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For naughty pirates with a sense of humor..

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I am laughing still at the title of the movie..not the "Privates of the Caribbean"..no " The curse of the..." :ph34r:

Uhm..i know it is very "naughty" :ph34r: but i figure we're all adults and it truly seems like a well made movie, and not some dirty cheap flick!

I have ordered it, in the Dutch discribtion it said top budget movie with beautiful three master ships, white beaches, pirates..quite obviously, and anything more you'd want to see.

It also said "What you didn't see in the movie"...i can imagine ROTFLMAO :ph34r:

Privates of the Caribbean

Oh by the way, the one i ordered is said to be 115 minutes, so watch out if you want it, there may be more versions!

This is an excerpt of our info (and it's much cheaper so buy it in the Netherlands on this site if possible, or look further.)

Privates of the Caribbean dvd

PRIVATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Jenna Jameson neemt je mee op een weergaloze sextrip. Ze bevindt zich in het gezelschap van meer dan 30 pornosterrren! Prachtige beelden met driemasters, piraten, mooie stranden, achtervolgingen te paard en natuurlijk... stomendhete sex!

115 min

Nederlands ondertiteld.

ArtikelPrijs € 19.99

Privates of the Caribbean dvd




Oops! Opened this category, scrolled down, saw the name "Jenna Jameson", and (because my kids are at the other side of the room) bailed out...

Will check back later...


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



omg....how funny!!!

tempting...very tempting!!!



"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


Based on the cover and the cast, and the fact that this title only seems to be available from foreign websites, I think odds are better than average that this is actually a retitled pirated (ahem) version of "Conquest", which is very piratey, but certainly not based on Pirates of the Caribbean.

er... not that I would know about such things.



No, it's definitely based on Pirates..

I saw a discribtion where it said the cast, and it said Jenna is Jack Sparrow, and the other woman on the left is suppost to be Will etc.

It's said to be with a wink to the POTC so it's not supposed to be too serious.

It is a full bown pirate movie though, the sword fghts, ships, pirates etc, the whole works, including a full story.

  Charity said:
It's said to be with a wink to the POTC so it's not supposed to be too serious.

WHAT?!? Sacrilege! Are you impugning the Adult Film Industry by implying that these movies are not serious?

I challenge your statement, and I offer up for rebuttal to your claim the excellent serious works of

-- "Lord Of The G-Strings: Femaleship Of The String" (2003)

-- "Playmate of the Apes" (2002)

-- "2069: A Sexy Odyssey" (1977)

-- "Spiderbabe" (2003)

-- "Dr. Jekyll And Mistress Hyde" (2003)

... all starring, coincidentally, Misty Mundae. Are you implying that these are not serious cinematic works? This is storytelling in its highest form!

Ummm, not that I have personal knowledge regarding the content of these films (and I am NOT suggesting that I have a copy of "Play-Mate of the Apes" autographed by Misty Mundae in my extensive POTA collection)


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



And let's not forget Edward P*nishands, The F*ckateer and Free My Willy. I just heard of these titles, honestly..... :ph34r:

OMG, I'm laughing so hard over this-lol! :ph34r:

WHAT?!? Sacrilege! Are you impugning the Adult Film Industry by implying that these movies are not serious?

HUH.. who said i inpugn any such thing? :ph34r: LOL..

It's just said, it's with a wink to POTC and hello..Jack Sparrow and Will Turner are played by women :ph34r:

I am taking it serious enough to order it but treating it as funny enough to still laugh my butt off over the title...and the fact mr Sparrow and Turner are played by women :ph34r:

Edward P*nishands
-- "Lord Of The G-Strings: Femaleship Of The String" (2003)
ROTFLMAO!!! :ph34r:
  Charity said:
...It is a full bown pirate movie though, ...

(gritting teeth, crossing legs and turning bright red)

I'm NOT gonna' say it, I'm NOT gonna say it...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

  PyratePhil said:
  Charity said:
...It is a full bown pirate movie though, ...

(gritting teeth, crossing legs and turning bright red)

I'm NOT gonna' say it, I'm NOT gonna say it...

I bet a doubloon you are thinking of it tho..

(sits and chuckles at PPhil)

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!



:ph34r::ph34r: Oh, come ON, Phil! We know you wanna! :)

Notice that they made Jack & Will into women.... & Barbossa spared from humiliation!

:: shakes head:: I'm just kinda .. steering clear o' this one.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

I'm NOT gonna' say it, I'm NOT gonna say it...

Never mind, i know :ph34r:

Those typo's..always good for a laugh LOLOL.

LB We won't know for certain until we see the movie :ph34r:

I'm pretty certain the guy on the pic is Barbossa though :)

Guest Barbette
  Bilgemunky said:
Based on the cover and the cast, and the fact that this title only seems to be available from foreign websites, I think odds are better than average that this is actually a retitled pirated (ahem) version of "Conquest", which is very piratey, but certainly not based on Pirates of the Caribbean.

er... not that I would know about such things.

I'm prone to agree with the Conquest theory. As I recall, Conquest was shot on location with gorgeous locations (I'm female, I notice these things!) and at least at the beginning they were on a ship. Pirates and porn... what a combo! :ph34r:

Edit - If you find the cover to Conquest and compare it to "Privates" you'll notice the same actors in the same costumes... what's it say that I had to look. LOL


not that i was seriously looking, but found a place that offers it cheaper ($9.99) than other pervious places....but you'll have to put up chinese subtitles lol

different cover too!...ohhhhh collect all three!!!!!




"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


I gaurantee you this IS just the old Conquest movie, retitled to try and squeeze a few more bucks out of it. My wife and I have Conquest and it's the same exact cast, costumes and actors. Plus Jenna doesn't even make movies anymore.

  Cap said:
  Charity said:

It's said to be with a wink to the POTC so it's not supposed to be too serious.

WHAT?!? Sacrilege! Are you impugning the Adult Film Industry by implying that these movies are not serious?

Lets not forget the fantastic music in pornos....disco may be over, but in porno the 70's survive

Bow chicka bow bow B)

I gaurantee you this IS just the old Conquest movie, retitled to try and squeeze a few more bucks out of it. My wife and I have Conquest and it's the same exact cast, costumes and actors. Plus Jenna doesn't even make movies anymore.

Yeah, but its a COLLECTOR'S item!! Throw it on the ol' DVD shelf next to the REAL PotC... Oooo! A reason to buy porn... er... :lol:


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."

Charity, you realize that we'll all be waiting with worms on our tongues (baited breath) for the review...

Sure....I"ll let you know if it's POTC based or not...LOL.. :lol:


You know what's funny about this flick? Watch in the "Sailing" scenes...the sails are completely furled the whole time, the ship is under engine power. :lol:

Coolest thing about this flick is Asia Carrera....oooo baby she's fine. And the tavern scene. Tee hee!


Ok, so since this is a serious discussion on the high quality of porn flicks and Jenna......no one mentioned Dreamquest.....now that's a funny one! Knights in chain mail and helmets but somehow lost their pants. :lol:

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.


And i thought i was the bad one ROTFLMAO...you guys seem to know a lot of them :lol:

I'm almost curious to find out about those movies LOL...


Since I like stories in m'movies...

well a big budget...with known names Malcolm McDowell, Peter O'Toole, etc. ...there is Caligula. Historical...NC17. Penthouse Video...

Understand there are some violent scenes.. :lol: those were violent times. But, they were also very ummm lusty times and the film shows it.

and I could name a few more.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

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