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Jack London Square..Shore Leave

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Saber, myself and Sasha will be there and I'm re-gathering info from people who are coming to the event on the pier for the Californian beforehand, so that we'll have an accurate headcount of whose sailing and/or sleeping aboard.

Looking forward to the Jack London Square Shore Leave!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


:ph34r: Lock up ye're daughters, lock up your wives, lock up the front door and run for your lives :) ....the Ship's primed and ready for a weekend 'o Pyracy!..Locals needin' their Pirate fix, see the quartermaster... :ph34r:

Greetins there Cap'n I am very glad to see that yer expedition were a successful one an I hope that ye aquired a fair amount o treasure fer yer effort ." Treasures bein pics and or mpegs ." And oh by the bye has ye been to the site of baum and konig clasic yacht brokers ? there a ship , frigate to be exact fer sale "152' frigate replica built 1997 . " I am sure you will recognise her when ye see's her Cap'n . She got me droolin fer sure...

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "


:) Oh,well,the press can't figure it out, but those little bucaneers eyes always show 'the Royaliste'....And besides, wot can ye do, when the 'state' ship's a cop boat....RR, a pirates life for me.... :ph34r:


Yeah I didn't read the article until Sunday night. I have a feeling that the press went with what they thought would attract attention to the article, and thanks to POTC, that's piracy. I heard lots of people talking pirates while they were aboard the ship and you're right, the kids especially, just love pirates. We even had a little guy come both days and the second day he showed up in a pirate hat! :ph34r:

On Sunday, the public turn-out was very large and many people said they came out after reading the article. On the one side of the dubloon that's great, but...

I did feel badly that the focus of the article was distracted from the ships. That truely should have been the focus. We pirates were there to draw attention to them, not away from them.

I also wanted to make it clear to the crew of the Californian that we never stated that we intended to commandeer their ship. Ouch. What we said was that we were going sailing aboard the Royaliste. Big difference. Talk about skewing the facts, eh? So I sent off an email this morning to be forwarded to the crew.

I guess it's not a bad idea, if we're promoting a ship or organization, to remind a reporter that we'd like the focus to be on the subject being promoted. But then again, as badly as the facts got twisted in this case, do you think they'd listen?

As happy as I am over being able to catch the press' eye and our pirate's being featured so prominently, I'm feeling a bit badly about it too.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Uy... that's awful! Stupid press... Worse than pirates... At least we have honor.. They just said that (about the commandeering) 'cause of the movie, I'm sure. Anything to get a story...


I just got an email from the organization hosting the event, whom I asked to forward an email to the Californian. They said forget it, that the Californian got plenty of other publicity and that they were glad to see Tales of the Seven Seas got a good write-up out of our appearance.

We were then asked us to come for the visit of the tall ship Gloria, but we were unfortunately already committed to be in Ojai and had to decline.

So it's all good and no more worries over ruffled feathers. So alls well that ends well... eh wot? :ph34r:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



:) If folks taking offense over pirates is a bother, do forget the talk of the Star of India...the entire for real maritime community will unload on you...way out of period, she was, after all, a clipper......be warned, I've had feedback from wooden boat enthusiasts over even the Californian. :ph34r: Sail S.F. only promotes things, real classic ship politics aren't their concern


I've come to realize in teaching and in all things, that the old addage "you can't please all of the people all of the time" is very true. We pirates 'll jest keep doin' arrrrrrrrr own thing as always! As long as we keep getting that sparkle in the little kid's eyes and the smiles and laughs from the kids at heart in their 90's, that's all that really matters.

And the Royaliste was sure turning heads- all the talk on the dock from the public with the two ships side by side was about the pirate ship!! :ph34r:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



(chuckle) M'dears....

Put the likes of us on ANY ship and it becomes a PIRATE SHIP!! :ph34r:

Dah duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duhhhhhhhhhh...

Drink up me hearties Yo Ho!!

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Here you are- Photos and a video, from the Jack London Square event. These are courtesy of Sasha, the pirate you see firing the flintlock (her first time!) and doing the fencing (just six months of fencing but off to a great start!)

The people in the photos are as follows:

Saber - big guy, white shirt, black headscarf

Poison Quill - red and black wench dress

Sasha - black hat, green jerkin

Patt - tall pirate with brown vest, black hat

Paul - short brown hair, black breeches, white shirt

Crossbow - fencing in the leather jerkin and the mask with a skull on it

Royaliste's Captain - wearing all white (too warm for that new jacket!!)

First Mate Raul - Dark hair, blue tank top

'Quill's mom - sitting next to Saber, black shirt, white pants, sunglasses

'Quill's aunt - standing next to 'Quill's mom black pants/sweater, white shirt and sunglasses


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Hey, Quill... thanks!

Gotta be headin' out the door for an appointment, but just stopped to look.

That link isn't working... for me anyway!

I'll be dying to see them....



Nope, not working here either!

C'mon! Wanna see!!!!! :huh:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



OK gang here's the scoop- it is an Angelfire website. The link is good, but it only allows a minimal number of people to look at it, then it closes down for a while due to excessive bandwidth usage... meaning, they want her to pay for more bandwidth. We'll have to wait a while and it will come back on line. There is a note on the error page that says it has been temporarily suspended and will be back on line in 2 hours.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas




Talk about having a dagger at your throat!

(And they call US Pirates!) :huh:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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