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Excellent, thank ye. ~hands over the two bottles to Siren.~ Lets be off.

~starts walking as she goes she puts a note on the mast with a small piece the ship's sticking plaster~


We left for the Lagoon. Come join us when you're free Rum and ale all around.


Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is; It's not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is really is freedom.

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Aye, looks like ya's got plenty o' rum luv, I's don't want ta pass out in the company of such fine ladies. :huh:

ooc: Just drag ole Wil along wit ya's for I be a campin' in the yard with me little pirate lass so's I won't be online rest of the night.


~chuckles~ I think we could find a way of revivin ya darlin'

Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is; It's not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is really is freedom.


I'm sorry for the protracted abscence, but I was buried under previous obligations. Please except this treat from the Kate. I brought enough for everyone.

(presents bananas foster, smothered in rum and cream)


You can have it sans cheesecake if you like.






Damn....'op this be the right place..................

Dang, me 'ed be bustin'...... gotta get nother bottle O' rum..... but th' coin in me pocket be gettin' kinda scarce now......th' money from that last bit O' larceny just kinda got spent...... rum an women.......

Wot th' 'ell, thar be more O' that war that came from....... just sign meself onna nother ship..... maybe one day, I ken keep nough ter buy a farm.... not that I 'ave any idea bout how ter farm..........

Patrick Hand....ere..... signing on as Maritime Infantry (Marine)

<Note: NEVER volintier fer one O' me partys.... sometimes it be rum.... otertimes lots O' bloodshed.... gotta pay fer the partyes somehow......>


*Note posted beneath the "Gone Fishin'" notice on the gangway...*


Know ye all present that PHILLIPUS LOUIGIOUS BELLAFONTAINE, late of the Watch Dog, was today founde washed ashore in these Environs. Know that he bore Markes of struggle with several Marine Creatures, as welle as Musket-ball holes and knife woundes. We, the duly Deputized undersigned, do hereby tender our most Profound regrets over youre loss, and pray for his Everlasting Soul.

Body of saide Seaman may be viewed at Digger's Resting House, 23 Riverside Street, hours of 3PM - 7PM.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


:: comes running up the dock, coat, baldric, and sword slung over his shoulder ::

Wait! WAIT!! Hold the bloody ship!!

:: runs for the gangplank, never looking up ::

I had a bit of a run-in with the Admiralty! It wasn't my fault! They finally released me after she admitted...

:: looks around the empty deck ::

Well, well... Looks as if the party waited for ME this time.

:: drops effects to the deck and walks to the mainmast ::

"Gone Fishing"? I've 'til Tuesday? Someone declare a national holiday, or some such?

:: reads further ::

Swan and Siren are at the Lagoon? I'd best not burn anymore daylight!

:: collects effects and strolls down the gangway, whistling. Upon catching sight of the notice posted at dock end of the plank, he turns and reads, placing his hat over his heart ::

Oh, bloody hell. Mate, what did you get yourself into this time? If this is true, it will take an awful amount of killing to make this old salt's heart good again. But I'm up for it...

:: squares up his hat, and puts on his coat and baldric ::

You will be missed, my friend. And God be ready for the bodies I'll be sending Him.

:: stops at the entrance to the pier, and looks ponderingly left and right ::

As I recall, the Lagoon is THIS way...

:: strolls off jauntily, whistling ::

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


~swan can be seen pulling driftwood and kelp over into a huge pit. She's setting up for a bon-fire. She looks up and wipes her brow and waves over to Jack.~

Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is; It's not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is really is freedom.


*Passes Mad Jack on the dock with a courteous nod then continues on to where the notes have been posted. Smiles with amusement as she takes in the "Gone Fishing" notice, but the smile disolves into a look of consternation while gleening the other notice's contents....*

Thundering....God preserve us...

*Scaning the near ship's upper deck she spies her Steward near the Main Mast....*

Armand! Ici-bas...Presser, s'il vous plait!

