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A while back there was a thread on the site and im thinking it was here but now I cant find it..Anyhow it was telling how to get theater's involved in a POTC interactive movie. Can someone send me the info or know where it was located?




If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


Hi darlin'.

We held a very fun and successful benefit POTC Interactive event here in Portland last October and had 500 people attend!

It was a fund raiser for an Autism Non-profit called FEAT. We had a pre-movie show, raffle, music ( Spinnaker a Celtic fusion band) and the Talk like a Pirate Day Guys were the M.C's. B.O.O.M. commandeered the stage, and helped with the raffle. All donated their performances. We held an after party at a local pirate themed restaurant and the owner donated part of his proceeds to the cause.

The non-profit was key to assist with publicity, work parties for goody bags and advance ticket sales.

We handbilled and e-mailed press releases everywhere. The local press were generous and we got prime coverage.

I'd strongly suggest that you find a good independent or art house theatre who will work with you.

I used a projector to display script prompts rather than have folks try to read a script in the dark. Part of the fun though, is the audience with their own reactions! The script is ever evolving. Portland's script is different from what you will find on the above site. We have some regional as well as concept differences. We also have a group in the gulf coast who have also held some interactives and also have their own script. In fact some of that group live in Texas. I'd be happy to put you in touch.

Our event info web page is still up ......

Portland, OR POTC Interactive 10/04

The web page with the event photos is currently down, but I've been working on a new one and if you want to pm or e-mail me with your contact info I'll let you know when they are posted.


Here's my raid account. An edited version was published in "No Quarter Given"

This being a true account of the Port-Land, Oregon,

raid upon the HMS Hollywood.

October 23rd, 2004

Commodore Lorien Fiona Stormfeather

Months of plottin' and plannin', coercing and finagling finally paid off for the faithful Port-Land crew! About 500 swashbucklers mustered fer the launch of the Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl Interactive Benefit for FEAT of Oregon. A lovely time was indeed had by all. I must say that speakin' of it now 'twas a bit like yer own weddin'... The pictures prove ye were there, and I remember a religious experience and a really good party, and then nothin' till the morning after, but I'll do me best to share what I can recall...

I picked up me crew in Tigardia, consisting of First Mate Quatre, Sue Nommi and Kyle the Incredible. We loaded up the Silver Salmon with neccessary supplies and the really big gun Dell. The Master, Richard the Black was to be followin' later in the jolly boat with the Black Jackal as they had some early sport and deeds to tend to themselves. We high tailed into port just as scheduled with a fair wind and a following sea.

First job was unloading the gear, which many hands made light of the work. Lynnigin and the FEAT crew were already ashore carefully placin’ treasure prop bags on the red velvet seats awaitin’ the delighted squeals of our guests.

Captain Morrigan Quicksilver, Quartermaster Splinter Zatara, and our allies at sea and on-shore, the crew of the Rose, the Brotherhood of Oceanic Mercenaries (B.O.O.M), the MacKay, The Talk like a Pirate Guys, Broadside Bookkeeper Brian, Conscious Pirate, and jolly Spinnaker seemed to materialize like specters out of the mists and stood at the ready as Floggin Molly played on the sound system. In the lobby, there was much festooning of Black Flags and swag by Sadie the Goat and helpers. Tempteing displays of Captain Jack’s Pirate Hats, Pirate Pots, Spinnaker CD’s and the holy of all holies, fresh stacks of “The Guy’s Guide to Talking Like a Pirate” were a feast fer the deadlights and a pull on the purse.

After a quick conference with Dan “the wizard man”, film was threaded, spot lights set, band at the ready, slide show up and sub-title cue technology in place, ushers at their stations, Lynnigin and Stormfeather, newly made Commodores, Lynnigin and Lorien, arm-in-arm granted admission to the patron hordes.

The FEAT (Families for Effective Autism Treatment) crew headed by Cutthroat Carl, hustled the crowd and many a raffle ticket were sold that hour to add to the day’s take. The MacKay himself, offered up his services and posed with many a comely lass and hale laddie for portraits.

