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I mentioned before I am working on a Pirate Weekend here in South Jersey. It will be nothing so grand as some of the larger Florida Festivals, however we do some pretty decent fests here. I have attended several and some ren events, but I have never been a participant, and never really analyzed them as to what works and doesn't. So what I'm looking for is suggestions. If you have participated in one, what would you have liked to see done? If you have attended, same question. What events would you enjoy, and what have been your favorites to attend. Do vendors like to set-up at these events, as I can provide a vendor lane.

I'm also curious about copyright laws. I might want to do something I've seen done well at a previous fest, but I would not want to upset someone by re-creating it too closely. So give me your best tips and pointers. And if you would be willing to help me critique plans I am making e-mail me please, and I will e-mail you things as I go along. I have planned events before, but nothing of this magnitude. I will have to coordinate with many businesses as well as hire some. I have sent out feelers to area businesses and the response is very positive. Next I need to put it in proposal form to get the town to approve. This is the tricky part. I have to make it sound beneficial to the area businesses and give them hopes of it bringing in dollars. They will be donating the use of space/porta-a-pots, and the police and clean up, etc..


Wow, Met with the city planning comittee and the the chamber of commerce. They love the idea, and love all the suggestions for events. It has to be discussed with one other person, but they want to do it. It really looks like it's going to be a go. So, anybody with any ideas I'm still looking for input.

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