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Pirate Guys Book Release

Cap'n Slappy

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Yo Ho! The Scurvy Dogs what brought International Talk Like a Pirate Day into bein' have a book out and we think it's bound to produce a wave o' belly laughs. Ol' Chumbucket and meself proudly announce the release o' our first book: "Well Blow Me Down: A Guy's Guide to Talkling Like a Pirate."

Since our idea o' research involves more beer and pizza than actually lookin' stuff up - it won't be all that useful to the serious academic. However, it will give ye plenty o' laughs and pointers on developin' yer "pirattitude."

Anywho, it's available on our website www.talklikeapirate.com and perhaps soon to a bookstore near ye!

This week we are guests o' the Seafair Pirates in Seattle (me home town) and havin' a great time. If ye are in the area - come see us at the Pirate's Plunder (on the waterfront) for a book signin' today (July 30th) from 2-3pm or see us in The Torchlight Parade!

Now, back to my silliness already in progress.

Cap'n Slappy

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Ahoy Cap'n Slappy!

I'll be sure t'order me copy from yer fine site.

I be spreadin' the word about "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Saturday, September 19th) and will be makin' buttons fer the occasion. Since it be on a Saturday this year I'll be havin' me own Pirate Party fer me mates!



Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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Ahoy Cap'n Slappy!

I'll be sure t'order me copy from yer fine site.

I be spreadin' the word about "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Saturday, September 19th) and will be makin' buttons fer the occasion. Since it be on a Saturday this year I'll be havin' me own Pirate Party fer me mates!


That's great! However, make sure yer party goes into Sunday morning, because the 19th lands on Sunday this year. But we're encouragin' everyone to make it a "Talk Like a Pirate Day Weekend!"



Cap'n Slappy

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