Salty Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 quite simple fer me lads an lasses i be a potter or trying at least and like to make ware that can be historically based. and in trying to come up with suitable maritime name added salty hence saltypots til i can make a persona to suit me or i suit which ever comes first Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string
Lily Alexander Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Haunting is one of my favorite hobbies. Halloween is the only time of year people bring their children to me so I can scare the heck out of em without being arrested. lol Lily is my favorite flower. If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!
Caraccioli Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Haunting Lily said: Haunting is one of my favorite hobbies. Oh, boy! A kindred spirit. Actually, from you web page, I suspect your husband is a kindred spirit. I wouldn't give a plugged nickel for working a haunt, but I love designing them and the props that go in them. Check out my POTC-suggested haunt from the 2006 Wyandotte Jaycee Haunted House. Next year, "It's a Skull World After All" "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Silkie McDonough Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 I could have sworn that I had previously answered this but I can not find it. Must have been on the deleted thread. The name Silkie was given to me by a dear friend who loves my voice is silky smooth and he seems To be convinced I could lure sailors their doom with a song or a whim! Siren and mermaid were used here in the pub, Sealkie is kindred to both ...depending on which legend you follow (See the link in my signature). Both may apply! Silkie, Sealkie, Silky ...mysterious, alluring, playful ...however you spell it works for me! Additionally we've not touched my silky smooth skin! Here is a related prose that I am fond of. Part the and Me ...tis not my writin.
Lily Alexander Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Awsome designs, thanks fer sharing. Aye, kindred spirits indeed. While me darlin' hubby does the techanical work, I provide the guts and gore. Cheers If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Bump ---fer newbs Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Black Anne Rose Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Me name is all related te me story. Anne is just th' name, Rose 'er last name, and Black could be just the colour, or James Black. Don't know it meself either. Ye may choose XD Pirattitude The rose came alive, Coloured deeply red, The boy just arrived, And as my heart, the rose wasn't dead.
Sjöröveren Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 First of all, it's misspelled. It should be "Sjörövaren, but it's too late to change it now. It's Swedish for "The Sea Rover." When I meet up with Pub Pals, they just call me Sea Rover. Trying to pronounce it properly in Swedish is like trying to whistle with a mouth full of crackers. the Fool's Gold Pirates
Patrick Hand Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 Quote trying to whistle with a mouth full of crackers. Hey... I can do that..... you just don't wanna be standin' anywhere in front of me when I try tho............
Yersinia Pestis Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 I was thinking that society felt that piracy was a type of "plague." In a "former life" I spent 13 years in the biomedical industry. I started as a virologist, moved to technical services then into regulatory affairs. As a former bio-geek I knew that the causative agent for the bubonic plague is the bacteria Yersinia pestis, which is listed by CDC as a select agent, because it can be weaponized, even though it is recommended to be handled in a biosaftey level 2 facility (biosafety 3 if a potential to create an aerosol exists) and treated with antibiotics. Hence, the name Yersinia Pestis, Plague of the Seven Seas.
PirateSSe Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Yersinia Pestis said: I was thinking that society felt that piracy was a type of "plague." In a "former life" I spent 13 years in the biomedical industry. I started as a virologist, moved to technical services then into regulatory affairs. As a former bio-geek I knew that the causative agent for the bubonic plague is the bacteria Yersinia pestis, which is listed by CDC as a select agent, because it can be weaponized, even though it is recommended to be handled in a biosaftey level 2 facility (biosafety 3 if a potential to create an aerosol exists) and treated with antibiotics.Hence, the name Yersinia Pestis, Plague of the Seven Seas. That is very interesting, as well as informative.
Caraccioli Posted February 12, 2007 Posted February 12, 2007 Red Cat Jenny has made me aware that I haven't ever explained what the Caraccioli username means. So I should remedy that. First, I am a Mission in Caraccioli's clothing. I switched user IDs when Mission reached 1000 posts and earned the coveted Since I don't want it to ever change, I rarely post as Mission anymore. That way his post count doesn't increase to the point where he graduates to the next icon. My alternate ID at another pirate forum was Caraccioli, so I just dragged it over when I realized I needed a new ID. (I don't know what will happen when Caraccioli reaches that level.) Why Caraccioli? Because he was Captain Misson's ex-priest muse, after a fashion. Caraccioli was the thinking side of the Misson fairy tale and Misson was the action side. Who is Captain Misson? He was a fictional pirate that made it into The General History of Pyrates by Captain Charles Johnson. Misson's story was also released as standalone book under the name Of Captain Misson. Since it's no longer copyrighted, you can read the whole book here. It's basically a story about pirates as free-thinking libertarians (as well as Socialists, oddly enough) and the source of a lot of the romantic "Pirates were actually people seeking freedom from tyranny" myths. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Misson Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 Caraccioli said: My alternate ID at another pirate forum was Caraccioli, so I just dragged it over when I realized I needed a new ID. (I don't know what will happen when Caraccioli reaches that level.) I guess we know now...I become Misson (the correct spelling of Mission from a pirate's POV.) Gee, it's been a long time since we had this post up near the top. Someone asked me about the meaning of another user's name, so I thought I'd resurrect this for all those who've never seen it...or those who want a refresher... "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde "If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright
Matusalem Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 matusalem....named after the Canadian made-for-tv cheesy pirate movie,and it's sequel. But of course, the main character shares the same last name 'Beauchesne' as I do in real life, so it only seems fitting. There was also a french privateer Jaques Gouin de Beauchesne (1652-1730) who discovered the Falkland Islands. But I figure the last name is meaningless to people on this board, so I chose Matusalem.' snice to be named after a bottle of rum.
