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Heres hoping all our Florida mateys are safe and well in the aftermath of Charlie. Heres hoping that their homes are still livable and ships of all crews, still sailable. Lady Elaina, Kendra The Sea Maid, Paisley, and all Florida pirates, please post here so we may know that you are alright. May you all be blessed with God's graces in this time of recovery down there.

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>


My prayers are with those of Florida also that all are safe and sound. As soon as I heard the news about the storm hitting I immediately thought of Pasiley and the others. May Abba keep them from harm.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


i'm getting this alittle late, but just wanted to thank you guys for thinkin of me/us....my first week in florida was certainly NOT BORING!

i ended up getting nothing of charley but a few sprinkles of rain, but the next day...


rain so hard you couldn't see, floods warnings all over the place, and 6 tornado warnings in the tampa area. one was spotted a mile away from the house. i have not heard of any damage.

my blessings go out to punta gorda....they got it really bad. if i had someone to watch my dogs, i wouldv'e helped down there


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


Yeah....I'm cool. No major damage here on the island, even though we had 8-15 foot waves compared to the normal 2-4 footers we get. I so wanted to go out and get into that.....the dang hurricane was 3 miles off our beach, so I had a little bit of sea room.



  • 2 weeks later...

Aye, we came through Charley alright. I emailed Jamaica Rose earlier, and have ben preoccupied as not to have much time to visit the Pub here.

Here be a recap, from a post to NQG on the 17th:

My very first hurricane, and a Cat4 to boot!YEEEEEEHAAAAAAW!!!!!

My new nickname is "Stormbringer".What an incredible storm! The light

show was freakin' awesome! There were huge flashes of blue and green

light in the sky. There is much arguing over whether it was lightning

(the temperature of the lightning determines the color) or power

transformers blowing. About one every minute. It was incredible.

Hurricane (Robb) wrote a quick song about Hurricane Charley. He and I

played it over the phone to Diosa, who recorded it and it went out to

over 1,000 stations nationwide. lol - we were billed as "two guys with

nothing better to do during a hurricane."

The eye of the hurricane passed right through us. It was freaky - the

wind was howling, and trees were snapping like toothpicks, then all of a

sudden it got real quiet. Then the frogs started back up, and I realized

that there had been no animal sounds since about 1:30 pm (and there are

LOTS of animal noises around here, constantly.) Whoa.....

We just got power restored a couple hours ago (ugh. Four days.) I have

been spending all my time at the local coffee shop and pub, since they

have electricity, air conditioning, and will let me set up my laptop and

hang out. They have both been really great about it. All our food went

bad, we had to dump everything that was in the refrigerator, which

wasn't much for me, but throwing out food still sucks. Well, I got a lot

of email to plough through, so I will get back to it.Ciao!


Ah, the excitement.

Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


as of 9:45pm on thur, i'm doing great!

they already closed the schools here (pasco county), and the last update was she is headed right towards us...

i guess charley told her where we were.

they are saying we are going to get tropical storm winds w/ hurricane gusts and flooding, not hurricane force winds.

my prayers are with all pirates on the east coast

my house is still open if needed


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


I have relatives in all of St. Augustine which is northern FL. This is the latest from me pap:

"Listened to the news this morning and the hurricane has been downgraded to a category 3 vice 4, as before, and has slowed down to about 9 miles per hour. It is not projected to hit southern Florida until tomorrow afternoon - this is a change from the previous estimate."

All my prayers to everyone in FL.

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day

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