*Upon the Steward's arrival, she points to the location listed on the posting*

Please go to this....establishment and relay to them that I wish the remains released unto me immediatly. Inform them I shall expect no delay in this matter. If they should display any manner of difficulty, inform them that I have no patience for foolishness and if forced, shall ensure the demise of their proprietorship. I shall procure a wagon to suite our needs....

*With a nod, the young Frenchman departs with haste. She follows his path of travel momentarily before switching attention back to the note...*

Rien du tout!!

...Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no rememberance over them: Either our history shall with full mouth Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like a Turkish mute, shall have a toungueless mouth, Not worshipped with a waxen epitaph... King Henry V- William Shakespeare

'She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.'~Susanna Clarke

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Hey mad jack.... 'ave som rum.................. we should be sailin' soon.... anna I don't know war...... but such a crew....... damn..... gotta be interestin..................

Me head hurts...

I woke after a t'ree day drunk and found this hyar note pinned to me waistcoat, remindin' me that I'd been commissioned as ship's navigator an' cartographer.

...Stumbling around... gathered my gear in me sea bag.... charts... instruments... astrolabes...  Quills... ink...  Head still pounding..

Aye, Captain... 'Tis Pete Straw hyar, acceptin'... err...

*fumbles for note*

...Er, I be acceptin' yer offer o' commision as ship navigator an' cartographer.  Where kin I get a strong cup o' coffee?

Well I can't be more better pleased than I am to see you my friend! Welcome aboard, you got here when? and you were treated well in me absence then? you've met the cook and a few gunners, are you lacking for any? Glad to haves ya.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Damn....'op this be the right place..................

Dang, me 'ed be bustin'...... gotta get nother bottle O' rum..... but th'  coin in me pocket be gettin' kinda scarce now......th' money from that last bit O' larceny just kinda got spent...... rum an women.......

Wot th' 'ell, thar be more O' that war that came from....... just sign meself onna nother ship..... maybe one day, I ken keep nough ter buy a farm.... not that I 'ave any idea bout how ter farm..........

Patrick Hand....ere..... signing on as Maritime Infantry (Marine)

<Note: NEVER volintier fer one O' me partys.... sometimes it be rum.... otertimes lots O' bloodshed.... gotta pay fer the partyes somehow......>

Patrick Hand Me ole son, Our ship is blessed with the likes of you on board me friend. Welcomes aboard! Pirate Phil hee got in on Saturdays and when was it you come aboard? Have you met the Master-at-arms? He'd like ta haves a list o yer weapons.(the ones ye be bringin to war with ya!) You've met some of the crew and Know the rest and we does welcomes ya and yer fighten abilities.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I am announcing the following:

I Am your ships master, I have asked the most of you to assist in this (an endeavor of proprietary proportion) building of a crew. A crew of which can stand as one of (if not) the greatest crews of all time. Many of you have addressed this opportunity to be involved and took much lessor positions on board the "watch Dog" by checking your ego's at the dock. I thank theee. Just another proof positive that the humanity of this crew be what it be (the best). I having been into this need to be a pirate, on the seas of the golden era of piracy's most prestegious reknown. Thought of a way to do so and have it be of a fun and a naturally effective way in theory to exact the likeness of said ship, its crew and its endeavors remaining historically correct and significantly true in meaning. The ship does need many more mates (crew) this is where you all will seek the company of friends here in the pub to whom you can present what it be we are going to be doing here (shortly) and attain their allegiance into crew. I ask in my absence Dorian ifin you will keep a goodly list of all new hires I would like to see they are welcomed aboard as they should be.

I am stepping down from my position of ships master and PiratePhil "First mate" will be taking the helm from this time hither. I must go to the city of Sebastian and will not be back for three weeks. I leave on the morrow's evening high tide. There I will be ordained as my studies in bringing the afterlife to me enemy's a little quicker is done. I am staying on board but will be reassigined to the position of Monsignor. The minister of death will be me moniker and after life is what I be known to introduce me adversaries too! I expect the good Capitan on board in fact I had hpoed that his arrival would have already been as it were.

