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PLUNDER! What better name for a Pyrate Game?

I went to a con this last week and ran into my old friend Kevin from Laughing Pan. I didn't even know he was working on a pyrate game. Sheesh. It is a very slick setup with a very compact game box. It is stylish, inventive and it comes with some very slick cards, maps and play pieces. I highly recommend it.









First. I totally placed this in the wrong thread!!!! This should be in Plunder. I'm soooo stupid.

Second. The parts are all very cool. Little coins, boats, ports etc.

I believe the cost is around thirty, but don't quote me. I'm preordering my copy later this week. I just got to see an advanced copy and it is wonderfully thought out. You buy and sell or pyrate in all sorts of trade materials. Wood, cloth, etc. Some is obtained by pyracy, some by war, some by privateering (see pyracy). Then you try and reach ports which offer the best value for the goods. This is of course influenced by wars and other pyrates.

Oh yes. Very nice game for a few players looking to get some ARRRRing in.



...it all fits into that little treasure chest box. How cool is that?






Actually, this looks like it might be alot of fun. One of my favorite board games, Avalon Hill's Civilization, had a trade aspect to it. Players would strike up deals with other players to trade various goods, and in so doing one could pawn off a calamity onto another player, adding a (fun) element of risk to each transaction. If this is anything like that, it would probably be a blast.

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