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DEADMEN- Tell No Tales Issue 1 Cover!!!

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Here she be, mateys!!

Issue 1's beautiful cover by the black dog Breehn Burns!!! I hope ye like it!! Ye can also find much more info about the book at www.deadlightstudios.com 's forum!!

Hope to see ye there!! :)


Dwight L. MacPherson

Creator/Author Arcana Studio's DEADMEN Tell No Tales

CEO Deadlight Studios



DEADMEN Tell No Tales limited setting sail this summer from Arcana Studio


such beauty before mine eyes

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


I'm so glad ye like it!!

This book is going to be a four issue mini-series in full color.

Release tentatively scheduled for January 2005.

Dwight L. MacPherson

Creator/Author Arcana Studio's DEADMEN Tell No Tales

CEO Deadlight Studios



DEADMEN Tell No Tales limited setting sail this summer from Arcana Studio


If you look in the dictionary under "comic publishers," you will find the words "slow," and "noncommittal."

But we've gotten through the initial waiting time and are now in the secondary waiting time. :ph34r::ph34r:

Dwight L. MacPherson

Creator/Author Arcana Studio's DEADMEN Tell No Tales

CEO Deadlight Studios



DEADMEN Tell No Tales limited setting sail this summer from Arcana Studio


Hmmmm... something looks very familiar about that.... Pyrate.


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Bess, you knew that pirate??!! :huh:

Capt. Z: either pastel or Photo Shop. It is totally amazing what they can do with Photo Shop nowadays!!!

Dwight L. MacPherson

Creator/Author Arcana Studio's DEADMEN Tell No Tales

CEO Deadlight Studios



DEADMEN Tell No Tales limited setting sail this summer from Arcana Studio

  blackbeards_ghost said:
Bess, you knew that pirate??!! ;)

Aye!! :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  • 2 months later...

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