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Isn't your persona a broader extention of yourself? I can be playful as the next lass. I could even warm up a guy's cold nose, but there is a right time and place for that sort of thing. Both my husband and I stress to our 5 year old that we can't be pirates all the time, especially at school. He can get into trouble at school that way, but there are other times when we can and have fun too.

At work I don't hide the fact that I dress as a pirate and go to events. Sometimes a little of that persona comes out but I don't cover it over. They actually get a kick out of it but don't count me as weird either. Another job I had a couple of years ago thought me as weird because I was a costumer and dressed as a Klingon. At least I was having fun living life and not pretending to be "putting on airs like high society" as they were and still are. Their lives are rather lonely and dull.

Am I in Character??? I think it just depends on my mood at the time....

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"

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Parts of me are character, and some parts are just me. Merry tends to be much wilder than me, but I have more heart than she does. A dead rabbit would make me cry while Merry would have it sent to the galley for dinner. Merry is a bit more flirty, while Me is just friendly. My job frowns on any carrying on at all, corprate ants following the herd.

They know what I do, but not why.

My friends are my friends, regardless.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!



PyratePhil, you're "we remember the characters, not the drones" statement reminds me of the Steven Covey philosophy (the author of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People") which is to live your life the way you want to be remembered.

I took a "grunt" job at Target because I needed the money, but it doesn't change who I am as a person: happy, friendly, and loves Star Wars. Some of the best moments of my life were through my volunteering (such as a recent Make-A-Wish project).

I'm even happy working retail because I can get PAID for picking up and putting away - something I do for free at home with two kids. Attitude is everything. :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


:lol: i'm not really too much different in the land of the dane. i'm a natural born flirt and everyone knows it, but i'm also quite harmless and everyone knows that too. faire season is the best. the other nine months of the year are getting ready for the next season. i spend most of my online time here and in parenfaire.net. everyone that knows me also knows that faire and pyrates are my favorite things. i would never go to an event out of garb and my boys would kill me if i even thought of taking them not in garb. i'm looking for new garb ideas and pieces everywhere i am. the biggest difference between faire/pyracy me and nepa me is the language, though i have been heard using b.f.a. and pyrate speak outside the gates. though i drink rum here and really don't like it or most liquors outside the 'pub'. my main libation is pepsi and pepsi/vanilla. go figure. :P

btw - most of my closest friends call me snow and have for a long time. 'snowflake' has been my nickname for the better part of 3 decades. :P


~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


First let me thank all of you who have responded with wonderful and insightful information.

When I post here and in some of the other forums here, I play the character which can be clearly seen by my wording and the lack of words with letters missing. Such as "Aye ye be an' ol' salt o' the sea."

But yet in other forums I am myself, my puncuation is correct and my spelling is almost always correct (I never won any spelling bees in school).

When I use to post at the site for PRP on Yahoo it depended on what I was saying which would determine whether I used my character name or my real name to sign off with (I don't like my real name used here because it's a public forum, and I have been stalked in the past - as where PRP is a private forum- well to some extent).

The fact is I am a single woman and though I may live with a guy, he too flirts with the lasses at events, just as I do here online with the guys and at events. It suits both of us well and there's no jealousy.

But I question the ones that become so part of the character they are playing that they forget they have a real life. When shown that they do have a real life, the result is anger at the intrusion.

This is where the problem lies. So how do we know that person is so compelely immersed with the character that they are the character, or just a person using the name in character (which seems to be the majority of us here)?

We don't, but the person in question 'expects' you to know this. It's not possible.

I would like to hear some of your thoughts on this.

Rumba Rue

** :D **


That's a tough one there Rumba...I probably shouldn't be wrappin' me brain 'round stuff like this so early in th' day, but ya only live once...

Now many events that folks attend 'ere on the pub are Ren Faires, Reinactments, ect...where the "normal public" (normies) are welcome t' fraternize wit e'eryone present. Granted there are a few that be just fer the folks involved. Though since the 21st century is blatant and reminders of "real life" are always there many try to seperate themselves as much as possible...

I mean at certain events people only know me as Kalum and that's the way it should be...most of the people I know don't even know my birth name. In a way I am my character so much because my character is me...just 100% unadulterated and unabridged. Usually when someone is so into character that they'll introduce themselves to me (even though they know me) I'll just go along with it. Since at most events reinactors or playtrons are there to entertain, teach, ect...granted a few go over the line and really think they have a galleon in the backyard. I usually let that last group be and just smile and nod.

(is there a point in all this? Who knows...but I'm still goin)

However, it's that last group there that sometimes forgets that we're in the 21st century. Which causes a few problems. Some seek the shelter of living in a fantasy to avoid the stress of the world or from personal problems. With that they're at the events or visit sites like this for many of the same reasons we all do. To get away. If someone gets mad or infuriated o'er the fact they 'ave a real life then I would say the person does have a few problems. If they're part of the "show" or what have you, I won't talk to them about 21st century things if the public is too close. Ruins the effect and atmosphere they're projecting. That can also cause anger...since the illusion is shattered. If they refuse to admit they came to the event in a car whilst talkin' in private...then well...I hear they have really good drugs to help those problems these days.