I came to me senses just in time to great the guests, recognize me cousin, and me husband and proceeded to offer up a sparrow tattoo to all takers waitin’ in the victuals line. I hear my name being called out and it be none other than the young Mrs. CJS from the forum! Her ‘ole dad intrusting her to me care. ‘Twas our first meetin’, we being a virtual crew, I tatooed the old Sea Dog and sent him on his way, promising that no harm would come to the lass on my watch.

Chumbucket and Cap’n Slappy came to attention on stage, and let loose the Spinnaker who wailed some salty sea tunes including Captain Jack and the Mermaid and Haul-Away for Rosie-o (which is so stirrin’ that it makes the hair on the back of me neck stand up- past life experience, me thinks). On the really big screen, images of other POTC and pub raids, our sail aboard the Interceptor and black powder encampments gone by flickered in the darkness, illuminating the crowd just how far off the map this crew is willing to go!

All too soon the hearty musicians retreated to the CD signin’ table and it ‘twas time fer “The World Famous Talk Like a Pirate Guys” to do their thing. They did what they do best, charmin’ the crowd and whippin’ it into a frenzy. They even invited Powdermonkeys on stage fer a sing-song, bless their black hearts!

Without notice or warning the ladies and gentlemen of B.O.O.M., lead by the notorious Quarter Master Splinter, commandeered the stage, and proceeded to commence with the raffling! Much plunder was distributed, including Pirate stamps from Rubber Stamp Ave dot com, a bit 'o crockery from Pirate Pots dot com, tickets to Pirate Adventure Theatre, a swank hostelry night on the Oregon coast, Courtesy of Hallmark Hotels, a great pouffy shirt from Dress Like a Pirate dot com and the “piece of no resistance” a hand crafted, Captain Jack’s Pirate hat awarded by the Master Hatter MacKay himself and more.

Oh yes, there was more to come, on to the movie! Conscious Pirate then took stage right and the spotlight and did his best to instruct the now primed crowd in the usage of the articles contained in their treasure bags for the Interactive!

Much rattling of keys, holding up of eyeballs and green apples, swinging of cursed gold necklaces, the wearon' of crowns -- and the hit of the evening -- skeleton bone rattles, made from a recycled 35 mm film canister with a lucky penny inside (makes a lovely, boney racket) , ensued!

Having assured the captive audience that they were a lovely bunch of coconuts, and that interactive cues and props, were more like guidelines. It was on with the show.....

A hush fell upon the crowd as the lights dimmed and soon Elizabeth stood on the foredeck singing. Stationed at the big Dell I launched our first missive, a subtitled cue, and the crowd roared in unison “Sing out Louise!”. One down, many more to go!

After about 20 minutes, I handed over the launching to first mate Quatre who had been prompting and pinching me. She did a fine job the rest of the way through! I had trained her well. The audience of course, chimed in with their own broadsides, including in answer to Barbossa’s, ”Do we have an accord?” ... “No but we do have a Civic” and many more that I dare not repeat in this mixed company!

Being no longer needed at the gunning station I was free to mingle and take it all in. Soon, a summons came from the Quarter Master Splinter; I rose in fear and headed toward the back door of the theatre (SHIP!). I stood in the dark, in the shadow of the fierce man’s presence wondering what blunder I had performed now. Instead, I earned his kiss and many kudos, for puttin’ on such a fine and fancy to-do! My heart swelled, tears came to mine eyes and a blush of satisfaction rose to my cheeks!

I finally realized we pulled it off! We made the impossible happen and we had a full house and the Quarter Master’s admiration to boot!

After cleaning up the garbage!!!!! ....a few too many apple cores were tossed by overboard ! Thanks to BSA Troop 799 and FEAT members for helping with the scow.

That done, we headed over to Salvador Molly's for some Pirate Cookin' and Celebratin'!


