessin's...

::standing back up stiffly, he turns away from the hatch, watching the progress of the cutter::

Bo'sun! Lead Mr. Warren an' Mr. Sons ta th' crews mess... feed 'em some cold coffee, an' leave th' iron on til I says...

:: he then walks to the rail, still watching the cutter, a cold sweat on his neck ::

I's a bad feelin'....

:: looking about, he sees all the crew stock still ::

Wot ye standin' aboot fer!!!!

Back ta work!!!

Pass th' word fer Mr. Ciaran!!

:: he stands, hands clasped behind his back, staring at the Xebec...::


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



William brings the cutter alongside in a wide arc that is both slow and deliberate. He approaches her niether too fast or too slow, giving all aboard the time to see her and the few sailors who occupy her.

"Ahoy! Permission to come aboard!"






*While the other went out for a moment to see what was going on. . .Kendra gently takes hold of the Monsingnor's hand, and prayed:Heavenly Father, please hear your humble child's plea. The physcian has done all he can do for this man your servant. It is written in the Bible that you are the "great Physcian," and by the stripes you took on that beautiful and yet scandelous night at Calvery any man who asks shall be healed. So I ask that You heal this man whom You have called into Your Service not just for myself but for the souls of the entire crew.

It is In Your Name I pray A-men


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11






Years of conditioning take over as Capitaine Moreau aproaches the portside rail to look upon his guests. The weathered features betray nothing of the knowledge he has glimpesed from the cutter's bow. At the hailing, a broad smile of welcome crosses the deeply tanned face and he calls to them.

"Fair bon accueil et bonjour, Capitaine. Permission granted."

He steps back, surveying that all crew stand to attention along the main deck in welcome the stranger.

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


::while the QM stands watching the Xebec and the cutters progress, out of the corner of his eye he sees the Master Gunner sitting, peering through a glass, he then approaches the QM::

Mr. Youngblood, aye You will stand and attend to your duties... If this turns bad I need you at the guns with your crews.... Now, get down into the waist, easy... and kindly assemble yer crew without makeing too muck of a ruckus...

Make it so...


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


  Tempest Fitzgerald said:
Years of conditioning take over as Capitaine Moreau aproaches the portside rail to look upon his guests. The weathered features betray nothing of the knowledge he has glimpesed from the cutter's bow. At the hailing, a broad smile of welcome crosses the deeply tanned face and he calls to them.

"Fair bon accueil et bonjour, Capitaine. Permission granted."

He steps back, surveying that all crew stand to attention along the main deck in welcome the stranger.

William removes his hat and stands with his hand still on the tiller.

"Bonjour et merci."

William smiles up with all of the charm he can muster. He take the ladder almost immediately, leaving Mad Jack the free tiller, as he ascends the ladder.


William steps onto the xebec's deck and the smile he wears now is as genuine as they come. He looks about, not at the crew, but the ship. He is almost distracted by it, but only for a moment before he addresses his hosts.

"Forgive me, but I believe that my French would offend even the Scottish. I have no tongue for tongues, it seems. William Holland." He presents his hand as he removes his hat with the other.






(dreaming as if I were the apostle Peters mother-in-law within my own nightmare of fever and sacrifice in time, this place I am is where no one should be ever!Then touched in hand, as if by Jesus himself I am healed) My eyes opened... I see Kendra, behind her is Ciaran, with mouth dry and parched of lip. "Hungry!" is all that came out....

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Kendra gently takes hold of the Monsingnor's hand, and prayed:Heavenly Father, please hear your humble child's plea. The physcian has done all he can do for this man your servant. It is written in the Bible that you are the "great Physcian," and by the stripes you took on that beautiful and yet scandelous night at Calvery any man who asks shall be healed. So I ask that You heal this man whom You have called into Your Service not just for myself but for the souls of the entire crew.

It is In Your Name I pray A-men

Amen, says Ciaran quietly. (he turns to Kendra) Aye, lass, I was raised in a monastary and considered it as me own callin' till I visited the sea fer the first time when I was 16 years of age. Lookin' at the waves, the ships, something welled up inside me and I knew me life was to be spent, not behind the safe walls of the Church, but on the majestic waters. Yet, still I walk a spiritual path in many ways. The Monsignor here be a longtime friend of me and me family.

Thank ye fer that prayer, Kendra. As ye know, today is the Holy Day Lammas, mass of the Lamb and of the Bread. I think it be a good sign. I believe in me heart, jes as the bread rises, so will Father Diego today.

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp


(Ciaran and Kendra look at one another in disbelief)

Praise God! Yer prayer worked miracles, Kendra!

(holding onto Diego so he doesn't jump off the bed, Ciaran rubs his forehead and holds his hand)

Father Diego! He are awake! Hold still and lie quietly. We shall get ye food and drink in due time. (holds water to his lips) Here, drink fresh water.

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp


(Ciaran begins relating the story of the serpent and its attack, the hard journey back here, and Diego's days of illness to the Monsignor)

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp


Moreau returns the smile warmly, though makes note of the other captain's survey of decks. Stepping forward the elder man removes his hat to tuck it under arm and receives the strong clasp of hand.

"Enchante, Capitaine Holland. You do me honor in aquaintance. It is fortunate to you that my grasp of English is better than your French, non? May I offer you something to wet your thirst?"

From behind, the soft scrape of boot sole on wood planking announces the arrival of another. Armand takes his place next to the large frame of Capitaine Moreau, his expression bright at William's presence.

