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Actually, the Foundry figs are probably a better level of craftsmanship. Being a gamer geek and miniatures painter for many years, I can say few companies approach their level of detail and animation.

Unfortunately, of the dozens of Foundry pirates I have, none are 100% complete. I haven't picked up a brush in over a year... :blink:

Phil, you'll probably find this interesting, the fellows who sculpt most of the Foundry figs are not only sculptors (hmmm... why doesn't that word look right???) but painters, and their works include the Osprey Men-at-Arms series covering ancient China. I'd give you a link, but I'm in a hurry....

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


I'm really surprised at that. Maybe it's just the way they photograph them, but the Foundry's look cheesier. But I'll take yer word on it...I don't have ANY of them :unsure: ... yet... :blink:

I used to work on the metal D&D figures years ago, but also haven't touched them in a while. Since my son is getting into some of the newer ones (LOTR scenarios), we're now on the project of building one of the Keeps (forgot the name - not really into LOTR much - it's the one that's surrounded by mountains, if that helps) so he can game.

Thanks for the link idea - no sweat, I can Google it out...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Well, like anything, it's all in the eye of the beholder. I like certain styles of minis. Other folks prefer different styles...

Ha! Funny you should mention LotR... the guys who sculpted for Foundry and did the Osprey books, Alan and Michael Perry, are the same guys who did the Games Workshop LotR figures.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


One odd thing about the Osprey site-

They don't have any pics of the figures???

Some day, I want to get to the point where I'm casting my own minis...but that's fer me olden years...when there's less skirt ta be chasin' and foes ta be bracin'...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

Michael unfortunately lost his right arm at a re-enactment of the battle of Crécy in 1996,

Don't mean to belittle his loss..... but THAT must be an interesting story.........

  PyratePhil said:
They don't have any pics of the figures???

Some day, I want to get to the point where I'm casting my own minis...but that's fer me olden years...when there's less skirt ta be chasin' and foes ta be bracin'...

Sorry, I may have lead you astray... Osprey deals in books, not miniatures. (Years ago someone produced a line of licensed 54mm figures based on Osprey works, but that was years ago.) The Perrys did miniatures for Gamesworkshop (the LotR line) and for Foundry (pirates, as well as others) and did illustrations for Osprey.

Ahhhh, casting your own... been there, done that. Nothing like the smell and taste of lead in the morning... (and they ask me why I'm mad!!!) ^_^

Uhhhhh... message needs more pirate content... there are other miniatures companies out there producing 25/28mm pirate figures. If anyone is interested, I can post some links.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Gee, I wanna look like those pirate women! ---NOT!

Well on the other hand, my cats would think they'd be great play toys too.

Too pricey, but well done. I too use to paint those little friggin' figures when I use to be a gamer (in a galaxy long ago).

Rumba Rue

**Two wrongs are only the beginning**

  • 2 weeks later...

The Figures in the First Post of this Thread are by Conte Collectibles-and They Are Top Quality Pre- painted 56mm Metal Figures. At 2 to 2-1/2 inches tall, they are Twice the Size of Wargaming Figures.For Their Size, the Foundry Figures Are wonderfully Detailed. Osprey Books are excellent Guides for Modellers and Re-enactors-The Elite Series Features 3 Pirate-related Volumes: Elizabethan Sea Dogs-Pirates(17th C.) and Pirates and Privateers(18th C.) I got Several of the Conte sets off Ebay a While Back-It CAN be done...

;) RtR ;)

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


the wenches look kinda funny to me *shrugs* oh well

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


They Are kinda Stoopid, Mary- Well, two out o' the Three-One's wearin' what looks like a Diaper, the Second Brandishin' a Blade with Her Frock Coat open and Nuthin' underneath-But the Third is Quite Nice, A Pistol in each Hand, Respectfully Garbed-Not that I Doesn't Like the

Pyratica "Girly" Art and Such,Ya Knows...

B) RtR B)

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts

  Bloody_Mary_Bonney said:
the wenches look kinda funny to me *shrugs* oh well

Absurd and impractical apparel aesthetics aside, I've never quite understood why they use such dark washes for detailing flesh on minatures. It looks particularly odd on women (the deep reddish hues in the neck and particularly under the breasts) and can even look strange on men (look at the middle figure in the group "Ready...Aim...Fire" - especially his cheekbones and stomach). It makes them look overly-dramatic and fan-boyish to me.

I think part of the problem is that they're so small that you are rather limited when it comes to layering paint. True human skin has undertones of green, yellow and/or blue in it. On those dinky things, you're lucky if you can get the peach-colored paint to stay in the lines. So many do their best, throw the most appropriate wash they can on it and hope for the best.

It can be done, though. I used to have a friend who put eyes with pupils on AD&D minitures. Unbelieveable.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  • 1 month later...

How many pyrates here paint or collect minitures ?

Blackjohn mentioned Casting figures, but I am thinking of making molds to make figures outta sculpy, I figure they will be about 2 1/2 inches tall (sculpy dosent "take" detail as nicely as lead.... but it is cheap, and unless you are totaly lame, you shouldn't burn yourself..... OK baking them in the oven at 2 or 340, might be dangerious for some.... :huh: )

I figure I will make a "Master" figure, and then add details to the molded figures.....

kinda a "do it yourself" pyrate figure.........


Sculpy's nice stuff. It's like stone when you get done baking it. I had never used Sculpy until an artist friend suggested it when I was casting about for material for the claws on my velociraptor. Those Sculpy claws are more solid than the fiberglass body of the raptor.

You're right about the detail, though. Not good for detail work from my experience.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



Sculpty is great. I has a mate who be a modler and uses it for all the detail and jonts. E made some fantastic stuff with it. The e air brushes it.

Shoots anything that moves!!


I was figuring out the scale that I wanted to use...... then got excited to start, and couldn't find the epoxy clay to make the master figure and cannon outta..... (well then started drinking rum....so much for the figures that weekend...)

I did figure out the sizes I want the ships to be....... and wrote more of the rules.......


But, does ya ave nough ta be makin em all? Ya will ave ta take pictures and post em after, Patrick.

Shoots anything that moves!!


One of the pirate vendors at Southern last weekend had a pirates chess board it was done rather well. The Queen was Morgan and the King was Kidd the knights were tall ships. The opponent wer scurvy red coats and the likes of rank and file up to the queen and king, I liked it rather well indeed

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

But, does ya ave nough ta be makin em all?

I'm going to make the first one outta epoxy clay, and then make a mould so I can "press" the sculpy in it.... then I can pose the figures, and add detail, so each one is different..... then paint them all........

And I have to make a mold for cannons.....

Figure I will make about 50 of them for the "Pyrate Wars" game......


More power to ya Patrick. I give ya credit ya got the go fer doing em all. Ow long ya figerin it be takin ya ta do one?

Shoots anything that moves!!


When I use to paint 25mm lead figures, I'd paint them in batches.... more efficent that way.... mix the colors, paint a bucnch of them, and by the time you are done with that color, the paint is dry so you can start onna new color......

I will be using acrilic paint.... dries fast, and washes and dry brush make the whole thing go very quick....


I still do that now. Got many o them ta stillpaint as tyme pops up. gots me special glasses and all. Even won awards fer a few. It be work, but fun work I says. Been doin that fer bout 30 years now.

Shoots anything that moves!!

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