In addition we are now (ifin you haven't seen it) with our own thread (at the bottom here in Pirate Crews Hurricane is allowing that only those as crew can participate in this on line endeavor (NO ONE ELSE CAN POST HERE) it is our ship our play!

The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog

An experiment in virtual piracy. I'll be around throughout the daay and tomorrow making ready my travels. God Bless this ship and those who crew it!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


*after a fine few days of R&R, the QM finds himself making his way back to the open arms of "The Watch Dog"*

::strolling along with a half grin playing on his face, walk down the pier, noticing the leaflets posted here and there, noting their contents...

Walking past the largest of them, scanning it briefly and continuing along until the contents register, then just about tripping over himself backpaddling to the parchment, ripping it off the post it was attached to::

Hells Bells!!! Han't e'en left port en we's losin' officers! Lardy Master Phil, ye gets yerself inta quite a mess ye did... "Oh it's safe on this 'ere island, we all knows each other'n naught harm'll become o' it.." Aye.... we be swarmin' wi' pyrates... we's always in harms way...

:: crumples parchment in his hands and goes to throw it in the water.... stops in mid throw..::

Tha'll do no goode.... Tis me duty ta get 'is personal effects ready fer whome'er comes ta rightly claim 'em...

::takes a deep breath and releases it slowly... starts up the gangway onto deck, heads back to the officers quarters, draws a dubh out of the back of his slops and stabs the crumpled parchment onto the mizzenmast as he passes and heads below...::


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



*a small sloop aproches the bay and ways anchor. A long boat is slowly lowered into the water. Six sailors row the long boat towards the Watch Dog, at the the bow of the long boat stands a tall lean figure.* Ahoy Watch Dog! * the long boat pulls up next to the peir, all the sailors jump out and start hoisting a huge cannon out of the long boat using the docks crain and pullies , while petee stands on the peir giving direction. When the cannon is lowered on to the peir, the sailors jump back into the long boat and sail away, Petee gives a wave good by. And walks up to the watch dogs main deck*


*walks by the mast to see a letter posted, reads it and hangs head, pulls out pipe and lights it* I,m gone for a few days, and look what happens. * walks over and sits on the bow of the ship, pulls out spy glass and takes a long drag on his pipe while scanning the sea.*


A man sat there on the dock aft, an old, weatherly damaged falcon resting on his left shoulder and leaning slightly to tangle with his hair. Quite the feral fellow, he looked to be about one hundred and ten pounds and was wearing his garments of torn stature and distressed care. Two long daggers rested to the sides of his hips, and he was hunched over so that the leather frock coat he adorned looked slightly too small for him. Tangled, wild hair flew out of his head in every direction under his tricorn, and it seemed to twitch when he moved his head round.

This was Izzy.


:: finds himself in the officers cabin, taking stock of what is in the first mates sea chest, ditty bag, etc. Scratching it all out on parchment, comparing it with the logbook of the Master at Arms, etc. ::

Well... looks ta all be accounted fer... tyme ta get it topside...

:: closes chest and gets ready to drag it out of the cabin when foot falls are heard topside ::

Ah, mayhaps someones 'ere ta claim 'is belongin's... Right, tyme ta meet n' greet...

:: heads topside just in time to see the Master Gunner heading to the bow, looking sorrowful ::

Hmm... musta seen th' obituary.... well, I'll leave 'im be...

:: heads below.... starts draging the sea chest out and up onto the main deck, laeving it at the base of the mizzenmast, under where the post of the demize of Master Phil is located. ::

Tha'll do fer now....

Back ta getting this ol' gal in shape, bristol fashion - like...

:: crosses the waist of the ship, checking high and low, making notations of what needs to be accomplished in the next few days....::


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



(William returns from a long stint at the Kate and a few late nights sewing)

Good morning, all.

(He goes to the shrouds and makes his way to the top of the top main mast. There, he produces a length of black cloth which he spreads upon the wind and fastens to the mast.)


ARRRRRRRRRR! It's a thing of beauty! I love a new jack!