"Bonjour, Capitaine! It is very good to see you again."

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

  Diego Santana de la Vega said:
(dreaming as if I were the apostle Peters mother-in-law within my own nightmare of fever and sacrifice in time, this place I am is where no one should be ever!Then touched in hand, as if by Jesus himself I am healed) My eyes opened... I see Kendra, mouth dry and parched of lip. "Hungry!" is all that came out....

* tears of joy fill her eyes, and with a silent "thank you." she sqeezes his hand tighter and wioes his brow. She greets him with the warmest of smiles and says, it is very nice to finally make your aquaintance Monsingnor."


"Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences"~ The Adventures Of A Notorious Youth Capt. Hook

By: J. V. Hart

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."~Lao Tzu 490-570 BC


Yes, I am leaving the pub. I don't know when or if I will come back to this port. I will check in from time to time. Until then:

*raising goblet of good cheer*

" To high adventure, and wild romance....long may they endure!"

For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content

Philippians 4:11





  CaptainCiaran said:
(Ciaran and Kendra look at one another in disbelief)

Praise God! Yer prayer worked miracles, Kendra!

(holding onto Diego so he doesn't jump off the bed, Ciaran rubs his forehead and holds his hand)

Father Diego! He are awake! Hold still and lie quietly. We shall get ye food and drink in due time. (holds water to his lips) Here, drink fresh water.

Looking up lost why is my efforts to move restrained? I tilt my head but nay I am without muscles. Limp I try and swallow the water being tethered. My eyes showing obvious questions of concerns?????? (Thinking to meself? Why am I so weak? What is it that has happened to me giving this weakness ne'r to be ever remebered as to the what?) I drink and form to say. "What?"

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

  Tempest Fitzgerald said:
Moreau returns the smile warmly, though makes note of the other captain's survey of decks. Stepping forward the elder man removes his hat to tuck it under arm and receives the strong clasp of hand.

"Enchante, Capitaine Holland. You do me honor in aquaintance. It is fortunate to you that my grasp of English is better than your French, non? May I offer you something to wet your thirst?


He takes the returned handshake, but can't keep his eyes from straying about the xebec. His eyes fall on her sails, the high prow and stern, the long curvature of her beams.

"Forgive me, but might I walk about your fine ship? I've not seen her like in a score of years. She is fine..."

His words trail off as he returns to the present with haste upon hearing the surgeon's manservant.

"Armand. Tempest. Hello, my good Doctor. I believe that you are needed urgently aboard the Watch Dog. Our dear clergyman has been bitten by a serpent while in the heavy cover of the jungle and is, even now, at a fever in the surgery. Would you you go to him presently? He is much recovered, but he is still in the sleep of the unknown."






Relax Monsignor. Listen as I will relate to ye the entire story. It all began when ye and I went by small craft to fetch the fresh water........

(Ciaran very slowly recounts the entire adventure and misadventure to Diego, while he and Kendra give him water and keep him resting)

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp


The shadows of weariness still mark the Surgeon's features as she takes her place next to Armand and Capitaine Moreau. Her brow furrows at William's announcement of conditions on board the Watch Dog.

" Good day to you, sir! It has been very harrisome these days past and it appears that it is no better here. A serpent you say? Then I should look into it imediately. How long ago has this happened?"

Glancing to Capitaine Moreau...

"Pardon, Capitaine...I must beg your leave. This requires upmost attention. Perhaps you will stay for dinner? It is the least I can offer to the hospitality and aid you have shown."

Center's on William...

" I shall leave Armand with you to help you with your needs while here on Le Nymphe. I shall assume there is someone on board that knows the details in regard to the incident involving the bite?"

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

  Tempest Fitzgerald said:
" I shall leave Armand with you to help you with your needs while here on Le Nymphe. I shall assume there is someone on board that knows the details in regard to the incident involving the bite?"

Aye, doctor. All the news can be revealed aboard the Watch Dog. Perhaps you should take some other boat than the cutter to the Watch Dog?






Feeling tears from unknown wheres from I see the interest in my caretakers eyes of response to storys need. Ciaran I am Quoting Psalms 50:21 "While you did all this, I remained silent, and you thought I didn't care." and too! Psalms 50:23 "But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me." Thank you for your care and Most assuredly that you drank and spat the poisen sent into me of a serpent monster. I cannae repay yer alligeance sir. I will share my prayers for a thousand nights in your thanks evermore. (turning to look at the wide eyed Kendra smiling so. I whisper a heartfelt and much needed, thank you! I closed my eyes and felt useless to my resolve and lack of motion. I slept)

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


*sighs in relief to here that the padre is awake and asking for food* Aye Kendra your pray did work. Thank the lord. Captain sir pardon the intrusion but might I take the good padre the food that he is asking for?

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


" Cutter?...But, I do not recall...."

She catches the brief narrow of Moreau's eyes in peripheral then centers on William questioningly.

" Capitaine Monreau, would you be so kind to assist in this, sil vous plait?"

"Avic plasir"

A round of orders are given in rapid succession and La Nymphe's launch is removed from the foward deck and lowered to the calm water below. Carefully climbing a ladder down the gunwale, the Surgeon takes a seat as the oarman get into position for the pull across to the Watchdog. Capitaine Moreau looks to William with the Surgeon's departure.

" I am sure that we have time to give you a tour of the ship...In fact, Monsieur D'esnambuc," A nod to Armand. "Could probably tell you more about her than even I, his aunt Madame Laurent is the owner of this vessel."

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

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