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Introduction to Shadylady (aka Mary Read)


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Ahoy mates,

Tis Mary Read returnin' from me lonely gravesite aft bein' snuffed out whiles in the gaol fur crimes not a me hand. I be dead but me spirit dinna rest til I find me love and reunite. I tried ta register me birth but no go - I was borned in 1684 and some say i died an untimely death on April 28, 1721. I says they all be wrong. I only knows I am right here inhabitnin' this sorry excuse of a body. I'll be pokin my head in from time to time to see if times have changed. When I find me ship I'll be hittin' the seas but will always be back on shore fur some good home cookin.


Mary aka Shadylady


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Aye I to be a newbie and we realized we slipped on the bloody deck and posted this in the wrong spot! I, like ole Mary over der tis a wee bit on the crusty side of Davy Jones Locker! Once we get thee salt from our eye we shall figure this out! I think a barrel of grog shall open our eyes! :D Love the website and look forward to reading more postings!

Mary's Quartermaster Wizzy..AKA Anne Bonney... :lol:

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ahoy to ya both...I must admit...been a bit lax on ta greet'ns here of late...'nd to those tat I've missed, I do apologize...so although tis ta way here fer a newbie to buy ta first round...might I offer to do it fer ye 'nd any other newbies near abouts...

tell ta cyber tarven keep to keep popp'n ta kegs fer ya...'nd have a good eve to ya all.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

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