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This is along the piratical lines. The Sunday after Thanksgiving I found a cockatiel outside of my house. Now mind you I am in Maryland and it was a bit chilly that day. I had heard some bird noises from outside all morning but just chalked it up to that maybe there was a bird just outside my son's bedroom window. It wasn't until after lunch that my son wanted me to see the "bird's nest". The nest was actually the mess in my gutters that need to be cleaned.

I did happen to look down and saw a white ball. I thought it was a dove, but when I got closer I noticed the yellow on top. I ran in to tell me other half about the cockatiel. He said I should try to catch it. It didn't take long, I took about two steps and reached down. It allowed me to pick it up and I held it for about 15 minutes. Luckily our neighbor had a parakeet cage we could borrow. I placed calls to the local animal hospitals and left my name and number. I have not heard a thing. Friends of ours gave us a cage two weeks ago. My son has named the bird "Sweety Raghetti". It is a male and very friendly. I have never seen a bird want it's head rubbed so much. We now have a pet. Now all I have to do is get it's wings clipped, train it to stay on me shoulder and say "pieces of eight"..... :ph34r:

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"



way to go cheryl!!! sounds like he found you and not the other way around!

miss you guys up there, but i'm totally taken in with fla and dont miss va AT ALL! lol

hope you have a merry christmas. hugs n kisses to family

ps...if you havent alreadt, dont feed the bird a seed only diet...it is horrible (its like eating mickey ds everyday) for them. get a pelleted diet...good luck


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


What luck! Dang I've heard all about people finding parakeets, cocatiels, parrots, love birds and the sort in their yards, but I haven't had the luck. I've had a bird feeder out on my balcony for years which always draws the Wrens and the Mourning Doves, but I've never seen anything else there.

But if'n I do, you can be sure I'll try and catch it. I think my fine parrot Gilligan wouldn't mind another birdy friend to have to converse with. He'd probably teach the new bird all his best pirate lines (currently he's squawking 'Pieces of Eight') so's he can have first mate! :ph34r:

Rumba Rue

**A bird in the hand usually means poop.** :ph34r:


Cheryl, that is the way we got our latest bird, kinda. Our female had gotten out and was flying all over the apartment complex for 3 days. I gave up on trying to call her down when I got a call from some people we told about her. Needless to say she was tired of "roughing it". The next day or so, Susi got a call from the Chevy dealership nearby and told us that the found our bird. Susi told them that we already had her but she would come take a look. She sound a grey and white cockateil that still a young 'un. He came right up to her and now he and our female have 4 eggs their sitting on. Cockateils that are hand raised as chicks respond well to human touch. The true test if it loves you is they'll let you scratch under their chin and around their eyes. A true test of trust. We feed our birds seed, millet, fresh greens, and some fruit. They especially love plain mashed potatoes. Just a little will do them. Good luck with your new friend.



Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


Ahoy Cheryl (that be me sister's name too) i had me 2 double yella head amazon parrots... they used to be able to fly & walk around on their perches inside me pub... till Xena me wolf grabbed 1...i don't think she meant to kill 'er... Wench me parrot looked like she had died more of fright..although thar were a wee bit of blood...& parrots only has but a wee bit a blood in 'em...anyways...since then me other parrot Dudley still enjoys his life but is caged fer safety as Xena still has her freedom to prowl behind thee pub. Dudley talks, laughs, whistles & sings quite a bit...but he only seems to say words, phrases & sounds that he wants to... & i think it be torture to just play a loop tape by his cage fer hours so i don't go that route. Dudley eats alot of different things but loves Xena's Bisquits & peanut butter cookies but me fingers & ears thee best... he weren't hand raised like Wench & he gets a temper from time to time. Great luck wit yer new found feathered friend!



I would like to suggest that (if you haven't done so already) you contact your local SPCA and Humane Society, and also put an ad in the newspaper in your area. In my experience, folks don't seem to call the pet hospitals when they lose pets, they always check the shelters instead. Although it's great that you have a new family member, there is always the possibility that some little kid is without his favorite pet for the holidays, and is still desperately looking out there in hopes of finding it. Wouldn't that be awfully sad? There are folks out here who post every single day on Craig's List about their lost parrot, and have been doing so for over 15 months, so I know some people never give up hope. Unfortunately, cockatiels are generally seen as "disposable" pets, so more likely than not, your friend is there to stay.