Aye, that I do. Occupational hazard. But these newfangled keyboards are easier on the paws than a goose quill.

Hope I didn't give ye the 'ole red eye with me full account...

Perhaps thar was reason to Ms. Jamaica weilding her blade, eh?


Here's some nice saltwater to douse the deadlights with and a patch!

Would you like one or two?

There, there, ye feelin' better now?



Now now, i'fn the patch be fer me, no need fer two. Ave ta keep one eye open I does. There be pirates about. Hahah!!! Besides, me red eye be more from the drynk then yer pennin.

Shoots anything that moves!!


Thanks for the info. I work for Toys R Us and was hoping to get My job to have fun on Talk Like a Pirate Day. And also we have a theater in our shopping strip. Thus Im trying to get info quickly to my managers so they can review what I have and go from there.

And too I was hoping that if there were any pirates intrested that reside in the Austin or surrounding areas that they might be intrested in dressing up and scurrying to me store and lettin kiddies know about Pyracy and such. But Im still workin on it..Any other ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


I've been to one of the interactives given by the Gulf coast group and their script looks exactly the same to me as the one on the interactive site.

I don't understand where the regional differences are. If they're a separate group, shouldn't they have their own script rather than using

someone else's and passing it off as their own?


I don't understand where the regional differences are.  If they're a separate group, shouldn't they have their own script rather than using

someone else's and passing it off as their own?

I believe the originator of the site had the "spirit of togetherness" in mind when she developed it. It is for the love of the movie and an opportunity to meet others who also love the movie and celebrate it.

That each region may enhance the original script developed by many hands, just makes the idea of the attending POTC interactive more enticing. I know people who have flown from one part of the US to another just to attend a "different" POTC interactive.

POTC interactive is not about exclusivity, but about the joy of meeting people who share a common interest. Much like pirates who love tallships, sailing, plundering and pillaging, but dislike the strict structures of governments. :P

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

Ahhh!!! Well, I guess that answers my question then. Thanks Pearl!!


Your welcome.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  • 2 weeks later...

I am a member of POTCIP and I held my interactive a few weeks after Stormfeathers, only mine was in NY.

It is time consuming and entails your time and effort but it is so worth the results!!!

POTCIP was started by a young lady from Elmira, Ontario. Her name is Laura G. and along with Neo, run the POTCIP site. The original interactive script is copyrighted through Laura but that doesn't mean that others can't use it or add their own lines to it. Remember, spontaneous and originiality are key to a successful interactive. The script is more like "guidelines" and gives people an idea what an interactive is all about. There are people that don't know what an interactive is and never heard of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" or "Sound of Music" interactives, let along the Pirates interactive. Buena Vista and Disney are informed of the POTCIP interactives and BV does keep tabs on the interactives so everything that we do is upfront and legal.

My interactive was held at the beautiful historic Riviera Theatre in North Tonawanda, NY. The proceeds went to the theatre, which is a registered charity and preserved historic site. We held an afternoon show and an evening show, and yes, I did have wenches fly in from out of state to attend, and drive down from Canada!!.

The interactive idea was presented to the theatre manager, who, in turn presented it to the board of directors. They voted to have it and the manager then had to contact Buena Vista to obtain the legal rights to the movie and to legally advertise the movie. Otherwise, we would not be allowed to put up movie posters or even mention the name "Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl" as an interactive.

Once the legalities are secured, then we sent out press releases to all media in the area. Laura and Lisa take care of all the mailings and contacts(thank God for the help) as they maintain a list of media contacts. I was busy preparing the costumes and props, not to mention gathering door prizes for the interactive and goody bags for the children.

My interactive wasn't huge but it was succesful for the theatre and of course, successful to me, as it was the absolute first time I saw Jack on the big screen.

I also met a new pirate from out of state, and several local pirates that visit the POTCIP site but never posted. That was wonderful and it's always great to make new pirate friends.

I was totally burned out the next day but it was so worth the work.

