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You know, it's just too hard to pick a fave. As the lists keep getting posted, I see more and more movies I love, but just haven't thought about in a while!

Which version of Count of Monte Cristo do you like, HarborMaster?



You're right, Fancy.

Hawkyns brought up the wonderful The Three Musketeers/Four Musketeers made in the 1970s. Richard Lester was the director and I totally fell in love with swashbuckling (and swashbucklers) from that moment on. The casting was superb in that movie.

Mission, if you like David Thewlis (Professor Lupin) you should watch a great film called "Divorcing Jack". It is a great little movie (and has the Lucius Malfoy actor Jason Isaacs in it as well).


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


(Rollin' up 'is sleeves...)

Alrighty, mates - ye asked fer it!

It DO seem a mite diffycult ta be pickin' jes' a few, but here's whot comes offin' th' top o' me shiny skull...in no partickilar order, o' course...

Clockwork Orange - (Love the use of language in this one)

Key Largo - Bogey with Baby at what I think is their finest...

The Godfather - The Godfather of all mob movies...

Thief - James Caan (my MAN!), doin' the night moves...

Under Siege - My OTHER MAN - sorry, but I do martial arts...so...

Enter the Dragon - Not much to look at in terms of cinema, but it's BRUCE LEE, guys! His best, and last, film...

Goodfellas - OK, so I LIKE mob films...just about grew up in Little Italy, OK?...you got a PROBLEM wit' dat???...

Anything with Robin Williams - Sorry, but he's who I'd want to be if I ever grew up...

The Magnificent Seven - When men were men...and women liked it...

March of the Wooden Soldiers - hokey nowadays, but it has some sentimental attachments that I can't seem to shake...

...there's more...many, many more...but just don't have the willpower right now


...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

Soylent Green

That movie disturbs me!!!

Yah... but it wasn't "people".... it was algae .... but with the oceans dead, the algae had to eat ..... something.........


Fancy wrote ....,Which version of Count of Monte Cristo do you like, HarborMaster?

Tho I cant speak french nor care to..., I do prefer the Count of Monte Cristo., with Gerard Depardieu...., in french., with screen captions turned on as its more interesting to me spoken in the writers(Dumas) own language, for one reason., the other reason is since its not in english ., it makes me have to really pay attention in order to follow along..., thereby giving me more out of the film...., and its really a great story., a few tall ships and the greatest treasure anyone could want. A really good movie. Gerard Depardieu was also Porthos in the Man in the Iron Mask.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


In no particular order:



Pirates of the Caribbean


Captain Blood



The Maltese Falcon

Time Bandits

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen


Monty Pyton and the Holy Grail




The Seven Samurai



The Dark Crystal


The African Queen

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


King Kong (the original)


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"


HarborMaster, that's my favorite as well! I own two versions, that one, and one "americanized" shorter version. the French is MUCH better, and follows the book more closely, I'm told (shame on me for not reading it myself, yet)



Captain Blood

Shipwrecked (piratey Disney flick from the late 80's... cheesy, but I have fond memories of it)

Crimson Pirate

Cutthroat Island

PotC (duh)

Pirates of Tortuga

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (I've a whale of a tale ta tell ya lads, a whale of a tale or two!)

Master and Commander

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Captain Ron

Napolean Dynamite



Sleepy Hollow

Any James Bond flick (except for Moonraker)

Black Hawk Down (exceptionally realistic war-flick, believe me...)

Sands of Iwo Jima

Heartbreak Ridge

Outlaw Josey Wales

Rio Bravo


Young Guns


If any of the above play day or night, I just gotta watch 'em...


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


*deep breath* I'll try to do this off the top of my head (without reading everyone's list first.) Here goes:



Master and Commander

the original Star Wars trilogy and Episode I

Raiders of the Lost Ark


Die Hard

Midnight Run


Planes, Trains and Automoblies

Blood Simple


Raising Arizona

Ruthless People

The Gods Must Be Crazy



Muppet Treasure Island

Muppet Christmas Carol


The Elephant Man

Wild At Heart

Trading Places

Groundhog Day

It's A Wonderful Life


A Christmas Story


Return To Me

The Sound of Music

Gone With The Wind

The General (Buster Keaton)

Bull Durham

Field of Dreams



Ben Hur

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

The Little Vampire

*sigh* OK, that's enough for now. Man, this makes me want to run out and rent some these.... now I'm going to go back and read everyone's list.


