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Hi there,

my name is Sarah or Mary Sue Phonix (me pirate lass name). I went to the Kanasas City Ren Fest this year for me second time in a row and I had a lot of fun. But sadly I could not spend a lot of money or time on making a costume ahead of time since. I am planning on goin to two anime convention later this year, as well as a few family trips. lol so money is kind of short sometimes at my house. So I had to use somethings from my house and go dressed up as a Hobbit.

And even though I really liked my costume and had lots of fun playing the act. I still couldn't help but feel slightly jelous when I saw other people with their had made outfits that looked so amazing looking. So I wanted to get some advise on how I could make a really good looking outfit for Ren Fest (ahead of time) lol without spending an arm and a leg making the thing.

What I was really wanting to try and make my self was somthing like a wench outfit (lol let see if I can to explain this from my minds eye): a white poofy shirt on the top part low cut (of course with clevage) a courset like bodice on the outside...helping mak the celvage..lobl maybe a black color I would say, and a light brown dress that goes just a little above the ankles.

Well thats what I would like to try and make if you guys have any better outfit suggestions please tell me them. Also if would help at all I can try and see if I can get a casual picture of my self up here..

maybe that will help for visual aid anyway I would really apricate it if I could get some help thank you



i tend to get a kit piece by piece over ebay or from fabric stores and such.

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


Yeah that sound like an awsume idea...thats kind of what I was planning to do in the frist place. I figured making a good portion of the outfit would be a big time money saver lol which is always good.

Now I found a place online that I found a pattern for a bodice for like 10 bucks (lol maybe its just me but I thought that sounded like a pretty good deal) The place I found it is called AlterYears.com (if anyone on here know places that offer any better deals then that please feel free to tell me.)

Also if anyone know places online or top name brand pattern people that would have patterns on how to make those big white poofy shirts..and maybe skirt patters it would be nice if you guys could give me the names..or better yet the links to the web sites if an they happen to have web sites.

lol and just to seem anoying I guess, I am stll going to put up a help full picture of my self and if I can do this in a timely fashion...I am going to try and make a sketch of the outfit I am going for..for next year at Ren Fest.


Try Simplicity, McCall's, and Buttericks patterns. They're not historically accurate, but are good if you're just looking for something to wear to the faire. Simplicity #9966 looks like about what you're wanting. You can look at it on their website www.simplicity.com.

And if you have a Jo-Ann Fabrics near you, they regularly have specials on these patterns for 99 cents.

Also, you might want to move this topic to the "Plunder" section. You'll probably get a lot more suggestions.


Broadside, his mark :ph34r:

Every normal person must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats! - Lucanus

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