I am working on another interactive and hopefully I will be able to get it together, God willing, if everyone in my family stays in good health and stays out of jail! B)

Just a funny aside...2 of the door prizes were posters-one of Jack and one of Will Turner. Apparently one little girl didn't get the Will and was BEGGING the other child for the Will poster." But I like Orlandol" I heard her say. B)


Stormfeather! CJSS! Well, here's where ye be hidin' when you're supposed to be swabbing the decks of the Pearl! B)

OMGosh these smileys are too stinking cute!

And I just noticed, so we're bilge rats now, are we? Horrors.


Ah ha!!! So this is where all you wenches are hanging out!!!

B)B) I might have known. Wherever there are pirates, aye??

Thanks for the compliment Cjssavvy!! (Young lady??? B) )

The Riviera theater where Cjss chose to have the interactive was so beautifully suited to something like this. The gorgeous chandeliers, golden filigree scrollwork and plush 80-year-old original decor made the perfect setting. It was breathtaking.

If you have an older theater in your area that has similarly maintained it's original glamour, you could approach them first. The chains are not so easy to convince to hold an interactive, at least not without forking over megabucks to them for the privilege. Plus most of them have contracts with the studios which may prohibit such a thing being held at regular movie times. Independantly owned theaters are the way to go.

And yes, indeed, the interactive idea is meant to be enjoyed by everyone. That was the whole purpose in putting up the website...to spread the idea, so all POTC fans could join in the fun.

Neo and I have no problem whatsoever with people using our script. Again, that's why we put it on the internet. And we don't have any problem with the regional differences that Lorien referred to.

Our interactive script has already been translated into other languages, in countries such as Italy. Naturally, as the idea spreads, there are going to be changes made and new lines added. The nice thing is that 99% of them have acknowledged that we came up with the concept and that they are borrowing our script.

Of course there will always be someone who tries to take credit for an idea or a script that they had absolutely nothing to do with creating.

We're lucky that we've got such a fine crew on the Interactive site who are all faithful hands before the mast. Each one of them is worth his/her salt!

Lorien's event last fall was by far the most successful interactive ever held. We're very proud of her and her group and we're thrilled with the funds that were raised for FEAT. That, in itself, makes all the time and effort put into our idea and site well worth it.

But that is not meant to take anything away from Cjssavvy and her event. Of all the ones I've been to in both Canada and the United States, I was the most enthralled with hers. As already mentioned, the surroundings left you in awe. She even had an elderly couple in attendance--obviously in their 70's--who stood and applauded when the movie was over and thanked me on their way out for such a fun evening.

The funnest one I ever went to was all in French. Myself being an English Canadian, I was worried that I would have difficulty with the interactions being 'en français' and knowing when the opportune moments were to shout out the lines. Amazingly, the French script came just as easily as the English one did and both showings were massive successes judging from the reactions of all the attendees.

If you're interested at all in holding one, I would strongly suggest you visit our "how-to" page. The suggestions there have been invaluable to many organizers. Plus, Neo and I are always there to lend a helping hand.


Now....what are ya lookin' at!! Back to work!!



Aye!!! What Laura said....LOL.

The fact that people have fun with this idea is so wonderful! It really is thrilling to join up with fellow fans in pirate costume and interact with the movie! And seeing the little powdermonkeys in their rigs is well worth it!!!

I wanted SO MUCH to attend either the Portland interactive or the one CJSS held in New York....but doubloons are sometimes hard to come by! LOL

But truly, the crew over at POTCIP is wonderful, and the information on the site incredibly helpful is anyone is interested in hosting their own interactive....

It's a fine goal to be sure! :)

Ah ha!!! So this is where all you wenches are hanging out!!!

:huh::huh: I might have known. Wherever there are pirates, aye??........

Now....what are ya lookin' at!! Back to work!!


I knew it was only a matter of time before LHA caught up with us!!!

(BTW - Calico Jack was already taken Laura!)

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