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Some POTC theme rides related news..

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Jim Hill talks about a proposed nighttime-only retheming of Disneyland's "Pirates of the Caribbean." Which is sure NOT to be popular with some theme park fans.

Skeleton Crew

Jim Hill talks about the new AA figure that's just been approved for installation in WDW's "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Cap'n Jack Sparrow sets sail for Florida

But people who work with Walt Disney Imagineering do. Which is how JHM first learned about the "Pirates of the Caribbean Water Adventure" park that WDI supposedly has in development.

"Dead Men Tell No Tales ..."

That last bit, boy are you guys lucky, a POTC themed water attraction park :lol:

I'd love to see that come to Paris too, if it's to be a part of the Disney parks :)


Jeez, Jim Hill takes forever to get to the point!

I love this plan! I think the special nighttime undead pirate ride is a great idea! I've been a skeleton pirate fan since I bought the model Dead Men Tell No Tales back in the bad ol' seventies. If Disney can release models of this allegedly scary part of the ride for kids, shouldn't the kiddies be able to handle a ride that's a bit more undead friendly at night? (Perhaps not, thanks to the modern, hyper-(aka "over-")vigilant parent...) If they do change the ride, I just might have to go back and visit the park again...

As to adding a Captain Jack figure to the POTC ride...I personally don't much care for that idea. It's silly and sort of pandering IMHO. The concept could very well be stilted and out of date in five or ten years. If POTC stands the test of time and enters the gilt halls of "Classic Movies" (defined as movies that get played at least 100 times a year on AMC and sometimes 5 times in a given week), it may work, but you run that risk.

...some guests -- as they've been exiting Disney World's version of "Pirates" -- have recently been heard to grumble: "What a rip-off. Cap'n Jack's nowhere to been seen in that ride."

Oh, c'mon! Wake up, folks! :lol: Awfully decent of Johnny to voice it though. (What are they paying that man to be on the Disney dole? Has he sold out? God bless 'im anyhow... :lol: )

Not that they shouldn't put Johnny's likeness in any ride or attraction. If they go ahead with the water park concept (which is a great tie in concept IMO), that's where an undead Captain Jack would be right at home. With or without the voice. Plus it'd be nice to see undead versions of Barbarossa, the monkey, Ragetti, Pintel, Twigg, Koehler (the scariest undead pirate in the lot - not to get off topic, but if they should make an AF of anyone, it's Keohler), Grapple, Jacoby, Maximo, etc. That would be fairly timeless, don'cha think? (Plus it would also be a nice memorial to Trevor Goddard. No doubt it's just what his family would want.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  Mission said:
Oh, c'mon! Wake up, folks! :lol: Awfully decent of Johnny to voice it though. (What are they paying that man to be on the Disney dole? Has he sold out? God bless 'im anyhow... ;) )

Are you talking about the 18 inch Capt'n Jack figuire? Sorry to tell you me hearties, that is not Johnny Depps voice. Sorry. SOOooooo sorry mates. ;) Be at ease that he has not sold his voice or his Soul to Disney.

Yet. :lol:

And the ride, it's all still in concept with a few models constructed. I like the idea though. There is plenty of room for two rides.


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



No, it's in reference to the life-sized figure they are planning to put into the POTC ride. (Check out the second article that Charity references, Bess.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  Mission said:
No, it's in reference to the life-sized figure they are planning to put into the POTC ride. (Check out the second article that Charity references, Bess.)

I guess the key there is *supposedly* voiced by Johnny Depp.

I remember when Harrison Ford was signed sealed and delivered to voice Indiana Jones out here in out Park. Even recorded it all. (chuckle) Fell through. (Sound of an enourmous thud) Couldn't even show his face on Merchandise for a year or two.

Still..... they get a figure.

If they get it, we'll get it PLUS a whole new ride into the bargan.

But like everything around here, I'll believe it when I see it. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Maybe it's because all this info was seperated into three articles, but I seem to recall reading that the Depp thing was almost a cert, the changes to the ride were tentative, but quite possible and the waterpark was someone's wet dream (so to speak). Point about the fluidity and tenuousness of actor/studio plans well taken, however.

Nice insight on the Harrison Ford thing; I wasn't aware of that and I'm an IAJ fan...

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  Mission said:
Maybe it's because all this info was seperated into three articles, but I seem to recall reading that the Depp thing was almost a cert, the changes to the ride were tentative, but quite possible and the waterpark was someone's wet dream (so to speak). Point about the fluidity and tenuousness of actor/studio plans well taken, however.

Nice insight on the Harrison Ford thing; I wasn't aware of that and I'm an IAJ fan...

One thing of which you can always be certian with Disney....

Nothing is certain.

And I've had 35 years with the comapny to be certain of THAT! :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Charity said:
Does that include movies? :lol:

Never mind, you don't have to answer, but it does worry me a slight bit ;)

(Holding up m'hand...) No, no... no need to worry on that score young missy.

The sets are under construction (AMAZING THEY ARE!) I've had contracts come across m'desk and they are MOST certainly making POTC2

I'd not worry too much about POTC3 either. :lol: They smell money in the aire!


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



If this topic is the same as Bess's info on the revised ride, maybe they should be merged together so all the stories are in the same place.

So Bess, how soon can I visit the studio? :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

(Holding up m'hand...) No, no... no need to worry on that score young missy.

Why thank ye for the compliment :lol:

I'm not thát young but then again you're as young as you feel and pirates are keeping me young :lol:

That is..the interest and fun i'm having reading etc about pirates...no good lookin' pirates around here yet...i'm keeping up my hopes though... :lol:

It sounded just fine what you said about POTC too...money..mm good..let it roll..we want 2 AND 3 right people? :)


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