Oh wait. What's this note?

(reads all the notes posted on the ship)






Damn Fine (mutters a bit of a cover-up cough under me breath) eerrgghhh Nicely done kind Sir! Tis a beauty indeed! Could be called "a well induced warning of pain and death forthcoming"!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Aye Sir William Aye would be remissed if I got a tween you and that announcement of true wonderment! As Ships Monsignor now I will bless this effort and quest! (lowers head turns robes swishing in the on decks breeze, appearing to be in deep prayer) Turns to face the ships Master-at-arms "Run it up"!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


(having run up the Watch Dog's new jack, William turns to the crew who presently make up the ship's compliment)

Ahoy, ye able sailors and officers of the Watch Dog. I have been asked and have asked of you all to make a recording of all personal armaments aboard this here ship. There are some of you which have not reported your firearms and blades to the roster. Please step forward now and proclaim those pistols, muskets, swords, hangers, cutlasses, knives and other implements of war which you possess. I shall take them down both on paper and in the hold if you please.

If you are uncertain of your standing on the list, I shall post it here at the masthead for all to read.

-A list of the small arms aboard the goodly ship Watch Dog, comprising all of the armaments recorded by William Brand, Master-at-Arms.

Capitan William


Diego Santana de la Vega, Monsignor

3 pistols

1 deck scatterer/crowd clearer

3 knives

1 cutlass

1 Scottish claymore

1 boarding axe.

Pyrate Phil, Ship’s Master - deseased.

3 pistols

1 rapier

1 gauche

1 cutlass

1 boot knife

1 eating' knife

1 flogger

1 crop


2 throwing knives

1 garrote wire

1 boarding axe

1 small vial of arsenic

Dorian Lasseter, Quartermaster

2 Cutlasses, one heavy, one light

1 papinhiemer hilted rapier

1 side ring dagger

2 dragoon pistols

1 Brown Bess Rifle

1 Sea Service Pistol

1 Half pike

1 knife

Jacob Badger, Bosun


Pirate Petee, Master gunner

3 pistols

1 blunderbuss

2 cutlasses

1 rapier

William "Red Wake" Brand, Master-at-arms

1 cutlass

1 screw barrel flintlock

1 center firing, flintlock (short)

1 English doglock pistol

1 Potzdam pistol

2 Jacobeans

1 Dutch Wheellock

1 French Marine musket

1 Doglock blunderbuss

3 knives - fixed

1 folding knife

1 harpoon

Tempest Fitzgerald, Ship surgeon

2 French Dueling pistols - .62 Cal.

2 Irish Traveling pistols - .50 Cal.

1 Belgian pistol - .70 Cal.

2 Irish Dubh

1 Venetian Stiletto

1 Scottish Dirk

1 French Swept Hilt Rapier

1 Main Gauche

1 Italian Seven Ringed Rapier

1 English Naval issue Cutlass

Kendra, Spiritual adviser and palm reader

1 dagger

Christine, Ship's Cook & Songstress

1 bodice dagger

Rummy, Moral Officer


2 pistols

2 cutlasses

1 knife

1 dubh

Pete Straw, Navigator and Cartographer -


Patrick Hand, Marine


Swan, First lookout

9 throwing daggers

2 flintlocks

1 parrying dagger

2 swords

1 cutlass

1 staff

1 long bow and a quiver of 30

1 whip

MadJack , second Lookout and Gunner's Mate

2 pistols

1 blunderbuss

2 boarding axes

1 Dagger


1 Cutlass

1 shloger blade

1 small pistol dagger

1 Scottish dirk

4 throwing blades

1 skullbuckle concealed knife

1 tomahawk

1 bag of caltrops (10)

1 bag gennies(10)

1 Sgian Duhb

1 Bracer with mermaid blade

2 small dagger

2 scarf knives

1 Egyptian Ankh blade

1 punch knife






:: watches from the quarter deck as a large, black flag is run up the mainmast, breaking out in all its glory as it reaches the peak ::

Argh!!! There be a fine sight!!!


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


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