(I think there was a point in that one somewhere...I dare ya t' find it)

Well my brain is listin' a bit t' port right now...so I'll have t' pick this up a bit later...the broadside of "deep thought" was a wee too much fer it t' take... :D

But there's me thoughts on the matter fer the moment...I'm sure I'll have more later...(sounds threatening don't it?)

  RumbaRue said:
So how do we know that person is so compelely immersed with the character that they are the character, or just a person using the name in character (which seems to be the majority of us here)?         

We don't, but the person in question 'expects' you to know this. It's not possible.

I think I know what you mean. Sometimes, when someone posts in a particularly aggressive mode, or seems to be posting comments just to be contrary -- I always wonder "Does this person really mean this, or is this a 'mean old pirate' talking?" Of course, if their gruffness is written "in pirate" I chalk that up to just character talk. However, when someone seems to be angry and contrary all time, I think that they are just being a creep (and usually choose not to talk to them). Since we can't see each other or hear the inflection of their voice, we have to rely on the written word.

I have known re-enactors at events that are so immersed in their character that they forget the purpose of being at an event, and alienate the public when they won't answer questions or mock visitors who are speaking to them in a RL way. I also know a couple of re-enactors that do live their personas so deeply that even outside of events they use their characters accent and mannerisms, and we address them by their character names. The latter -I think, based on what I know about them - are people whose RL is less than fulfilling, for whatever reason, and, while they know the difference, choose to stay in character in most of their social life.

That might be getting a little off the topic, but I guess my point, too, is that we only know as much about each other as we are each willing to share. So I say, if you are joking and you want us to know it, use a " :D " otherwise, we might take you seriously.


I've not done any recreations in many, many years. Like 20. So living in a character doesn't apply. The only character I have is me. Is "Mad Jack" me? Absolutely. Am I allowed by that wee fraction of society that pays me salary to always be "Mad Jack"? Sadly, no, not completely. I still let it "slip" on occasion, and it serves me well. I do things and propose solutions that on their face seem daft at the time, but almost always equate to a business win. And how I hate the corporate muzzle. I will admit that a piratical mindset helps immeasurably in the corporate world. :)

I am at all times flirty, outrageous, quick tongued, pretty much nuts, and always looking for good friends and good times. That's who I am. That is who'll you see here and in person. :) :D

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  Mad_Jack said:
I am at all times flirty, outrageous, quick tongued, pretty much nuts, and always looking for good friends and good times. That's who I am. That is who'll you see here and in person. :) :D

:D i concur. it's like the moldie oldie song from the 70's (1970's that is) 'what you see is what you get'! :D

another round ray................


~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


99.9% of what I post on the Pub is myself. I don't have a persona or character.

Aboard ship or at events, even, it's much the same way. It's me, but with a different outfit, and different speech patterns. Upon interaction with the public, I introduce myself with my legal name.

This issue is one of my main problems with the board, and one of the things that led to my decline in posts. It's so hard to tell if you're being insulted by someone who, like myself posts in both pirate accent and modern accent but is still themselves, or someone playing a character. It's too hard to sift through the roleplaying to find a real discussion sometimes.

I tend to raise an eyebrow at people who call others who are not into their particular lifestyle "normies" or "mundane". It smacks of escapism and a form of elitism.


I like to think I am me most of the time and my character when it is convent however, at work we recently had a new grad assigned to our office. A nice young lad I think but I just found out the first week there he told his roommate. "They put me in this office with three older men and one of them thinks he is a pirate!, What’s up with that?" So I guess my pirate personal creeps through more than I thought....lol


and dressed as a Klingon

cool.. I use to be Klingon myself..........Marine captain CheDpa vesti-P'san

But the part I been thinking about.... on the board I FLIRT with merrydeath all the time.. I met her at PiP....(and she is a realy nice lady...) but I always figgurred we were just playing.... There are many very nice women that I have met online If somehow I get "lucky" cool...... but that is not why I type at them.......

Am I a pyrate on line,,,,, well this is how I wanna be..... bout in real life I gotta to tone it down a bit,,,,,,,,,, just ask the "locals"..... I am the wierd pyrate around town,.....................


I think that alot of the postiings in The Pub are in Persona. When I'm here how I respond to a post depends on how I read the wrtiien word and who I'm responding to. If I was to be in my persona, Animal in real life, I'd be doing life without parole right now. Even at events, one must leverage some control in ones persona. Once again, I'd be doing time if I let the true Animal persona out. With all the P/C attitudes nowadays, it is sometimes hard to be yourself with out getting fired or thrown in jail.

