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Arr, I've started a general fan fiction group for Pirates of the Caribbean. Fer those who aren't aquainted with fan fiction, it be when a bunch o' fans write stories about a movie or the charaters therein that they enjoy. They elaborate on scenes from the original, explore the points of view of different characters, create alternate universes, prequels, sequels, in-between-quels...ye get the idea.

The group is a yahoo group--you can read the messages on the group site or get all the messages mailed to you--essentially, it's a mailing list. It's easy to join; just create a yahoo identity and join the group. You don't have to have a yahoo mail address to be able to do it.

The group is POTCfic, and our yahoo site is:


We already have 28 members, and a sucessful Pass the Pen is going on right now. Hopefully, when we have enough submission, I'll start archiving them on a separte site. Open discussion of POTC is welcome there, as well as talk about maritime and such matters in general. Positive feedback is encouraged, so don't be afraid to post fics! And, you don't have to write to join...but please, stop by!





It's a general fic site, in other words, we take all fic of the general genre, including AU (alternate universe), deathfic (in which a character who originally didn't die does...the stipulation with these two is that you mark it as such so those who don't read AU or Deathfic can skip it), and any other general fic...However, there is no posting of smutfic (basically, written pornography) or slash (a homosexual pairing of characters, usualy like a smutfic, as well)--this is not out of prejudice against gays, but because in the fanfic world slash can get controversial, and a lot of slash, as I just said, is just smutfic, so to cater to the widest audience and make this list one for those who just want to read general fic, I've barred these two. The other rules are pretty simple...the only other major one concerning the type of fic allowed stipulates that you rate you fic like a movie, since the site is kept at a generally PG-13 level, and those who don't wish to read more graphic fic are warned if one is posted.

If you join, a list of the guidelines will be sent to you...general rules for treating eachother nicely, no trolling, etc. The list is moderated by myself (I own it) and Lady Jamers; both of us are well experienced in the world of fanfic (mostly Horatio Hornblower) and endevour to keep it a friendly place to be. Both of us are used to the Hornblower fandom, where people are respectful and are expected, for the most part, to moderate themselves. So, though it may sound like a lot of rules here, really we just set them up to make sure that people understand the perameters. Besides that, we won't censor or berate posters so long as they are responsible about posting. I hope to see you there!




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