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  Hawkyns said:
  RumbaRue said:
cough  cough sputter.....for those prices I can definately make it myself!!! And for a third of the cost! Geesh!

Rumba Rue

** :( **

Yeah, like I said, pricy. but the pics don't do them justice. The leather work is, I am told, lasercut. Certainly I have never seen such clean crisp lines with any kind of knife. Those who I know that have bought them swear that they fit perfectly and nothing shifts.

They don't show pics, but they've made a full leather dress of about 6 oz, laser cut, studded and spiked. The spike bra was interesting, too. :(



i can vouge for the qualty and beauty of these bodices, a friend of mine hase one and WOW ! i myself have been drooling over them at pennsic for the past 2 years. but yes pricey but the quality is way worth the price for a great bodice that will last for years to come.

take it from me i have had many ... 1 i bought at a sca event 10 years ago for $30 that ive had to repare but is still ok.

i also have a basic moresca that i bought for $75 about 9 years ago that is in great shape still they do have pirate bodices (i think there around $100 but im not sure ) and just about annything else you might need to put together an outfit.

if leather is what you want you also might want to look into the leather rose i have one of the basic bodices it is 8 years old cost about $110 at the time but is perfict shape as a matter of fact it fits better than the day i bought it b/c if warn enough leather will form to your figure!

sorry i dont have links for you but im sure that if you google moresca

or the leather rose you will find them i know there links should be on the nyrf websight .

i hope that helps a little


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Just a reminder, I'm a top award winning costumer.

I do my own bodices, I have made them for friends too. BUT, I will not make them for gals who can't come to me in person so I can make sure the fit is proper.

I'd rather have a happy gal than one who complains about boning in the wrong places/poking/hurting, doesn't like the way it looks after it's made, etc.

That's just me, and I have never, never had a complaint from my friends I've made stuff for. If someone is complaining about something I've made, then I didn't make it for them. I have happy customers who spread the word about me. Thanks to them, I have never had to advertise my work.

I keep my prices for bodices reasonable too--- 45.00 to 50.00 tops.

Rumba Rue

** :( **


M'lady Fancy-

I be agreein' wi' Hawkyns - I've owned some things from BruteForce - can't be touchin' their quality.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Pendragon has wonderfully fitting bodices. A good bodice is worth the money, it becomes like a favorite bra. As far as the leather ones the men are pushing, leather does not breathe well in heat. In southern Arkansas, you will do better with a good strong cloth one. Easier to breathe in and easier to clean.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Sure it will last, however lasting was not one of the reasons I GAVE for choosing cloth over leather. As far as support, only a good fitted bodice provides good support. Even a badly made leather bodice would offer no more support than a badly made cloth one. It truly is all about the fitting for support....as much as you would like to get Fancy into a leather bodice and post her picture here.


I found the following links that might be helpful in your search for the best supporting bodice....

Eagle River Ren Festival

Renfaires listed by statesPerhaps you are close to the border and can go to one in the next state over.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


So...since longevity isn't an issue here - she's free to spend $50 a dozen times over, instead of $300 once.

That makes sense. Thanks!

...and I have no stake in seeing Fancy either in or out of her bodice - my days of playing are over, thanks to some people's attitudes here. Just trying to help the lady.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Cut and paste won't work......

but there were a lot of links and discussions in.....

Costuming help! (Pages 1 2 )

look at the very bottem of plunder (you may have to go to page 2 to find it.....

  Black Hearted Pearl said:
Pendragon has wonderfully fitting bodices. A good bodice is worth the money, it becomes like a favorite bra. As far as the leather ones the men are pushing, leather does not breathe well in heat. In southern Arkansas, you will do better with a good strong cloth one. Easier to breathe in and easier to clean.

Not pushing anything, merely commenting on quality and styles. As I said, I know people who have both their leather and their fabric and both types are well liked by those who own and wear them.

Besides, the leather ones from BruteForce are not particularly suited to most faires, due to the overly prudish attitudes of most faire managment. They are far more suited to a more....eclectic.. environment and a more cosmopolitan crowd.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.