Perkeo Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 A friend of mine was in Germany and read this story she thought of me and told our other friends the story and they thought of me so it stuck. There was a Vat placed under the care of Perkeo, an Austrian dwarf who served as Court Jester and Royal Wine Keeper. It was suggested that Perkeo could drink 18 bottles of wine a day. So fond was he of the “fruit of the vine”, that legend says Perkeo died when he took a drink of water instead of his usual glass of wine. Ok, the reason she thought of me is because I can out drink most of my friends and I refuse to drink water when I've been is mixed with a really good whiskey. Help Pyrate Minicity grow, click a link below! Pyrate Population Pyrate Transportation Pyrate Industry
Capt. Bo of the WTF co. Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Matusalem is also the Spanish translation of the godess Methusela! But I prefer to think of the ten year old botlle of rum! Captain Bo of the White Trash Fur Company... you really don't want to know. Bo
Abrams Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Jacob Abrams is my period persona...but how did I come up with it, you ask? Well, my actual name is Jacob Ehrlich (with the middle name Broderick.) My granfather's name was Abraham Broderick Cohen, and I decided to go with Abraham as my persona's last name. I decided Abrams had a more piratey name to it... Bo, that makes sense, because I was hoping that your name didn't mean the "What the F*CK!" company! I've got the heart of a pirate, just not the garb...
Misson Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Capt. Bo of the WTF co. said: Captain Bo of the White Trash Fur Company... you really don't want to know. I always though the same thing as Abrams. This sounds like there's an interesting story buried in it. Do tell! (Possum? Raccoon? The imagination wanders...) "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde "If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright
Capt. Bo of the WTF co. Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Well, it has been interpreted that way by a good many people. The rest of the story...? I was the last Captain of the fur company when it un-officially disbanded as a re-enactment group, hence the "Captain" part. Members dropped out of the dress-up and go play one and two at a time, got into other interests and such; life happens. We are still a tight bunch of rougues and we get together to blow off steam and relax from the rigors of daily life, e.t.c. Just a couple of us that still do living history and re-enacting. Bo is short for "Bodine", a nickname I got from junior high days. I always ate enough for ten boys my size, (never did grow much either way)and was always mimicking Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies. I loved the line about cyphering, and "gradgiating th' sixth grade" and drove everyone nuts. One day I was at a friends house and was staying over, so when his older sister called us in for supper, she called for him and for "Bodine"... and it stuck. My friends have shortened it to Bo over the years and that is the name I go by. The White Trash Fur Company takes alot of explanin for sure, but I do like to point out and stress that it has nothing to do with that nasty "R" word! "White-Trash" is a label that was put on the people of Missouri and Tennessee just prior to the ACW from the floor of the Senate, and we wear it proudly! How we came to be called that in our group is no less historical... well, locally anyhow. If there is any interest in that tale, I will scribe this history at a later date. Bo
oderlesseye Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 (edited) * Edited November 13, 2008 by oderlesseye at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words: Quote "My treasure to he who can understand."
Graydog Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Why Graydog? Graydog is an ancient Scandinavian compound notional name that actually comes before the Vikings in the pre-Norse language of Pahrump that has the following meanings: Gra- The prefix used when denoting a great weather event such as a wind of gale intensity Yd- This is the power word. It refers to the ancient Pahrump God Ydidd. The god of powerful fire and rhyme Og- This is the amplifying word. It refers to stealth and thievery. Latter when combined with mischief this was to be turned into the Norse God Loki, but in Pahrump the concept of mischief was absent. Archeologists associate the lack of a mischeif word with the incredibly cold winters that Scandinavia suffered in the pre-Norse period. All together the word is Graydog- meaning – one who posses great and powerful fire, stealth and skullduggery. What better reason to have Graydog for a pirate name? -Greydog P.S. All that and the fact that Greydog had already been taken and just changing the E to an A got the system to accept it as a logon. Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!
Mission Posted November 10, 2008 Author Posted November 10, 2008 Perkeo said: There was a Vat placed under the care of Perkeo, an Austrian dwarf who served as Court Jester and Royal Wine Keeper.It was suggested that Perkeo could drink 18 bottles of wine a day. So fond was he of the “fruit of the vine”, that legend says Perkeo died when he took a drink of water instead of his usual glass of wine. Ok, the reason she thought of me is because I can out drink most of my friends and I refuse to drink water when I've been is mixed with a really good whiskey. Pirate, minister, Tusken Raider and now Austrian dwarf! Too bad you aren't going to be out at PiP Perkeo. Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?" John: "I don't know." Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."
Rev.Sam Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 Rev, is short fer reverend, because I am one Sam comes from a wee cousin's inability to say me real name
Black Syren Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 Black because my hair color is anturally dark, and Syren because I love to sing. Simple and easy. If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)
Pyrite Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 Pyrite, play on pyrate. Plus, pyrite is shiny. Who doesn't love shiny things? Covet not the fool's gold.
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