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Hello all! Just a matter of indesicion here that maybe you all can help with. A book i'm working on writing right now needs some timeline reconstruction, and I need to pick a year in the golden age of piracy. I'm thinking of the years a la Pirates of the Carribean, but that seemed rather non-committal on the exact year. What I really need is an exact year during the Golden Age of Piracy, closer to the end of the middle, just so I can get all the historical details correct, y'know, like royalty, wars, countries borders and the like.


You could pick 1705- exactly 300 years ago. (It's rather closer to the beginning/middle than the end, but think of the good karma of picking a nice round number. (What is it about round numbers and aughts? They're totally irrelevant yet we are attracted to them for some reason. Ok, enough thinking about this.))

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



I would pick 1717. It looks cool when written and most of the BiG GUns in the pirate world are around at this time.

Found this link to a site that lists most of the famous pirates and when they were active.


that might help you to narrow it down


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


Thanks guys! Your suggestions give me some starting points. I'm still not 100% decided yet, due only to the fact that I have to do some research on events around the year, so I can lead up to it properly Anyway . . . ta very much



Theres some interesting dates that can bring you some light:

1586 : the invasion of sir francis drake to la Hispaniola

1623: Constant buccaneers attacks to north shore of la hispaniola comming from tortuga island.

1627: A spanish battle ship squad attack and destroy all the pirate bases in isla tortuga.

etc etc........

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