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On a scale of 1 to 5 how "authentic" is your pyrate garb?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1 to 5 how "authentic" is your pyrate garb?

    • 1 Period cut period materials hand sewn
    • 2 Period cut period materials hand finished
    • 3 Period cut cotton/other hand finished
    • 4 period cut cotton/other machine sewn
    • 5 looks OK cotton/other machine sewn

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well my garb so far is not very fancy but could pass as authentic, i hand sewn my trousers from an old canvas , my doublet is from an old brown light weight wool, and a muslin shirt, very basic garb at the moment, the buttons are from old themselves there off of a old royal navy coat from 1899 the coat was old and ruined so i salvaged what i could

You forgot option #6: shimmery rayon w/ sequin detailing

OK I forgot that one....... I just didn't want to give them "names" such as ... Hollywood glitz....... :lol:


Hmm, I don't fit any of those.

Cut and style is not period, I'd have probably been hung. But I do use only natural products (some sort of fear of burning and shrink wrap) , sew most things myself and aviod hot glue like the plague. :lol:

The Duchess


I shoulda posted that most of my stuff is period cut, cotton and mostly machine sewn, but some hand finishing.......

I was... (have to find where I packed it whan I moved) working on a hand sewn linen shirt......) I have the Bad habit of re-making a lot of my stuff.... example.... I have about four different pirate shirts,,,,,, keep trying to improve them..... And I want to get some linen or hemp canvas to make a good pair of pants......

Guess it's one of the things I like about playing pyrate.... I can keep making new and improved stuff......


Most of the garb I have (which isn't much admitedlly) is all hand made as I don't even have a sewing machine, alot of it out of muslin cotton - nice and breathable for hot days (also dirt cheap in the quilter's section of Jo-ann's :lol: ) Hand embroidered it too. I need to actually start working on some new shirts soon as well.


Depends... which outfit. I have garb for 12 straight days with no dupliates. Some - total authenticity, others more party pirate oriented. Depends upon the mood, the gig and what's clean at the moment.

Only hand sew things like trim on hats... the sewing machine was a great invention regardless of period, so why no use it...

The Captain

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
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  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


There needs to be a "Not authentic at all" selection. :lol:

Which, of course, would be me. Modern fabrics, machine sewn, FrayCheck on the edges of the trim, and fusible webbing to hold it on. Oh, the buttons ARE hand-sewn.

But I'm having fun, so that's what's important to me. :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


What if my pants were originally machine sewn, but after an accident aloft which ripped the seam out on one side, they were re-sewn with seine twine by hand? Maybe not exactly period in construction, but definitely period in use.

Coastie :lol:

She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail



Well I have a closet FULL of costumes, wouldn't wear the same thing twice in two weeks!

I'm with you Capt. Grey, machine sewn, 'cept for buttons. Some hand sewing on certian things.

An' if'n I can't make it and I buy it, it's machine done too.

I use to sew everything by hand until I got a sewing machine in 1989.

Rumba Rue

** ;) **


All store boought but I were it till it becomes period. If ya have seen me there ain't much garb sides linen shirt and linen pants with musketeer bucket boots. But I have fun and its O.K. ;)

To The End Of Thee World or Wherever We Happen To Spin Off

I'm off to see the elixir.

The wonderful elixir of ours.


I found the linen that I was working on, so it's back to hand sewing the shirt....

(dang.... I hate sewing the gathered parts.....)

Did a web search for linen canvas.... but most of what I found is for oil painting....... Maybe I'll check with a local lady I know about getting some hemp canvas........


I see you added a choice fer us not-so-authentic types, Patrick.

Thank'ee, mate. ;)


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


My Wench costume is as close to period as I can get with modern materials....ie mostly cotton and linen or silk...i also made my own elizabethan corsett, hand stitched, couldn't find any balene for the boning though...lol...so had to swallow autheticity and use doubled plactic boning from Joannes.

..My pirate costume is more for parades and parties with period styling (for example drop front breaches) but modern (polyester blends) for washability and glintz for the "torchlight" type parades we have here.

"Congratulations Madame, that's another town you've destroyed." William Shaw

I'm the "honest one" Jack Sparrow warned you about, honestly....Red Handed!

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