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A new ear to listen.


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Ah, for those who think they know everything about pyracy I have a quandry.

I am but a poor, confused author of my own stories and I could use some help.

My hours of research has only given me a few ideas and a twitch.

I have browsed these topics, and will most likely spend another couple of hours reading, but I think this might be the best way for me to find what I'm looking for.

So if anyone would be kind enough to provide links and/or information on the following topics, it would greatly help me from making a fool of my self and to keep as many accuracies as I can. My preference would be to have them from the middle ages, but I'll take what I can.

~ The titles and duties of the crew of a pirate ship.

~ Types of ships, list or a link with descriptions/pictures.


Erm, well actually, if I can get as much information as possible from those two, then I should be able to find the rest myself.

But I strongly encourage for any to include any information you might find interesting.

*Reads over post* Boy do I sound cluelessly proper. *Shrug* Oh well.


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Aye, so I have seen. But so far the bits of information I have found do not go as indepth as I would like or have been found already and stored long ago.

Not to mention I already have enough characters.


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I feel as if I am being mocked.

Though the paragraph does make me wonder as to how much time was actually spent in throwing those all together.

But I must admit, it was an interesting way to introduce a small bit of the lingo.

Although I prefer the articles I found in which someone makes an attempt to track down the phrases to their origins. Of course such a task is difficult in its self in the acurracy of the age old sayings.

Maybe I should stop now, my dictionary is glaring at me. :(


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:( then you really need to be specific as to your expertise. Things like full and by, loose cannon, son of a gun, chock a block, I mean, whattya wanna know exactly??? An Able Bodied Seaman. P.S. No mockery was intended. Seaman's lingo as spoken daily. As a sea captain I'll cut and run, leavin' this to some scholarly bastard to put up the halliard.....
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Scy, one of the best ways to learn the lingo is to hang around this board a while and READ EVERYTHING. You'll find answers you didn't even know to ask, and you'll pick up the lingo pretty fast. More importantly, you'll begin to understand the psyche...honest. There are real pirates here, not just book smarts, but a practical knowledge...they've actually DONE IT.

Anyway, that's what I've found. No one here seems to mind a stupid question as long as it's fairly specific. The vague questions require broad, sweeping answers. And it's kinda like asking someone else to do the work for you...

I had similar questions when I first found this board. Then I learned to get specific pretty quick.

No one's shot me...though that might be coming any minute now. :(

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Ah, and I apologize as well.

The thing is, I only started my research... a couple of days ago, so in my view, I know very little. And I thought I was being specific, but alas it only proves my ignorance.

Eh... *twitch twicth* I'm starting to annoy myself. So, pardon any offences made, I'm done being proper.

I would like a list of ranks/ titles of the people dancing around on the deck of a pirate ship and, if possible, what their purpose is in their toothless smiles. So far I have come across several that have only proved to contradict themselves and I'm having trouble deciding which is right.

Of course, worse to worse, I'm simply going to state that it was the two centuries stuck in the middle ages that warped their minds and make up my own bloody titles. Let's ignore that fact that I still have yet to find all the jobs aboard. Are there more than the Captian, first mate, cook, surgeon (If) cabin boy and random brianless oafs *Cough* I mean crew?

As to the ships, I, so far, have found three types. Merchant, sloop, and that other one. *Starts whistling* What? Short term memory span. And all I know about them is one is big and the other is smaller. And dictionary definitions aren't helping, so If I could get either really good descriptions or pictures, then at least I could pretend to know what I'm talking about.

And about the only other thing my hours of reading useless, for the majority, slop is a few phrases and what they mean.

Anything else would be of vast interest.


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Lingo is the least of my problems. And, while I may seem proper and as if I don't belong, that's only because of my annoying trait to avoid accidentally insulting someone.

I tend to stand on the outside and observe so that I am able to write about it. Of course, I could jump in participate, but that makes it harder to observe, for me anyways.

And I am in no way trying to get people to do my work for me. I'm just posting a plea for help for those who might have a few links bookmarked or some information stored away in the backs of their minds that they might like to share.

I have, and am, spending hours on end looking this stuff up. And the lack of cooperation from my computer is getting annoying. If it weren't for the fact that I'm always stuck at home babysitting I might be tempted to walk the 50 odd miles to the nearest decent library if I had to.

The thing is, that I have found merely a few sites withholding a few bits of decent information. The rest... well if you Thought I was vague, you'd wonder if these people had ever seen the ocean.

My lack of knowledge annoys me greatly.

But my headache today is worth the one page of information I found digging through these threads. Maybe my luck will change tomorrow, but until then I'll still be here, searching.


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That's cool. Here's some links that I used to get some of the answers I was looking for. Angus McVox provided me with some of these, and I think I found some in my journeys. These are not my webpages as the link states, just a wierd thing that happened... But the links work. Hope they help you...

No Quarter Given (Buncha Pirate Stuff)

My Webpage

Pirates of the Spanish Main

My Webpage

Captain Cook stuff at National Geographic

My Webpage

Pirate Haven - Pirate Image Archive

My Webpage

Good info on what's what and where it's at on a tall ship

My Webpage

General Pirate Info

My Webpage

Tall Ship: The Lady Washington

My Webpage

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:( Here's a couple, and then I gotta put away sails. Barque- Square-rigged ship with 3 masts, and usually a riding sail on the mizzen. Brigantine(Brig)- Square-rigged ship with two masts, rear one taller. Schooner- Fore and aft rigged sails with two masts, both equal or rear larger. Ketch- Two masts, foreward larger, rear mast ahead of rudder post. Yawl- two masts foreward larger, rearward behind rudder post. Cutter- one mast, two or three foresails. Sloop-one mast, one foresail. Crew- Captain, the boss. First mate, next in charge Bosun- calls Sail and change orders on deck. Lines out crew. Not many more officers on a privateer. Zillions more on a Royal Navy rig. :(
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Ah! By a glimpse of one link I can tell that it will be of use. (If not for my story, then at least to keep me entertained)

It's hard to search for things on the internet when you don't know all the terminology.

Thank you, thank you, and three times, I thank thee.


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Ah! Exactly what I was looking for, good sir.

Thank you for you time and your effort in untagling my novice questions.

Beautiful ship, by the way. Tis a pity I live inland.


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... drive the 1000 odd miles going as fast as the hunk of junk can travel down the margin of the highways, running over a good hundred rodents and such, stopping only to pilfer some gas from a few parked cars and say to the seven corners of time with all tha' books lernin' stuff and be down there in a couple of hours?

Maybe I should stop by Starbucks first.

Scy. :ph34r:

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Thank you, TalesOfTheSevenSeas. I believe it will.


And shall I see if they have it in stock, good sir? Perhaps I should filtch a truck instead of a car...

Alas, no amount of caffiene will help me now.

Good night, an' may th' winds be at yer back as long as ye are facin' foward to the open seas.


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:) Arrgh Cap'n Gary of the Royaliste ye fergot ta mention the quarter master an his duties . And make sure that the new crew member Scy understands the ship's articles an there meanings before mark is put to parchment . I hopes ye had a good day on the water an I hope to some day sign on fer a cruise . :ph34r:

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "

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