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While reading Villains of all Nations, I came across this, and thought I'd share it here.

"One of the witnesses against Bonny and Read was Dorothy Thomas, who had been captured and made prisoner by Rackam's crew. She claimed that the women 'wore Mens Jackets, and long Trouzers, and Handkerchiefs tied about their Heads, and that each of them had a Machet[e] and Pistol in their Hands."

Pretty neat description. I especially like the "handkerchiefs tied about their heads" part. It sounds so cliche.


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Nonetheless that's taken from court transcripts which is very good primary source documents. It's really typical sailors garb from the period. Sailors just wore kercheifs around thier heads. It just odd at that time for women to do so which why it stood out in Dorothy Thomas's head.

A note the first edition of the General History of Pirates had an illustration showing Bonny & Read in pretty much what was discribed in the court transcripts. In subsequent editions the girls were "sexed-up'n their male attire.


Cliché? Yes. But that’s still a great reference description for either sex. I really like the machete and pistol in hand bit. Very cool, so romantic.

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