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In the Raids forum a few weeks ago, I posted about my crew, the Pirate Brethren of Texas, attending bingo at a gay bar in Dallas(in specific the Throckmorton Mining Company bar). Unfortunately, due to conditions beyond our control, Bingo got cancelled, permanantly.

My crew has been asked by the managers to come up with some interesting ideas to take the place of Bingo and a thought was to create a "Pirate night" once a month on a Tuesday night. We came up with many ideas, ranging from having the opportunity of bar patrons to be put into pirate garb and have their photo taken as a pirate to a murder mystery theater event(which was one of the manager's idea).

After discussion between crew members we came to the conclusion that a story about someone being murdered may not work too well in a gay bar, so we are altering that idea to just a "Mystery Theater", with the storyline of some pirate has told of the crew's buried treasure which has been found and dug up. The bar patrons would have to approach various pirates and ask them what they know about the missing treasure. The pirates can improvise what they want to do (I've suggested having someone do a little arm wrestling with the patron to win the information) leading up to specific information they have.) It would all end with a confrontation between the culprit and the Captain, possibly with a small fight (using boffer swords). More information is available upon request for what we're going to be doing with this.

This is where the call for help comes in. We are in need of any pirate in the state of Texas (preferably in Dallas) who may be able to help us with this storyline that we're working on. Interested pirates do not necessarily have to be gay(although it's a plus), but should be open to conversing with gay men in a bar, and should be prepared to be "hit on" by bar patrons. Interested pirates do not have to join the pirate crew(They could be cast as pirates from other crews that know information).

The storyline is still in the works stage and once the storyline is ready, the entire idea has to be approved by the bar management. We're just, at present, just looking for anyone who might be able to help us out. My goal is to have a total of 9 pirates as "cast" of the show: Me(The captain), and 8 other pirates who will be suspects in the mystery. More information will be posted as the concept develops, and if things do go well, this may occur on a quarterly basis. (Would be overkill to do it on a monthly basis.) Those cast will need to be prepared to dress more along the Hollywood stereotype(our current plan for the casting has at least 6 of the 8 pirates either barechested or barechested with a vest). As more information becomes available, I will post it here. And if anyone wants me to keep them in mind, send me a message via this board and I'll let those interested know when the time comes.

Morick Towain

Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas

Morick Towain

IBoRP #116

Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas

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