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A new ear to listen.


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Ah, Sir Crow, I have heard reference once before of a quartermaster. But it was vague, of course I'm looking into it further. Although any information resting on the minds of others that can be readily given is welcome.

As to the articles, they are the laws of the ship, are they not? If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

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:ph34r: Ahoy there Scy I am sorry that it took this long ta answere yer querry but I have been out earnin me keep . To answere yer question the Quartermaster on pyrate ship is only second in authority to the Cap'n he manages the crew and he takes care o supplies , he is also in charge of diveeing up the booty after a prize has been taken and if said prize is in any shape to be kept the quartermaster were usually took charge of said prize. like the Cap'n the quartermaster was usually elected and acted as the crew's voice and were also responsible fer settlin dissputes among the crew.

As to the ships articles they are a contract with rest of the crew that ye signed when you became a part of the crew defining the code of conduct while on board ship the articles also defined what yer share would be of any prize or booty taken . To break the articles while on board were punishible in many extreem and nasty a fashion . And a Pyrate can be most imaginative when it comes to settin things straight ... :)

Iffin ye are lookin fer information this site is a good place to start an if thee are lookin fer other sites this here crew will tell thee where to go :ph34r:

A word with thee though deary me name is only Crow sometimes Mr, Crow as I aint no royal horse ridin lubber . :ph34r:

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "

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Aye, ... Crow. I'm new in all this, and if I were new on board a ship, not knowing the ropes, then I wouldn't want to be insulting anybody. And the best way to be keeping on the good side of people, is to show them you do not think you're better than them.

Besides, tis a fun way to be jumping in outta me charater's minds.

Thank ye for the information.


And, Cap'n of the Royaliste, I'm still not quite as good in the lingo as I could be, you're post confused me to no end.


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Aye, ... Crow. I'm new in all this, and if I were new on board a ship, not knowing the ropes, then I wouldn't want to be insulting anybody. And the best way to be keeping on the good side of people, is to show them you do not think you're better than them.

Besides, tis a fun way to be jumping in outta me charater's minds.

Thank ye for the information.


And, Cap'n of the Royaliste, I'm still not quite as good in the lingo as I could be, you're post confused me to no end.


:ph34r: No insult taken Lass I were just makin sure that any folks who don't knows me don't mistake me fer a highborn lubber , what with me good looks an polished demeanor an such :ph34r: Har har har !!!

An onboard ship there aint no one better than the other that bein one o the reasons many a gentleman o fortune has gone on account. That an some of the perks.. :)

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "

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