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The way the boards have changed

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We still have the fun stuff too. In fact we have all kinds of stuff here, so much it's pushing the bulkheads out! Wheeeeee! No finger in the dike will stop it!

Let the winds fill our sails and our goals and interests be many and I hope that never changes!

Fair winds and following seas!

Rumba Rue (Moderator for this fun place)

**You seem somewhat familar, have I threatened you before?** :blink:

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Ahoy, AliasGrace! Good t'see yer post.

We have had some changes t'the pub but they be all t'the good, lassie. We've a new proprietor (Bloody Buckets) and new moderators but we be havin' the same fun we always have.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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it be of certs that ye been wished so well,

glad ya come back dear tis better than 'ell

but ya bring up a fine point one we all try

to set words inta play witout makin you cry

Welcomes back to ye and yer next round be on me! Huzzah! A gifted writer to share mayhaps some additional sharpe repartee wit.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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