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Guest YeOldeSeaman

'n stuff.

Turkish, aint ya ever had the Orientals? Ya speaks like a man that would know tha touch of a yellow man or three. Arrrrr back to ya.

Duelling is just too stilted. Not enough adrenaline and right of way makes no sense to me.

Dueling is an art form and, of course, a sport. And I love the discipline and beauty of it. And I gotta tell you, there can be PLENTY of adrenaline, if you fence to win. Sometimes winning depends on adrenaline

Quick anecdote... In fencing class one day, I was faced against a complete newcomer (a very large hulking guy). It was clearly the first time he had ever wielded a blade. He hacked, swung wild, slashed and swatted at me. Beat me backwards across the room, and it was all I could do to guard against him. Sloppy, sloppy style. But he beat me simply by overpowering me. I received welts all over my arm and torso. Hurt like hell. He felt proud at beating me, although I explained to him the need for finesse and control. He didn't understand. The next round, I used all my finesse, control and training. And an absolute TON of adrenaline. I countered his swings. I diverted his swats. I guarded against his slashes. He did not land one single hit on me. And I scored against him again, and again, and again. He then understood -- brute strength does not necessarily win the fight -- and I saw him paying very, very close attention to the instructor from that day forward (and he got real good, too). But I learned a lot more than he did from the experience ... I should have faced him at Round One as I did for Round Two. And have always faced off against my opponents that way ever since.

Was someone complaining about going off-topic? This forum is "Swordplay," and it is swordplay we are discussing.

...And I applaud you and your talent, Hawkyns. Hope to see you in "action" some day. Don't necessarily want to face off against you, though...


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



It's the same thing (only slightly off-topic) in something called "Push Hands" in taiji...

You're SUPPOSED to use your sense of balance, feeling of energy, and kinesthetic sense (moving ability) to neutralize your opponents' attacks. Well, watching most modern-day competitions leaves me sad - it's become a wrestling match.

It isn't always brute force that wins - although sometimes it does - but there's more to living, and dying, than just "who won"...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


...Ahhh... Speaking of Swordplay, my wife had "Kill Bill Vol. 1" playing on the tv... had to take a break to watch the Oren Ishii / Crazy 88s massacre scene... mmmm... swordplay...


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


Dueling is an art form and, of course, a sport. And I love the discipline and beauty of it. And I gotta tell you, there can be PLENTY of adrenaline, if you fence to win. Sometimes winning depends on adrenaline

...And I applaud you and your talent, Hawkyns. Hope to see you in "action" some day. Don't necessarily want to face off against you, though...

For me, winning *always* depends on adrenaline. It's back to the mindset issue. For me, picking up a blade and going up against an opponent, means taking my life in my hands and seeing if I'm better than the other guy. Fencing for points, with rules and right of way has nothing to do with a life or death match. Just as I get into character for living history events, so do I get into character for a fight.

I like to use terrain, either guarding my back with something, or backing my opponent into someplace where he has no maneuvering room. I also like to circle and come in on the angles, not from straight ahead. Anything to break up the fight, do something unexpected, make it more real.

SCA rapier combat has a few too many rules for my taste, but it is still the best place to get lots of opponents. Truth to tell, though, I've occasionally forgotten where I am and used forbidden techniques. Like the time I used my basket hilt to punch my opponents mask with the Kingdom marshals and the other OGR;s watching. Fortunately, they know what I do and how long I've been doing it and they cut me some slack :lol:



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.




Believe me, I totally "get" what you're saying. Regarding mindset, we are in 100% agreement. When I fence, I do not forget that people used this "sport" to fight to the death not too terribly long ago. And a wound is (in my mind's eye) a wound. When I thrust my epee "through your heart," it is a marvelously legal way of committing manslaughter -- even though you don't have to die. If I miss and only wound your shoulder, it is a terrible defeat, for you can still fight on.

And if it is I that "die," it is a bitter death, indeed.

All in all, it beats the hell out of "Shoot-em-up" video games.

Okay, dammit. I am going to dust off my fencing equipment tomorrow and find some club in this area... there must be SOMETHING. I miss the sport. I miss the fun. I miss the challenge. I miss the art.

Again, Hawkyns, keep up the good work -- I have nothing but admiration for you... we simply walk different paths (but I believe we can see each other from our respective chosen paths)


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


Again, Hawkyns, keep up the good work -- I have nothing but admiration for you... we simply walk different paths (but I believe we can see each other from our respective chosen paths)

Thanks for the good thoughts. Yeah, there is room for all of us and all styles. I do have respect for those who can fence collegiate or USFA styles, it's just not for me.

Good luck with your search for a fencing club. I'm looking for a dojo to learn Bo but nothing in my area. What I'd really like is to hook up with the Company of Maisters, but they are in England. Terry Brown's group, if you've heard of them.


I like the idea of being able to handle more than just a cutlass or a rapier. Staff work is so universal, but has so many variants. Any traveler carried a staff, in all countries from England to Japan. The offensive and defensive options intrigue me and I need to learn more.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.


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