Oh this is a tough one, but here's my list of fav's. Probably some really way out there stuff included, but then I am aways out there. So in no particular order here they be:

Monty Python and The Holy Grail


A Simple Plan


PotC (of course)


The City of Lost Children




The 1st two Harry Potter fims


Requiem for a Dream

The Virgin Suicides

Monsters Inc

A Christmas Story

Cutthroat Island


Bram Stokers Dracula


Shrek 2 (Tom Waites as Hook...too perfect)



The Maltese Falcon

The Dark Crystal

Nightmare Before Christmas

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Princess Monanoke

Ghost in the Shell

Second Hand Lions

Die Hard

The Meaning of Life

History of the World Part 1

The Professional

Immortal Beloved

The 5th Element

Bringing Out the Dead

Gah...this list could go on for hours...I'll just stop before I hurt myself.


We all seem to have a slew of favorite movies... so here's a challenge... Name just your top 5. As if these 5 were the only movies you could watch for the next year. Only 5....



Easy. (These are in order.)

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark

2. Goldfinger

3. Pirates of the Caribbean

4. Gremlins 2: The New Batch

5. The Seven Samuri (While this isn't on my original list, if I had to watch the same movies for a year, I'd want one of them to be four hours long. I chose Yojimbo over Seven Samuri because it's shorter and I can watch it easily in one sitting.)

I could watch those five movies over and over. Come to think of it...I have.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



Not easy for me... I really like so many.

Let's see...

Could I include my boxed collection of 50 old Horror movie classics? I reckon that would be cheating, there's 12 dvd's in one box...


O Brother Where Art Thou

Pirates of the Caribbean

Arabian Knights


and... Dracula

this was hard, and I reserve the right to change my mind.



5 only........


Pirate of the Carabbean (I watch it all the time anyway)

Little Shop of Horrors (I do play it all the time to listen to the music )

Saving Private Ryan (still like the D Day part)

Princess Bride (I played it the other day to intertain a co-workers daughter.... It's scarry how much of the diolog I have memorized...)

I don't have a copy of it.... but Rocky Horror Picture show

Kinda wierd how "interactive" most of my choices are..... There was an interview with Richard O Brian and they were asking him what he felt about the "goings on" durring Rocky, and he liked the idea of the interaction.....

I was at an S.C.A. event a long time ago, it was raining, so we ran through all the lines from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

OK.... so I'm wierd.... but it is a lot of fun...... :huh:

  • 11 months later...

(This looks as good a place as any to put this.)

I was just reading about the casting for the sequel to the Batman movie...

Already touted for roles in the film - besides returning stars Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Katie Holmes and Michael Caine - are Jake Gyllenhaal as D.A Harvey Dent, Paul Bettany as The Joker, Brad Dourif as Dr.Arkham, Emily Watson as Dr. Harleen Quinzel , and Bob Hoskins as mob boss Sal Maroni.

They're going to include Harley Quinn! (She's a Doctor?) She makes a great foil for the Joker. Kind of like She-Go for Drakken in reverse.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



the princess bride is my all time favorite

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


well, i love POTC, monty python and the holy grail, Sleepy Hollow, Labrynth (cant spell it), Addams Family, Addams Family Values, Muppet Treasure Island, Nightmare Before Christmas, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (both of them) Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Evolution, and National Treasure.


It's so tough to narrow them down...

O Brother Where Art Thou

Shaun of the Dead


Galaxy Quest

Rear Window

Shawshank Redemption


The Long Kiss Goodnight

All the Monty Python movies

Addams Family

Addams Family Values


  • Miller's Crossing
  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • The Magnificent Seven
  • Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
  • The Station Agent
  • The Freshman
  • On the Town
  • Groundhog Day
  • Dead Man
  • The Searchers
  • Rushmore
  • Scotland, PA

And of course, all the Python and Terry Gilliam movies, The Princess Bride, Treasure Island(s), It's a Wonderful Life, and a few hundred more.


Groundhog Day is a nice little film. Just when you think there isn't anything else they could possibly do without overdoing it, they come up with something else.

I happened to be in the town where they were filming this (Woodstock Illinois) on business and I got to see the town square set. That was kind of neat.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



The Godfather (the first one)

Dr. Strangelove


Star Trek II, IV, Generations, and First Contact

Star Wars III, IV, V, VI


Ghostbusters I & II

Treasure Planet


Master and Commander

Dick Tracy

Nightmare Before Christmas



Mr. Smith goes to Washington

The Man who shot Liberty Valance


Donnie Darko

A very long engagement

Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Schindlers List

Saving Prvt. Ryan

Legends of the Fall

The list goes on and on.......


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