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I am planning on visiting St. Augustine by the end of the year. Anyone have any recommendations on what to do and where to stay?

My lovely Brit friend Jayne moved down and is a ghost tour guide with a new tour. She's really delightful and I can't wait to take the tour. No pirate ghosts on the stops but I'm sure it's a blast.

Anyway, if anyone can help with any firsthand visits or if you live there and can give recommendations it would sure be appreciated.

I've gone on-line to find stuff but so far only touristy frou-frou kinda stuff and nothing piratical.


(Moderator Cap'n William,sir? Is this within the Port o'Call boundries? How did I do? If we say, talk about.....poodles.. in Port O'Call what would our punishment be? I won't push it though, I just need help with St.Augustine right now....) :huh:

Long Live the crew of the CrimsonPermanent Assurance!

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Morn'n Maggie

Not much Pirate'n here in St. Augustine except for special events like Drake's Raid and Searl's Raid...There is the Pirate Haus an Inn but lots of history. Go to this St. Augustine web site and have a look around.

Old City

Take a sail on The TopSail Schooner Freedom

Just North of St. Augustine, on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville is the Rattlesnake at the Maritine Heritage Foundation.

Plenty of things to do and see.

I am sure you will enjoy your visit to the Nations Oldest City.

Fair Winds


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(Moderator Cap'n William,sir? Is this within the Port o'Call boundries? How did I do? If we say, talk about.....poodles.. in Port O'Call what would our punishment be? I won't push it though, I just need help with St.Augustine right now....) :huh:

Never fear, Maggie Dear; your post is perfectly acceptable, and I am the most modest and moderate of moderators. I ask only: no obscene language, no personal threats or insults, and don't stray too far / too long off our stated topics for this Forum.

What if someone did start discussing poodles? Not a problem; if it's "oh, be sure to stop by Pierre's Poodle Palace", followed by "yeah, that's where I bought my Fifi 14 years ago." But then if we start with other posts, getting into: pictures of Fifi; discussions of poodle genetics and diseases; the use of poodles by police, etc. : I'm going to suggest that we're straying out of the Forum, and this needs to be taken offline, or into Beyond Piracy. :)

Jan and I went to St. Augustine a couple of years back: we both absolutely loved the place! There's the fort; the schooner; and a great little weapons museum (didn't interest Jan, did me). We stayed at a little bed and breakfast right on the river; don't remember a bad meal, either. And by all means, get to the Spanish Village: it was both of our favorites! They even had a bloke singing sea songs in the cantina at night!

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

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Thanks for the info! I really appreciate it. I mentioned the oldest city in the worls thing to my brother and he got all bent outta shape because he used to live in Santa Fe, New Mexico and says that they say they're the oldest. Apparently, it's been a long standing argument twixt the two cities.

Anyway, appreciate the info and will let y'all know about the trip.

Thanks again!

Long Live the crew of the CrimsonPermanent Assurance!

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And Menendez' rapier has been preserved at the fort.

I can't too-highly recommend a visit there. Jan and I started to seriously consider moving there when we retire; we were distressed to hear that property values there are skyrocketing. :ph34r:

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

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Oldest continuously occupied city? In what region? From what I can tell, it's the oldest in the US, but not in North America (as some websites claim). North America's honors go to St. John's, Newfoundland, inhabited since 1528. Just disambiguating a little bit.

I think the actual honor for St. Augustine is "oldest occupied city (by Europeans) in the territory now known as the US".

Ah, the Anasazi. Ruins all over the place round these parts.

I'd love to make it to St. Augustine someday. Sounds like a fascinating place.

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Aye, Cap'n... too many yups indeed. Luckily we're up in the mountains east o' town (on the side of Monte Sol, not far from Museum Hill, if anyone's familiar with the city of Santa Fe).

Luckily for you, you moved to Sausalito, away from any trace of yuppies or rich snobs, right? ;)

Not quite, amigo! I be 500 yards offshore and a whole world away from Sausalito!..Otherwise, you wouldn't catch me dead in town!...The two groups mentioned don't even recognise that there are 7,000 of us anchored here!

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Check out the fort on Saturday or Sunday and watch me fire the cannon with the gun crew. I am a volunteer.

4 times usually a day.

6 pounder on a garrison carriage

5 person Gun crew decked out in Spanish early 1700 frocks and breeches.

Contact the fort by phone and sign up for

2 day Cannon school or Musket school. Learn to fire both free on the national park service.

Run a search for Castillo de san marcos


Call and ask for Joe Brehm

or come down dec 4th for British nightwatch

We will be in the spanish quarter with full camp of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment " The Black Watch"

Lots to see : Drills on the fort green. Musket firings. and Night time parade and Musket discharge downtown. Mayor dressed as British Governor speaking to townspeople. Good time for all.


42nd RHR East florida



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As a Santa Fean, I'll say we're old (early 1600s) but not as old as St. Augustine or St. John's, NF. Oldest capital city, and oldest city west of the Mississippi River.

I am very familiar with Santa Fe. Me brother used to live in El Rancho.That be north past Tesuke (spelling?) near the Black Mesa and Espanola. Me uncle worked at Los Alamos until it became too concentrated on weapons and not research fer other things like new sources of energy and medical research.

Is the Woolworth's still in the town square? We used to go there for the cheap-o Fritos/chili combo.

I liked it out there but you're right about the yups...this was the late 1980's and I can't imagine what it's like now...heard Taos was going the same way....

Keep yer powder dry!

Long Live the crew of the CrimsonPermanent Assurance!

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Will the cannon and musket schools be held on December 4, Crimson? ^_^

I'm learning cannon drill with the Park Service here in preparation for the Battle of New Orleans reenactment in January.

Have a smoothbore pistol and shoulder piece here that I Have yet to try out.

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

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Check out the fort on Saturday or Sunday and watch me fire the cannon with the gun crew. I am a volunteer....

Run a search for Castillo de san marcos


I'll check that out that link when I get a chance, but I'm curious, do you know if they ever do any re-enactments of Gov Moore's 1702 attack on the fort?

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The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

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Sorry Guys,

Been on other boards lately.

Cannon was probably in November 2 weeks ago.

Musket is in the spring. maybe another cannon school.

Web site not updated NPS cut funding and let webmaster go.

Call Joe brehm on the link. He is black powder ranger in charge.

They just did nov 13 a spanish / reenactment.

Can t remeber which one., gulp, grog lapse.

Recreated the seige of town , where the townspeople were brought into the fort.

march is drakes raid.

look up historic florida militia website for events. and groups in florida.

Sorry, been to savannah 225 october and camden nov. would like to have done nov13 , but burned out.


42nd RHR "black watch"

Pirate to heart.

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