You can also post information here:


I volunteer with Mickaboo, and their website is also a good place to get information on diet, especially about converting to pellets. I am one of the teachers for Mickaboo's bird care classes, so if you have any questions about your new friend, please let me know. Yes, cockatiels can be trained to talk!


"Let them eat cake. No wait, kill 'em all instead, and plunder the cake for yourself. Mmmmm, cake. . ."


Ahoy there my dear sis. Yep you be I forgot you found the bird. Tis wonderful that you did keep him. I hope that you all are enjoying him. I hope to be seeing all of you Christmas at Mom's. Oh I forgot I love the name Duncan named the bird. What an imagination. :lol:

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


years ago i found my peach faced love bird in a friends back yard, she was the best pet ever and loved to sit on my shoulder, sadly she died a few years later. it was great having her and i wish i could get another , maybe when i get my own place.


"Time Flies When Your Having RUM!!!!"

"But everyone talks with a British accent when they drink."

Stow Away on the Juryrig

Ahoy Cheryl (that be me sister's name too) i had me 2 double yella head amazon parrots... they used to be able to fly & walk around on their perches inside me pub... till Xena me wolf grabbed 1...i don't think she meant to kill 'er... Wench me parrot looked like she had died more of fright..although thar were a wee bit of blood...& parrots only has but a wee bit a blood in 'em...anyways...since then me other parrot Dudley still enjoys his life but is caged fer safety as Xena still has her freedom to prowl behind thee pub. Dudley talks, laughs, whistles & sings quite a bit...but he only seems to say words, phrases & sounds that he wants to... & i think it be torture to just play a loop tape by his cage fer hours so i don't go that route. Dudley eats alot of different things but loves Xena's Bisquits & peanut butter cookies but me fingers & ears thee best... he weren't hand raised like Wench & he gets a temper from time to time. Great luck wit yer new found feathered friend!

Sounds like what happened to me sis's little friend the dog didnt mean no harm just to bring its master a present is all. She dosnt blame him none o'corse.

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


Ahoy Cheryl,I'm Dr Wanna,(Animal's keeper),and I love my tiels.The good thing about them, is every one is different.

The best I remember is to never feed them citrus, tomatoes,onion,avacado. Don't let them near Christmas plants,(mistletoe and poinsetta),as they are deadly.Also,never give them

chocolate. They live 20-30 years!!!Happy teachin.....My Male and female says Yo-Ho.

Double Rum To All

Dr.Wanna :lol:

Dr. Ivana-Anne-Anita Sum Yung Guy

My friends call me Dr. Wanna

If you are not my friend, don't call me at all.

Ahoy Cheryl (that be me sister's name too) i had me 2 double yella head amazon parrots... they used to be able to fly & walk around on their perches inside me pub... till Xena me wolf grabbed 1...i don't think she meant to kill 'er... Wench me parrot looked like she had died more of fright..although thar were a wee bit of blood...& parrots only has but a wee bit a blood in 'em...anyways...since then me other parrot Dudley still enjoys his life but is caged fer safety as Xena still has her freedom to prowl behind thee pub. Dudley talks, laughs, whistles & sings quite a bit...but he only seems to say words, phrases & sounds that he wants to... & i think it be torture to just play a loop tape by his cage fer hours so i don't go that route. Dudley eats alot of different things but loves Xena's Bisquits & peanut butter cookies but me fingers & ears thee best... he weren't hand raised like Wench & he gets a temper from time to time. Great luck wit yer new found feathered friend!

Sounds like what happened to me sis's little friend the dog didnt mean no harm just to bring its master a present is all. She dosnt blame him none o'corse.

aye... i didn't blame Xena either... as soon as i heard Wench sqwauk, i yelled at Z to drop her & she did immediately but Wench was dead when she hit the ground... by Wenches eyes it might have been fright fer birds can be scared to death...but thar were a wee bit of blood ...so Z may have crushed her ribcage... i only blame meself fer lettin' them be in such close proxemity... :blink:


What a lucky discovery for you! Bravo on your new addition. :)


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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