Animal ( or who ever I might think I am )

Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!

  Patrick Hand said:
But the part I been thinking about.... on the board I FLIRT with merrydeath all the time.. I met her at PiP....(and she is a realy nice lady...)  but I always figgurred we were just playing....

Thanks Patrick, you're pretty sweet yourself. I'm glad I made a good impression! and yes for the most part it is just playing. I've made some good friends here, in RL and RP.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!



B) Rue,

I am's what I am's :rolleyes:

And I really think yer thinkin' too much about it! Just sit back n' have some grog n' lime n' enjoy the threads!

B) Ol' Black Jack




The only difference for me on Pyracy is that I have bad grammer. Everything I say is exactly what I think. No one else I know will let me speak in "pirate", so...thanks mates! :rolleyes:

Floggin's are a natural part of life

"Well behaved women rarely make history."

Member of the International Wenches Guild

  RumbaRue said:
But I question the ones that become so part of the character they are playing that they forget they have a real life. When shown that they do have a real life, the result is anger at the intrusion.

This is where the problem lies. So how do we know that person is so compelely immersed with the character that they are the character, or just a person using the name in character (which seems to be the majority of us here)?

We don't, but the person in question 'expects' you to know this. It's not possible.

I have a question -

WHY is it important to know what you're asking?

It might very well be true, every word...then again, it might not. Why do we (and I include myself in this category) try to change that which we don't understand?

WHO is to say what is right and wrong? As long as they don't violate YOUR space, what's the harm?

Wars have been started over one country deciding they didn't like the way the other country lived. Perhaps it's just the nature of the beast...

Sit back, enjoy, ignore when necessary.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


phile... I don't think ruba rue was gettinhg that philosophicle...... I think she was just just "venting"

sometimes life don't work..... we get mad..... sometimes it do... them we think about it and white till ti gets bad again...... or mayby not.......or something like that....................


Blimey!!...this is an interestin' post..

to answer ye question from my side of life...

Most think of I as a pyrate Cap'n, even people who I's just met (and I meets alot in my line of work).

I looks like one (or some crazed 'biker')...have's the pyrate honour runnin' through me blood.

Sure, some look at you an' think you odd... but most are quite intrigued with latent 'pyrate' qualitys of thier own....

Personally I've never posted anything of a nasty nature to anyone or on any site, likewise, i've never recieved any...everything is taken at a humorous slant....lifes to short fer quiblin'....

so to conclude....I's a pyrate....an' proud t' be one (real life or otherwise).


Yes, it be pointy…..and ye be at the wrong side o’ it.


First let me say I am not venting.

I think that we have a wonderful group of people here whose replies have made us understand how we precieve each other. The majority of us have a clear understanding of the reality and fantasy and when it's appropriete to use.

I hope that the few who prefer to push the reality away and live the fantasy, read the comments here that you've all written and understand we are not mind readers and can't always post in a way that you might like.

I think one of the things here at the Pub that would be more helpful is to have more smiley's that can show our emotions better.

If there's anyone here who can create or garner smiley's to put here at the Pub, send a message to Bloody Buckets (pyracy@graysail) about it.

(sorry no pay or perks, but lot's of thank you's)

Humbly yours,

Rumba Rue :ph34r:


OK, so maybe the re-enactor me has a split personality, also. I always 'think* in re-enactment terms, and in ways to make myself more a person of the period. When I'm responding on the list, If it's info or sources or whatever, I use standard English. When I'm on the roleplaying sections, I drop back into the broad Yorkshire dialect. should be fairly simple. The fact that I rarely venture off Twill or Hot Tub should also make this reasonably easy to determine which is which.

In terms of fantasy vs reality, I deal with enough reality to pay the bills, keep a roof over, and keep the cops from the door. Why is the fact that I prefer the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries over the 21st a problem? hell yes it's escapist. I'm not particularly thrilled with our current time, and see no great reason to immerse myself in it if I don't have to. I'd give the neighbor's kids to have that working time machine. For other comments, see my sig line.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



i think what some object to on this site is the imposing of moral judgements on others play be it flirting or otherwise .....as for myself i have done many of the things that most of the pyrates have thought about having spent many years in the miltary of two different countries but do i still go about splitting men from groin to gullet ....it's frowned on in nice society .....but i was paid to do it in my younger days .... and unfortunately i was too damned good at it ......it took it's toll on my soul ..... so now i play at being the same sort of man i was trained to be 40 years ago ......the niceties of of posting is a far cry from going to swing clubs or to hire out as an assassin .......so if i flirt with a woman here or there it is just that a flirt ..........and it's nobodies damned business if i am flirting with another person if they don't object to it ....... so perhaps if we remember that this site is for those role playing. then keeping anyones PRIVATE REAL LIFE ....JUST THAT !!!! PRIVATE!!!!!

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