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Life donna' get much better than this, me t'inks. :huh:

Privateer & Commander of "Finnegan's Wake"

Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a strigh air cridh an duine ghlic, ach comhnaichdh i an amadain.

(Anger may look in on a wise man's heart, but it abides in the heart of a fool.)

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Guest SirenSong

*Comes from the house licking choclate syrup from her fingers to see Christine dancing with Laura. Grabs the hershey bottle and tilts it up to pour the choclate on her tongue then sprawls in a chair poolside to watch the goings on.* Beware lads. That be a sirens dance to be sure.. :huh: You might get into trouble with that one..Christine perhaps you should try latin or even the bellydance. I do believe there are costumes with transparent veils about somewhere.

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Aye Siren, bellydancing be a fine dance. I do believe I have me old costume around here somewhere... ::hops off the table and begins searching her back for her black and gold costume, happy to have the chance to once again dance in it::

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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An idea came to mind to make up this post. I'm sure the gents will try and crash this. Steal our bloomers and all that craziness-lol! But anyway, let's have at it ladies! PILLOW FIGHT!!!!! :huh:

Actually I was trying to find a ladder so I could copy what John Belushi did in Animal House.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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::grins down at Christine and waves her black veil in her direction:: No problem by me, I'm enjoy this, haven't done this dance in monthes.

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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Guest SirenSong

Christine m'love im not dancing..But I can shimmy me hips just fine. *winks* I dont think m'brother wold be too impressed to see his sister half dressed and dancin just so. ;) Even though we are not blood related..But I am feeling restless..Be it the full moon again? ;)

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::puts her veil away and plops down in a chair, grabbing a mug of rum on the way down:: Whoo, I'm all danced out!

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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Sighs heavily, refilling tankard. All good t'ings must be endin' sooner er later. Doffs hat with a sweeping bow. Twas a gran' sight to see, lass's, an' me t'anks to ye are boundless, fer true. Ye Tigress's play nice now......Seems I be hearin' a hailin' from me ol' barstool down at the Pub. Sly grin. Would be a wee rude o' me to be ignorin' such a call o' distress, donna' ye know. Replaces hat with a nod. A fine day to ye, me bonny gerls! Winks then departs for the Pub.

Privateer & Commander of "Finnegan's Wake"

Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a strigh air cridh an duine ghlic, ach comhnaichdh i an amadain.

(Anger may look in on a wise man's heart, but it abides in the heart of a fool.)

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Ah, but only for now m' dear crimson. This kind of thing happens quite a bit around here. There's bound to be another show fairly soon. But thank ye for stopping by, you've been a lovely audience member! :)

BTW, hope ye been having luck getting up a profile pic. Photobucket should work well for ya. Best of luck to ye! ;)

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Actually I was trying to find a ladder so I could copy what John Belushi did in Animal House.

And eventually fall over and sprain his... peg leg? :o

steps onto the table with her zills in place, then does a slow hip shimmy in her gypsy garb..

Merry in her jinglies

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Ya know I was being careful not to imitate the falling part until you had to show that pic. Like I said, was. There went my back again and my diet pepsi.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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Guest SirenSong

*Goes to change and comes back in teal and silver veils.* Raises her arms over her head and slowly begans to shimmy then bends over backwards beofre genie bouncing the length of the pool. A couple of chest pushes and hip thrusts then back to the shimmy.... :P

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*ker-THUMP, ker-THUMP, ker-THUMP... Morgan limps in to see the Mayhem*

Ahhhh... its nice to see thiings don't change!


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."

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  • 3 months later...


Go put on both yer boots

I said, Pyrate

And go have a few toots

You know, Pyrates

Be a breed all their own

There's no way...to...keep...them...down...

It's fun to play in the

Wild Spanish Main


(Coins??? I don't go down fer pennies, ya know...LOL)

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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