They are far more suited to a more....eclectic.. environment and a more cosmopolitan crowd.

NOW I LIKE the picture THAT brings into my mind........ :unsure:

  Hawkyns said:
AsBesides, the leather ones from BruteForce are not particularly suited to most faires, due to the overly prudish attitudes of most faire managment. They are far more suited to a more....eclectic.. environment and a more cosmopolitan crowd.



As I stated before, aside the leather ones the men are pushing (although I can't imagine why ONLY the guys are pushing leather corsets ;) ) I personally prefer the cloth ones for COMFORT and EASE of care. In the end, it's not the corset the guys are looking at...it's the mound of soft supply flesh pushing up above the corset the men's eyes are focused on.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  Black Hearted Pearl said:
As I stated before, aside the leather ones the men are pushing (although I can't imagine why ONLY the guys are pushing leather corsets :unsure: )...

Personally... I'd suggest staying away from all those leather bodices things and go with something of a more historical nature... my friend Kass doesn't have her "pirate patterns" up for sale yet, but you can see her slightly earlier patterns at <www.reconstructinghistory.com>.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.



Perhaps we all should be askin' th' Lady what she wants - comfort or style, appearance or function, pricey or cheap, accurate or ...alluring.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius



I surely do appreciate the help and comments and advice of everyone!

Having never worn a bodice, I'm not sure what I want... I know I do need something of great support... I'm a size... well... um... well endowed shall we say.... I love soft leather, and don't mind taking things to be cleaned.

Factors I reckon I'm focused on would be... support, pleasing appearance, comfort, ease of care. ('tis better to look good than to feel good. B)B) )

I intend on checking out ALL the sites y'all have mentioned and I really do appreciate all your help. I had figured that the bodice would be the most difficult item to fit right.



Aye Capt phil is right and wrong. Leather will last 50 times as long but ifin ye have a huge rack it does become a most cumbersome unrelenquishing journey into non comfort.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Renaissance Market Place

You might find this link helpful. Also, Hearts Delight Renaissance Clothiers made my favorite bodice. I tried to locate a website but here is their mailing address and phone number.

Hearts Delight Renaissance Clothiers

324 East Main St.

Ventura, CA 93001


I'm a 36E size (yes, I said E) and I love my bodice. When I'm at a faire, I want to be comfortable so I have a good time. I have even sailed in my bodice and was able to work the lines with no obstructions. I didn't sacrifice looks, Diego can vouch for that. B)

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

Perhaps we all should be askin' th' Lady what she wants - comfort or style, appearance or function, pricey or cheap, accurate or ...alluring.

I couldn't help but laugh..i agree, i am a newbie myself at all this (and making clothes all together) and so reading this thread with interest..but i'm dizzy from all the different advises :D


Charity, it all depends what you're looking for. Some people are looking for inexpensive, bsic clothing so they fit in at faire. Some people want to be ultra authentic. Some people want to go with a more fantasy element. Some people want to go for a more edgy, eye-grabbing appearance, almost fetish crossover. The variables are endless and the prices, likewise.

It's like buying weapons. Some people buy common Pakistani blades and nonfiring pistols. Some of us pay mutiple hundreds of dollars for custom forged swords and handbuilt firearms.

You've got to find what works for you, your persona, and your budget.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.


The variables are endless and the prices, likewise.

Yep, that's what i mean :)

I unfortunitely have a low budget, and ofcourse since i don't have the amount of events to wear them to as you guys, so i don't want anything too expensive but i wanted it to look as traditional as possible.

Then there was the boning..well i found out the ones i had werent good, still some people have told me they liked them, so i think it's probably also a lot of trying out and learning from experience :)

Everyone's different for sure.


I too am quite dizzy with all the suggestions and links and advice... but it's a good dizzy because I didn't even know the proper place to start. I was about to just purchase a whole outfit at once and be done with it.. but now I"m wanting to be fitted... to make sure it looks good and feels good. I am willing to shell out a few bucks for the bodice. I think it'll be worth it.



this is what I've been having my eye on for a while... my only reservation with it is the bodice... it seems to come over the bust instead of under.



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