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Disneyland Pirate Ship Restraunt

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But I can't find it.

Hubs and I were having dinner the other night in Max and Erma's a burger joint here, and I'm looking at this giant Valencia Orange painting of a Pirate Wench eating oranges, with a island scene and a pirate ship behind her. I'm chuckling since my aunt lived in Valencia, but the company is marked "Orange County, Calif." (where I was born and raised) So I try really hard not to go and pry this huge thing off the wall and drag it home for my living room! If only!

So I have to get up and look at the other stuff on the walls, and on the wall, just to the left is a framed photo of a menu from DA DAHH the Pirate Ship Restraunt in Disneyland! Talk about weird, because folks were talking about this one, and there it was on the wall framed with birthday party photos in the retraunt and photos of the Restraunt and the paper napkin looking menu.

I'm going to try and get a photo of the wall for you all, since it was funny ironic and gave me a happy chuckle. :)


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