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(I'm up on the hull coatin the tar and pitch and whilst lookin down to the tree where Petee is reclined is his hammock lookin at the maps we found I says) I take it she doesn't like a smoke once in a while huh Petee? Where in blazes is our Captain?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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(I turns back to me work and it hits me (WHAM) like a mallot in the forehead! I climb over the rail ropes the slide down to the low rail jump off the ship and runs over to Petee.) Petee I says, the maps, (he appears to looks up in some kinda purple haze) The maps Petee, now heres me thoughts, stay with me on this. Lets say this pirate has these maps and is bein chased by the Royal Navy Right he launches his officers and sends em to shore whilst the crew fights on hidin the escaape and they comes inside this here cove and comes ta rest on theis here very sand bar and sees ahind them is a launch full up of the kings Marines and they're firin on the officers and one of them The cartographer he digs this here hole and buries his maps ta comes back too ifin he can live through gettin aways from the Navy right. I mean what's the chance of both me and the Officer in the charge of the Navy's chase thinkin about where's the ships maps? What if he's on his ways rights heres rights now to fetch up his thoughts proof? We best turns a few guns to the mouth of the channel frontin this here cay. What say ye? Petee? Petee? (scratches me head, damn he sleeps wit his eyes opens he does)

nar that be far fetched indeed best finish me coatin. Turnd=s and walks back over to the ship and turns back to see if Petee moved? (nar) sleepin like a baby he is.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


*waking up a little grogy and confused, dreaming about an old girlfriend yelling at him* Huh? *lifts his head to see both, the surgeon and Diego walking away from him, but in different directions.* Hey, was somone just talking to me or was I sleepin?


*sits up from hammock and picks up pistols from the ground. starts to reload them from last target practice. Stands up and walks twenty paces out and turns around. raises his right arm and takes aim.* Boom *then his left arm* Boom *holstering the pistols in his belt, he walks up to the drift wood hanging from the palm tree and examines it.*


(William spends his day along side the caulkers and pitch boilers. Not since Amsterdam has he spent more time working on any ship. The Tsunami notwithstanding.

It is a warm day and not a little moist out on the water and William takes care not too spend too much time in the sun, taking his work into the lower holds amongst the perilous angles of the pitched over decks.

It is at once disorienting and strangely fascinating to the Watch Dog hauled over from the inside.

Then William informs the Master Carpenter of his plans to go into town and buy the necessary log books, chart papers, callipers, dividers, inks, quills and all else needed to keep one's ship well recorded and well charted.)






Captain, I been here all day and nay a terry was known of ye bein inside the ship if I might ask Sir (cups me hands and yells) Captain! Lowers voice to a non hearing man on a mission, all I was gonna say was that ye oughta take someone with ye? It'll wait I suppose. (i drop me chin thinkin the greatest thing since milk has just been ignored by the only person living that ifin he only knew jes a little bit bout what the find was)

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


*holsters his pistols in his belt, and walks up to the drift wood to examine his handy work, witch is starting to look like swiss cheese. He looks up at the sun and trys to judge what time of the day it is. Looking around on the beach he notices that it is deserted, he makes his way up to the galley and pours himself two tall glasses of ale and walks back down to the two palmt rees were his hammock is located. Sits down with his back against a tree and takes a long swig of ale and begins cleaning his guns.*

  Monsignor said:
Captain, I been here all the day man, where were you?

I was about my duties, Monsignor. Since waking, I have put tasks to several officers. I have spent a good while caulking the ship. I spent a considerable time on the subject of those cannons both functional and not with our Quartermaster. I spoke at length with Mister Lassester about the filling of positions aboard the Watch Dog. I greeted new recruits and gave orders regarding personal weapons. I made updates to the ship's armory and the ship's muster. And now that the day is waxing to its end, I am venturing into town to fetch back those supplies befitting my office.

(A slow smile spreads across William's face as one eyebrow rises up.)

Did I not seem busy to you, my good Diego?

  Monsignor said:
Petee and meself well we found some things....

And what have you discovered?

(Smiling again)

Tell me that it is gold to finance the ship's repairs.






Ye did hear me and no sir I need not worry of yer wheresabouts but Petee and I found these maps Captain and they are in goodly accord Petee is watching them wont you have a looksee?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


*Stands up, when he notices the captain and diego talkin* Oh sorry sir didn see ya there, I really get into it when I be cleanin me pistols. Kinda spiritual like if ya know what I mean,...well that and the ale.

  William Red Wake said:
Aye, Monsignor.  You have discovered gold indeed!  Well done, my good sir.

grammercy my captain grammercy indeed as luck would have it we dug so near to their resting spot we are lucky we didnot burn them up! there be three Spanish one French and one English

I did think somone mayhaps be on the return path to get them though and I know you after hearing that will (erh should) double the guard sir

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Excellent. I shall put my hand to making copies of them at the first available moment. You may discover such treasures at your leisure, Monsignor. They will be of great benefit to our gathered understanding of the sea.

  Mister Youngblood said:
Oh sorry sir didn see ya there, I really get into it when I be cleanin me pistols.

No harm, Mister Youngblood. How is your recovery?






Aye! And me liesure is missing I tells ye I was never so tired as I were on this mornings wake. I believes yer cabin boy is achieved fame and saved a fortune in town as well Sir I feel the need to drink this night and hope that the ale she has returned with has Gods own blessed hops within its barrel.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


That is well, Mister Youngblood. Please see to the assignment of gunnery crews, three per cannon if you please while in the fort.

And Monsignor, who pray tell is my cabin boy?





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